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HomeTrendingWhere To Get Checked For Chlamydia

Where To Get Checked For Chlamydia

Are There Any Tests That Can Only A Doctor Can Conduct

Sneaky Chlamydia | Do You Have It & Not Know It?

Most STI tests only require a urine, blood, or swab sample and do not typically require the assistance of a health professional. However, a healthcare professional will need to carry out a Pap smear, which checks for human papillomavirus , to ensure the safety and accuracy of the test. If a person is experiencing symptoms, such as warts, sores, or lesions, it is advisable to talk with a doctor.

Also, while individuals can order most tests online or buy them in stores, some states require a doctors order to authorize a lab test.

Below we look at some common questions and answers relating to STI testing.

City Health Centers And Community Clinics

Some city health centers or community clinics may offer testing services. Many offer both appointment and walk-in services.

Aside from free testing and treatment for STIs, health centers also provide pre-exposure prophylaxis , a preventive treatment for HIV. They may also offer family planning services, counseling, and free condoms for STI protection.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms

As most people do not have any early symptoms, it is often difficult to tell whether you are infected. This is why it is important to get tested regularly. For those people who do get symptoms, these may include:

  • Burning or painful sensation when urinating
Did you know?

Chlamydia is the most common STI in Ireland, however, 80% of women and over 50% of men have no symptoms. The only way to know if you have it is to get tested.

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When Should I Test Again For Chlamydia

Getting retested about three months after treatment for chlamydia is recommended for both assigned males and assigned females. This should be done even if your partner was also treated.

Reinfection is possible, and most cases that are found after treatment are because of this possibility, rather than the failure of the treatment itself.

Pregnant individuals should be retested three weeks after treatment is completed. Pregnant individuals at high risk should also get tested again in the third trimester.

How Can You Tell If You Have Chlamydia

Rapid Chlamydia Test Kits

You can have chlamydia without experiencing any symptoms. In fact, many womenâapproximately 70% of those who are infectedâare completely asymptomatic, which means that they are also unaware that they are carrying Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria.

The lack of symptoms can cause health problems over time because an untreated chlamydia infection can lead to complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease . Also, if you become pregnant and have chlamydia, you may develop an ectopic pregnancy . Some people with untreated chlamydia may develop reactive arthritis, a form of joint inflammation thatâs caused by the chlamydia bacterium . Untreated chlamydia can also damage your reproductive organs, which could potentially lead to infertility.

Thankfully, effective treatments exist for chlamydial infections. But to get treatment, you first need to determine if you have chlamydia in the first place. As mentioned above, you could have chlamydia without any symptoms. But there are certain telltale symptoms you may experience that can help identify it.

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What Stis Should People Test For

Typically, sexual health clinics test for the more common STIs, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. If people know that a previous partner has tested positive for a specific STI, it is advisable to get tested for the same STI. A person can also discuss their sexual and STI testing history with a healthcare provider, who can offer help and suggestions about appropriate tests.

To get a reliable test result, people should perform the test within a specific timeframe after exposure due to incubation periods. Below are some common STIs and their

notes that at-home testing kits are becoming more available and are likely to contribute to higher rates of testing and treatments.

Individuals have many options for STI testing, some of which include:

I Was Treated For Chlamydia When Can I Have Sex Again

You should not have sex again until you and your sex partner have completed treatment. If your doctor prescribes a single dose of medication, you should wait seven days after taking the medicine before having sex. If your doctor prescribes a medicine for you to take for seven days, you should wait until you have taken all of the doses before having sex.

Donât Miss: Free Clinics For Chlamydia Testing

Read Also: Does Medexpress Test For Chlamydia

How Often Should I Get Tested

The CDC recommends that sexually active women younger than 25 years old get tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia every year. Women 25 years and older with a new partner, multiple partners, or a partner who has an STI should also get tested annually.

Sexually active gay and bisexual men should be tested for syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea annually. In cases of frequent sexual encounters with multiple partners, the CDC recommends testing every 3-6 months.

If youre experiencing any symptoms of an STI, you shouldnt hesitate before getting tested.

Also Check: How Do You Treat Chlamydia And Gonorrhea

Does A Positive Test For Chlamydia Mean I Have Gonorrhea

Chlamydia treatment in 100 seconds

The simple answer is no. But a longer explanation would reveal that many people who have tested positive for Chlamydia often test positive for Gonorrhea as well. Therefore, it is not uncommon for a physician to recommend testing for both STDs.

Rapid STD Testing offers a convenient dual panel test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea so you dont have to pay for two individual tests.

