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Where Can I Be Tested For Chlamydia

Discuss Your Risk Factors

“Chlamydia Information: Testing, Symptoms and Treatment” by

Its also important to share your sexual risk factors with your doctor. In particular, you should always tell them if you engage in anal sex.

Some anal STIs cant be detected using standard STI tests. Your doctor might recommend an anal Pap smear to screen for precancerous or cancerous cells, which are linked to the human papillomavirus .

You should also tell your doctor about:

  • the types of protection you use during oral, vaginal, and anal sex
  • any medications youre taking

Why Is Testing For Genital Herpes Only Recommended For People Who Have Symptoms

CDC recommends herpes testing for people who have genital symptoms for herpes to confirm that they are infected. These events are called having an outbreak, and they appear as blisters on or around the genitals, rectum, or mouth. The blisters break and leave painful sores that may take weeks to heal. Testing allows a doctor to talk with you about what to expect in the future, which medications are available to help manage any symptoms, and how you can lower your risk of spreading the infection to your sex partner.

If you have a partner with genital herpes, testing can tell if you also have the virus. If you are not infected, your doctor can talk to you about ways to lower your risk of getting genital herpes. If you are a pregnant woman and have a partner with genital herpes, it is very important to get tested. If you get genital herpes during pregnancy your baby could also become infected. Herpes infections in babies can be life-threatening. If you are infected, your doctor will talk to you about your diagnosis and the possible symptoms of genital herpes. In addition, herpes blood testing may be useful if you are seeking a complete STD exam, especially if you have multiple sex partners.

Stds With Few Or No Symptoms

Its important to keep in mind, though, that symptoms arent always a good measure of determining whether you or your partner has an STD. Many sexually transmitted diseases can remain asymptomatic for years. In other words, there are no noticeable signs of infection.

Furthermore, it is possible for someone to have no STD symptoms at all and still be contagiousthis includes STDs from gonorrhea and chlamydia to herpes and HIV. Thats why theres no substitute for regular screening.

A lack of symptoms is no guarantee that you dont have an STD. You may be infected and able to transmit the disease to any partners.

Read Also: What If I Test Positive For Chlamydia

Almost Everyone Needs Tested

If youre sexually active and not in a long-term relationship, you should be tested for STDs on a regular basis. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers this general testing guide:

  • Everyone 13 to 64: At least once for HIV.
  • Sexually active women under 25: Yearly for chlamydia and gonorrhea.
  • All pregnant women: Tested for syphilis, HIV and hepatitis B
  • All women in at-risk pregnancies: Tested for chlamydia and gonorrhea.
  • Those having unprotected sex or sharing needles: Yearly for HIV.

Also, sexually active bisexual or gay men should get frequent tests for HIV, up to every 3-6 months, and yearly tests for syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea.

How Does A Chlamydia And Gonorrhea Test Work

Medical Chlamydia Rapid Test

Screening for chlamydia and gonorrhea can be done at home or at a clinic. A sample of urine is typically sent to a laboratory, which checks the urine for chlamydia and gonorrhea DNA. If you are using the Everlywell at-home test, youâll receive secure, online results just a few days after the lab receives your sample.

Learn more:How to test for gonorrhea

Read Also: What Medicine Treats Gonorrhea And Chlamydia

Testing For Stds: No Swabs Just Urine Or Blood Samples

Sexually transmitted diseases and infections are common, especially among young people between ages 15 and 24, who account for a quarter of the US population who has sex, but this age group makes up half of all STD cases in America. Many of these individuals do not know what STD testing entails or that they can get tested for STDs by providing a small urine or blood sample. Blood and urine STD tests are just as accurate as swabs, so many people are turning to for STD testing. All of our STD tests can be performed via urine or blood sample. In fact, most STD tests take only a few minutes to complete.

