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HomeAntibioticsDoes Bv Antibiotics Cure Chlamydia

Does Bv Antibiotics Cure Chlamydia

Infant Pneumonia Caused By C Trachomatis

What causes bleeding post antibiotics for Chlamydial Infection? – Dr. Sunita Pawar Shekokar

Chlamydial pneumonia among infants typically occurs at age 13 months and is a subacute pneumonia. Characteristic signs of chlamydial pneumonia among infants include a repetitive staccato cough with tachypnea and hyperinflation and bilateral diffuse infiltrates on a chest radiograph. In addition, peripheral eosinophilia occurs frequently. Because clinical presentations differ, all infants aged 13 months suspected of having pneumonia, especially those whose mothers have a history of, are at risk for , or suspected of having a chlamydial infection should be tested for C. trachomatis and treated if infected.

Diagnostic Considerations

Specimens for chlamydial testing should be collected from the nasopharynx. Tissue culture is the definitive standard diagnostic test for chlamydial pneumonia. Nonculture tests can be used. DFA is the only nonculture FDA-cleared test for detecting C. trachomatis from nasopharyngeal specimens however, DFA of nasopharyngeal specimens has a lower sensitivity and specificity than culture. NAATs are not cleared by FDA for detecting chlamydia from nasopharyngeal specimens, and clinical laboratories should verify the procedure according to CLIA regulations . Tracheal aspirates and lung biopsy specimens, if collected, should be tested for C. trachomatis.


Erythromycin base or ethylsuccinate 50 mg/kg body weight/day orally divided into 4 doses daily for 14 days

Azithromycin suspension 20 mg/kg body weight/day orally, 1 dose daily for 3 days

Vaginal Acetic And Lactic Acid

Treatment with acetic and lactic acid gels aims to keep the vaginal pH at less than 4.5, to encourage lactobacilli to grow, and to discourage anaerobic bacteria from growing. Some studies have suggested that long-term use of vaginal acidifiers of this type reduces recurrences of BV. However, other studies suggest that this treatment, whilst harmless, is not effective.

What Is A Chlamydia Infection

Chlamydia genital infection is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. In fact, C. trachomatis is the most common sexually transmitted bacterial infection in the world. Interestingly, about 70% of genital infections are associated with few or no symptoms at all.

Chlamydial infections in women are more likely to remain asymptomatic than in men . However, women are more likely to develop long-term complications.

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Who Needs Treatment For Bacterial Vaginosis

Not everyone with BV needs antibiotics. In some mild or low risk cases, the vagina will restore the balance of good bacteria and the condition will resolve on its own.

But other cases should be treated with antibiotics. Youll need treatment if you test positive for BV and:

  • You have significant symptoms.

  • You are pregnant, even if you donât have symptoms. Treatment for BV is safe in pregnancy. Its also necessary to prevent complications in pregnancy that are caused by BV

  • You are about to have gynecological surgery, such as a hysterectomy , or an abortion whether you have symptoms or not. Getting treated lowers the risk of having complications after surgery.

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Treatment For Bacterial Vaginosis

Gonorrhea Treatment Set

Bacterial vaginosis is treated with antibiotics. An antibiotic cream or gel to use in the vagina may be given instead of antibiotic tablets by mouth.

While you’re there, make sure you tell the doctor or nurse if you:

  • are pregnant
  • think you might be pregnant
  • are breastfeeding

These may affect the type of treatment you’re given.

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How To Feel Better

If your healthcare professional prescribes you antibiotics:

  • Take antibiotics exactly as your healthcare professional tells you.
  • Do not share your antibiotics with others.
  • Do not save antibiotics for later. Talk to your healthcare professional about safely discarding leftover antibiotics.

Drink plenty of water or other fluids. Your healthcare professional might also recommend medicine to help lessen the pain or discomfort. Talk with your healthcare professional if you have any questions about your antibiotics.

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What Is The Prognosis For A Female With Chlamydia

As discussed previously, chlamydia infection can progress to pelvic inflammatory disease if untreated, which can have serious consequences. Complications include permanent damage to the reproductive organs, including infertility and an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. Chlamydia infection in pregnancy can also lead to low birth weight and premature delivery as well as pneumonia and eye damage in the newborn.

Having an untreated chlamydia infection can also increase a persons risk for acquiring HIV infection. It can also increase the risk that a person with HIV infection will transmit the infection to others during sexual intercourse.