Recommended Reading: Penicillin For Gonorrhea And Chlamydia

How Common Is Chlamydia

CDC estimates that there were four million chlamydial infections in 2018.3 Chlamydia is also the most frequently reported bacterial sexually transmitted infection in the United States.4 It is difficult to account for many cases of chlamydia. Most people with the infection have no symptoms and do not seek testing. Chlamydia is most common among young people. Two-thirds of new chlamydial infections occur among youth aged 15-24 years.3 Estimates show that 1 in 20 sexually active young women aged 14-24 years has chlamydia.5

Disparities persist among racial and ethnic minority groups. In 2020, chlamydia rates for African Americans/Blacks were six times that of Whites.4 Chlamydia is also common among MSM. Among MSM screened for rectal chlamydial infection, positivity ranges from 3.0% to 10.5%.6,7 Among MSM screened for pharyngeal chlamydial infection, positivity has ranges from 0.5% to 2.3%.7.8

Why Do I Need A Chlamydia Test

Chlamydia is a very common STD, especially in sexually active people ages 15 to 24. But chlamydia usually doesn’t cause symptoms, so the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other health organizations recommend regular screening tests if your risk of getting chlamydia is high.

If you are a woman or a transgender or gender diverse person with a cervix , you should:

  • Get tested for chlamydia at least once a year if you are:
  • Younger than 25 and having sex
  • Age 25 or older and have a higher risk of getting chlamydia because you:
  • Have a new sex partner or more than one partner
  • Have a sex partner who is having sex with others
  • Have a sex partner with an STD
  • Don’t use condoms correctly every time
  • Get tested for chlamydia if you are pregnant.
  • Regular chlamydia testing at least once a year is also recommended if you:

    The best testing schedule for you may be different than the recommendations. Ask your provider how often you should get tested.

    Your provider will order a test if your sex partner has been diagnosed with chlamydia or if you have symptoms. Symptoms of chlamydia may include:

    • An unusual discharge from your genitals or rectum
    • Irritation or itching around your genitals
    • Pain or burning when you urinate
    • Rectal pain or bleeding if chlamydia infects the rectum

    Read Also: How Fast Can You Cure Chlamydia

    Local Planned Parenthood Health Center

    Planned Parenthood health centers also offer STI testing. They receive government reimbursements and grants from public programs, such as Medicaid and Title X, which means people can get STI testing and treatment for free or at a very low cost, depending on their income, demographics, and eligibility.

    What Does A Chlamydia Test Involve

    Chlamydia Test

    You can get a free, confidential chlamydia test at your GP surgery, a sexual health clinic, and a genitourinary medicine clinic. Chlamydia tests are generally painless and reliable, and dont even have to involve being examined by a doctor or nurse.

    It will usually take 7-10 days for your results to become available.

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    How Does A Chlamydia And Gonorrhea Test Work

    Screening for chlamydia and gonorrhea can be done at home or at a clinic. A sample of urine is typically sent to a laboratory, which checks the urine for chlamydia and gonorrhea DNA. If you are using the Everlywell at-home test, youâll receive secure, online results just a few days after the lab receives your sample.

    Learn more:How to test for gonorrhea

    When Should I Get Chlamydia Testing

    As most people infected with chlamydia do not experience symptoms, doctors rely on screening to detect most cases of chlamydia. Screening guidelines vary based on many factors, including your anatomy, health, and sexual practices. Regular screening for chlamydia is recommended for several groups:

    • Women and anyone with a vagina: Those who are sexually active and under the age of 25 should be tested for chlamydia annually, while those aged 25 and older should be screened regularly only if they are at an increased risk of contracting chlamydia.
    • Pregnant people: Chlamydia testing is recommended for all pregnant people under age 25 and for those 25 and over with an increased risk of this infection. In addition to initial testing, experts recommend retesting during the third trimester for people with an elevated risk of infection. For pregnant patients diagnosed with chlamydia, follow-up testing is advised four weeks after completing treatment and again within three months.

    Certain factors increase the risk of contracting chlamydia and may affect how often a person may be screened. Risk factors include having:

    • Sex with a new partner
    • More than one sexual partner or a partner who has sex with multiple people
    • A sex partner diagnosed with an STD

    Testing for chlamydia is more frequently conducted in asymptomatic people in settings where infection rates are high, which often includes correctional facilities, adolescent health clinics, the military, and sexual health clinics.

    Don’t Miss: Home Test Kit For Chlamydia And Gonorrhea

    How Long Does It Take To Get The Results Back For A Chlamydia Test

    Test results for chlamydia screening usually take about seven days.

    If you are being tested as part of routine screening and have no symptoms of chlamydia, thereâs no need to change your behaviours.

    If you are being tested and you currently have any symptom of chlamydia, it is recommended that you abstain from sexual contact until you get your results.

    Almost Everyone Needs Tested

    STD Glossary: Chlamydia

    If youre sexually active and not in a long-term relationship, you should be tested for STDs on a regular basis. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers this general testing guide:

    • Everyone 13 to 64: At least once for HIV.
    • Sexually active women under 25: Yearly for chlamydia and gonorrhea.
    • All pregnant women: Tested for syphilis, HIV and hepatitis B
    • All women in at-risk pregnancies: Tested for chlamydia and gonorrhea.
    • Those having unprotected sex or sharing needles: Yearly for HIV.

    Also, sexually active bisexual or gay men should get frequent tests for HIV, up to every 3-6 months, and yearly tests for syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea.