Secure and Confidential

Many people become infected with STDs because they simply do not know how to prevent and avoid contracting them. Did you know that some STDs, like chlamydia and gonorrhea, can remain in the body for weeks, months and even years without showing symptoms? You can pass it along to your partner without ever realizing you have the infection yourself. That is why it is important to get tested for STDs even if you are not showing any symptoms.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all sexually active young adults get tested at least once a year for HIV, syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. Regardless of age, if you are sexually active, it is important that you get tested for STDs on a regular basis.

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What Are Std Symptoms And When Do They Usually Happen

Women usually dont have STD symptoms that prompt them to get tested when an STD is detected its typically because a woman has been screened based on her reporting of sexual activity. If symptoms do appear, they may take a few weeks to develop. In addition, STD symptoms can be difficult to tell apart from those of a urinary tract infection or bacterial vaginosis.

  • Bleeding from the vagina that is not normal

  • Pain deep inside during sex

  • Sores, bumps, or blisters in the vagina, anus, or mouth

  • Burning and pain with urine or with bowel movements

  • Having to go to the bathroom often

Until after the pandemic emergency response is over, the CDC has advised that women with symptoms should be prioritized for testing and treatment and that routine screening should be postponed. But women without symptoms still have options for testing and can seek treatment if they test positive for an STD.

STD symptoms for men can vary, and some infections dont cause external symptoms. For STDs like gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia, symptoms can include:

  • Painful urination

  • Swollen lymph nodes in the groin

Recommended Reading: Rapid Test For Gonorrhea And Chlamydia

What Happens If I Test Positive

If you test positive, instruction will be provided on how to obtain a free telemedicine consultation with a physician in your state. This physician may be able to prescribe treatment for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea or Trich. Depending on the infection, you may also need to retest after treatment to confirm the infection is gone.

It is crucial that you inform your sexual partners of your test results, whether theyre positive or negative. Sharing this information will help stop the spread of any infection and will allow your partners to seek testing and treatment immediately if necessary.

Keep testing. Just because youve tested once does not mean that you shouldnt test again. In fact, its common to get infected with certain STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea, multiple times. myLAB Box recommends that you test every few months, especially if youve received a positive result in the past.

Who Should Get Tested For Chlamydia

5 Things Your Doctor Needs You To Know About Chlamydia

We recommend getting tested for chlamydia if you:

  • Have had sex with an infected partner
  • Have had unprotected oral, vaginal, or anal sex
  • Have new or multiple sex partners
  • Want to check your status
  • Are entering a new relationship

How Often Should You Get Tested?

If you believe you may have been exposed to chlamydia, you should get tested. Because certain people are at higher risk of getting chlamydia, the CDC recommends at least yearly testing for the following groups:

  • Sexually active women under 25
  • Women with risk factors like new or multiple sex partners
  • Men who have sex with men

Pregnant women should test for chlamydia during their first prenatal visit and again during the third trimester if they are under 25 or have risk factors.1

Getting tested regularly for chlamydia and other common sexually transmitted diseases is important. Untreated chlamydia infection can cause serious health complications like:

  • Infertility
  • Increased risk of contracting other sexually transmitted infections such as HIV, if exposed

What Should You Do If You Test Positive?

We understand how stressful testing positive can be. The good news is that chlamydia is curable and, if caught early, it wont cause lasting health problems. You should also discuss your status with your sexual partner so they can get tested and treated.

Recommended Reading: After You Get Treated For Chlamydia

Recommended Reading: Can You Treat Chlamydia Naturally

Responses To Std Testing How To Where Privacy And Cost

  • Nancy

    Thank you so much for your help!Can I just go to the test location and pay for the test there?

  • It was simply excellent, Three day turnaround, electronic convenience for getting results and ordering tests, and no wait time at the lab either. I was in and out within 10 minutes.

    Thanks for posting this!

  • Finding A Chlamydia Test Near Me

    There are two options for getting tested for chlamydia visiting a lab/clinic or testing yourself at home with a special kit. However, getting tested through a lab is recommended as the healthcare workers have a better idea of how to handle the swab samples and how to test them for other types of infections. Through STD Testing Now,you can easily find the best and most convenient testing lab center where you can walk in and get started with the test. Have no fear of the stigma surrounding STD tests as the lab workers follow and operate under strict confidentiality rules and protocols. They maintain the patients anonymity and privacy, ensuring that the tests are done securely. If you choose to do the tests at home, you can get a doctors consultation in case of a positive result.

    In 2018 alone, there were four million infections from chlamydia alone. These staggering numbers keep rising as time goes by. With the growing population, STDs are more prevalent than ever, giving sexually active people a solid reason to get tested regularly. STD tests will help you get on the safer side by giving access to treatments and medications if theres a positive result. It will also ensure the safety of you and the people in your life. The first step to living a healthier and safer lifestyle is getting tested for STDs.

    Don’t Miss: What To Take For Chlamydia

    Are Test Results Accurate

    Although chlamydia testing is an important method of finding and treating this common STD, test results could be impacted by the following:

    • The use of antibiotics within several days before testing
    • Urinating within one hour of sample collection
    • Vaginal douching within 24 hours of testing
    • Improper sample collection
    • Contamination of rectal samples with fecal matter

    What Are The Symptoms Of Chlamydia

    Chlamydia Symptoms, Causes, Home Remedies and Prevention

    Chlamydia is known as a silent infection because most infected people are asymptomatic and lack abnormal physical examination findings. Estimates of the proportion of chlamydia-infected people who develop symptoms vary by setting and study methodology two published studies that incorporated modeling techniques to address limitations of point prevalence surveys estimated that only about 10% of men and 5-30% of women with laboratory-confirmed chlamydial infection develop symptoms.21.22 The incubation period of chlamydia is poorly defined. However, given the relatively slow replication cycle of the organism, symptoms may not appear until several weeks after exposure in those persons who develop symptoms.

    In women, the bacteria initially infect the cervix, where the infection may cause signs and symptoms of cervicitis , and sometimes the urethra, which may result in signs and symptoms of urethritis . Infection can spread from the cervix to the upper reproductive tract , causing pelvic inflammatory disease , which may be asymptomatic 23 or acute, with typical symptoms of abdominal and/or pelvic pain, along with signs of cervical motion tenderness, and uterine or adnexal tenderness on examination.

    Men who are symptomatic typically have urethritis, with a mucoid or watery urethral discharge and dysuria. A minority of infected men develop epididymitis , presenting with unilateral testicular pain, tenderness, and swelling.24

    You May Like: How To Screen For Chlamydia

    How Easily Is Chlamydia Transmitted During Sexual Intercourse

    Unfortunately, chlamydia is very easily transmitted through unprotected sexual contact. This is especially true because chlamydia infections are sometimes asymptomaticâmeaning they donât cause noticeable symptoms.

    In fact, any time you come in contact with the bacteriaâeven if your sex partner doesnât ejaculate or you arenât fully penetratedâyou could become infected or pass along the chlamydial infection. This being the case, men and women should get tested for STIs before beginning any new sexual relationship.

    Also Check: Can I Get Tested For Chlamydia A Week After Treatment

    How Soon Can Chlamydia Be Detected

    Chlamydia is a common STD that can infect both males and females. It can create serious, irreversible damages to a womans reproductive system. How Soon Can Chlamydia Be Detected

    This can make it difficult or difficult for her to obtain pregnant later. Chlamydia can also trigger a potentially fatal ectopic maternity a maternity that happens outside the womb.

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    What Is Being Tested

    Chlamydia is one of the most common bacterial sexually transmitted diseases in the United States and can cause serious complications if not treated. Chlamydia testing identifies the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis as the cause of your infection.