    Don’t Miss: Planned Parenthood Chlamydia Test Cost

    How Do People Get Chlamydia

    Pregnant people can give chlamydia to their baby during childbirth. This can cause ophthalmia neonatorum or pneumonia in some infants.9-12 Rectal or genital infection can persist one year or longer in infants infected at birth.13 However, sexual abuse should be a consideration among young children with vaginal, urethral, or rectal infection beyond the neonatal period.

    People treated for chlamydia can get the infection again if they have sex with a person with chlamydia.14

    Who Should Get Tested For Chlamydia

    We recommend getting tested for chlamydia if you:

    • Have had sex with an infected partner
    • Have new or multiple sex partners
    • Show chlamydia symptoms
    • Want to check your status
    • Are entering a new relationship

    How Often Should You Get Tested?

    If you believe you may have been exposed to chlamydia, you should get tested for chlamydia asap. Because certain people are at higher risk of getting chlamydia, the CDC recommends at least yearly testing for the following groups:

    • Sexually active women under 25
    • Women with risk factors like new or multiple sex partners
    • Men who have sex with men

    Pregnant women should test for chlamydia during their first prenatal visit and again during the third trimester if they are under 25 or have risk factors.1

    Getting tested regularly for chlamydia and other common sexually transmitted diseases is important. Untreated chlamydia infection can cause serious health complications like:

    • Increased risk of contracting other sexually transmitted infections such as HIV, if exposed

    What Should You Do If You Test Positive?

    We understand how stressful testing positive can be. The good news is that chlamydia is curable and, if caught early, it wont cause lasting health problems. You should also discuss your status with your sexual partner so they can get tested and treated.

    Read more about our doctor consultation.

    Recommended Reading: When You Take Antibiotics For Chlamydia

    Go Get Tested For Chlamydia And Gonorrhea

    Chlamydia and gonorrhea are sexually transmitted infections that may not cause any symptoms . Rates of chlamydia and gonorrhea have been increasing in our area.

    To make an appointment to go get tested for chlamydia and gonorrhea, call Public Health at 1-800-265-7293.

    Note: We are unable to offer the downloadable requisition form at this time.

    How Long Does It Take To Show Up In People With Penises

    Chlamydia Rapid Test Easy (Male &  Female Swab Inc) STI STD Screening ...

    Theres no significant difference in the amount of time it takes for chlamydia symptoms to show up for people with penises as compared to people with vulvas.

    The only major difference in the time it takes for symptoms to show up among people of various sexes may be related to how often symptoms show up.

    According to the Childrens National Health System, 90 percent of people with vulvas dont ever experience any physical symptoms, while 70 percent of people with penises never notice any symptoms.

    This difference in who actually experiences symptoms between these two groups may have some effect on how long it takes for symptoms show up. But theres never been any definitive link between your sex and when your symptoms appear.

    Read Also: How To Get Treated For Chlamydia

    How Can I Treat Chlamydia

    Dont wait for signs of chlamydia before finding out if you are infected. The fact that there may be no physical symptoms in either men or women means that the only way you can be sure to avoid any long-term side effects is to get tested and then treated.

    Treating chlamydia is straightforward, quick, and simple. At the Co-op Pharmacy, we provide home test kits for chlamydia, which will offer results in the space of minutes. Chlamydia treatments include a single tablet or a course of pills, which can be highly effective chlamydia cures and purchased through us online.

    Azithromycin is taken as a single dose that should clear the infection within a week, and is so effective that a follow-up test is rarely required.

    Alternatively, Doxycycline is just as effective as Azithromycin, but needs to be taken twice daily for 7 days. Symptoms usually clear up swiftly and, like Azithromycin, Doxycycline is such an effective cure that a follow-up test should not be required.

    You should speak to a nurse or GP if your symptoms dont improve within a week, if you had unprotected sex with your partner before you had completed the treatment, or if the test was negative but you develop signs or symptoms of chlamydia.

    When To Speak With A Doctor

    STI tests are often a standard part of a gynecological exam or regular health checkup, but this is not always the case. With this in mind, anyone who believes they may have chlamydia should consider a test.

    One symptom of chlamydia is a burning sensation when urinating. A person experiencing this issue should contact a doctor, even if a home chlamydia test has returned a negative result.

    If a home test returns a positive result, individuals should consult their doctor to get confirmation.

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    Should I Get Tested For Chlamydia After Treatment

    Yes, because it is possible to get re-infected with chlamydia, especially if you have sex with an infected partner. Having a past chlamydia infection or taking antibiotics for chlamydia will not make you immune to the bacterium that causes the infection. This is why it is especially important to get tested with your partner so youre all tested, treated, and cured before engaging in sexual activity again.

    When Can You Have Sex Again?

    Before you start having sex again, you should make sure that you and your partner are completely cured of chlamydia because re-infections are common. Do not have sex with anyone while you are being treated.

    It is advised to wait seven days after completing antibiotic treatment before engaging in sexual activity again. Although this dry spell can be tough, it gives your body time to clear up the infection. Failing to wait may lead to re-infection. Even with a condom, its possible that you and your partner may pass the infection back and forth.3 If you did have sex before the suggested waiting period was up, talk to your prescribing physician. In some situations, they may recommend re-treatment or follow-up tests.


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