    The preferred method for chlamydia testing is the nucleic acid amplification test that detects the genetic material of Chlamydia trachomatis. It is generally more sensitive and specific than other chlamydia tests and can be performed on a vaginal swab on women or urine from both men and women, which eliminates the need for a pelvic exam in women.

    Screening for, diagnosing, and treating chlamydia is very important in preventing long-term complications and spread of the infection to others. Chlamydia infections are especially common among people 15 to 24 years of age. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 2.86 million Americans are infected with chlamydia each year and notes that women are frequently re-infected if their partners dont get treatment. The actual number of cases may be higher since many people do not experience any symptoms and do not get tested and diagnosed. Still, over one million new cases are reported each year.

    Chlamydia is generally spread through sexual contact with an infected partner. Risk factors include having multiple sex partners, infection with another STD at the same time or previous STD infection, and not using a condom correctly and consistently.

  • Long-term pelvic pain
  • How Can I Protect Myself From Chlamydia

    What are the most common STIs/STDs and their symptoms? Getting tested fast, at home.

    The best way to prevent getting chlamydia and other STIs is to have safe sex.

    • use a condom every time you have vaginal, oral or anal sex
    • don’t have sex with someone who knows they have chlamydia, even with a condom, until after they have completed their treatment
    • have regular testing if you are at risk of STIs

    Also Check: When Can I Get Tested For Chlamydia

    Chlamydia Symptoms In Ladies How Soon Can Chlamydia Be Detected

    Chlamydia is usually known as the silent infection. Thats due to the fact that people with chlamydia might not experience signs in all.

    If a female agreements the STI, it might take numerous weeks before any kind of signs and symptoms show up.

    Several of the most common signs and symptoms of chlamydia in ladies consist of:

    • painful sexual intercourse
    • discomfort in the reduced abdominal area
    • inflammation of the cervix
    • hemorrhaging in between durations

    In some women, the infection can infect the fallopian tubes, which may cause a problem called pelvic inflammatory disease .

    What Stis Should People Test For

    Typically, sexual health clinics test for the more common STIs, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. If people know that a previous partner has tested positive for a specific STI, it is advisable to get tested for the same STI. A person can also discuss their sexual and STI testing history with a healthcare provider, who can offer help and suggestions about appropriate tests.

    To get a reliable test result, people should perform the test within a specific timeframe after exposure due to incubation periods. Below are some common STIs and their

    notes that at-home testing kits are becoming more available and are likely to contribute to higher rates of testing and treatments.

    Individuals have many options for STI testing, some of which include:

    Don’t Miss: How Can You Get Chlamydia Without Being Sexually Active

    Where Can I Get Tested For Chlamydia

    You can get tested for chlamydia and other STDs at your doctors office, a community health clinic, the health department, or your local Planned Parenthood health center. In some states, you can do an online visit and take a chlamydia test at home.

    STD testing isnt always part of your regular checkup or gynecologist exam you have to ask for it. Be open and honest with your nurse or doctor so they can help you figure out which tests you may need. Dont be embarrassed: Your doctor is there to help, not to judge.

    When Do Stis Show In Tests

    Chlamydia Signs in Throat &  Mouth

    The window period is the length of time it can take between catching an infection and when it will show in a test. The window period for the most common STI tests are:

    • Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea Up to 2 weeks
    • HIV 45 days or 90 days, depending on the type of test. Your test provider will be able to give you this information.
    • Syphilis 12 weeks

    If you are in any doubt about when to test you should do a test now and another test at a later date. The nurse or doctor will discuss this with you.Following an assessment you will be asked to provide:

    • a urine sample or a vaginal swab for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea
    • a blood test for HIV and Syphilis
    • a blood test for Hepatitis B and C, for people in higher risk groups

    If you have symptoms you will require an examination.

    We can diagnose some conditions at the clinic, but most tests need to be sent to the laboratory so you may receive results at a later date. If this is the case we will inform you if either you or your partner need to arrange treatment.

    Recommended Reading: Can Your Body Fight Chlamydia On Its Own


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