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How Is It Treated

Doctors usually prescribe an antibiotic to treat bacterial vaginosis. They come as pills you swallow or as a cream or capsules that you put in your vagina. If you are pregnant, you will need to take pills.

Bacterial vaginosis usually clears up in 2 or 3 days with antibiotics, but treatment goes on for 7 days. Do not stop using your medicine just because your symptoms are better. Be sure to take the full course of antibiotics.

Antibiotics usually work well and have few side effects. But taking them can lead to a vaginal yeast infection. A yeast infection can cause itching, redness, and a lumpy, white discharge. If you have these symptoms, talk to your doctor about what to do.

Will Any Antibiotic Get Rid Of Chlamydia

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If you are diagnosed with chlamydia, your doctor will prescribe oral antibiotics. A single dose of azithromycin or taking doxycycline twice daily for 7 to 14 days are the most common treatments and are the same for those with or without HIV. With treatment, the infection should clear up in about a week.

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A urinary tract infection, or UTI, is an infection in your urinary system, including the

  • bladder the organ that collects and stores urine

  • urethra the tube that carries urine from your bladder out of your body

There are two kinds of UTIs: cystitis and urethritis. Cystitis is an infection of the bladder. Urethritis is an infection of the urethra. If left untreated, either of these can spread and cause a kidney infection. So even though UTIs are really common, youve got to take them seriously.

What causes UTIs?

Its pretty easy to get a urinary tract infection. Bacteria that live in the vagina, genital, and anal areas may enter the urethra, travel to the bladder, and cause an infection. This can happen during sexual activity when bacteria from your partners genitals, anus, fingers, or sex toys gets pushed into your urethra. UTIs can also be caused by chlamydia, gonorrhea, or other organisms.

Although UTIs arent spread from one person to another like STDs, having sex can lead to or worsen UTIs. But you dont have to have sex to get a UTI. Anything that brings bacteria in contact with your urethra can cause a UTI.

Is there treatment for UTIs?

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How To Test For Chlamydia

If you think you may have chlamydia, its best to get tested. As most women dont experience any symptoms, its crucial to do a test whenever in doubt. If for any reason you cannot see your doctor, you can order an STD test online.

MyLAB Box will allow you to take a vaginal swab and send it to a laboratory. Youll receive your lab-certified results within five days along with free medical advice on what to do in case you test positive. Go ahead and order your test kit today.

Chlamydia is fortunately easy to treat with antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. The most common are:

  • a single dose of azithromycin
  • one week treatment with doxycycline

Make sure that during your treatment, you should avoid having sex and your sexual partner should get treatment at the same time. Its very important to start your Chlamydia treatment as soon as possible. If left untreated Chlamydia can cause:

  • Fallopian tube inflammation

All of these conditions can have a very negative impact on your overall health as well as fertility. Once you know youve got Chlamydia, start your treatment promptly and stay healthy!

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What Is The Cause Of Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is due to a disturbance of normal bacterial equilibrium in the vagina. Lactobacilli are usually the most common bacteria in the vagina. In bacterial vaginosis, there is an overgrowth of other bacteria, especially Gardnerella, Bacteroides, Peptostreptococcus and Mobiluncus species. These are anaerobic bacteria, that is, they grow in the absence of oxygen.

Predisposing factors for bacterial vaginosis include recent use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, decreased oestrogen production , intrauterine device , and an increased number of sexual partners. It is associated with elevated pH> 4.5 within the vagina.

What Is The Dosage Of Azithromycin For Chlamydia


The recommended dosage of azithromycin for chlamydia is 1 gram as a single dose. This dose may be taken morning or night and can be taken with or without food. Another name for azithromycin is Zithromax.

If you have taken your dose of azithromycin on an empty stomach and your stomach has become a bit upset or you feel sick, it is Ok to eat some food, which may help to settle it.

A 500mg dose of azithromycin is not recommended by guidelines to cure chlamydia. There is also a chance it may increase the risk of C. trachomatis bacteria becoming resistant to it. If you have only taken or only been prescribed a 500mg dose of azithromycin, you need to return to your doctor to get a 1 gram dose prescribed. You should never share your dose of azithromycin with another person.

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Std Awareness: Is Bacterial Vaginosis A Sexually Transmitted Disease

ByAnna C.|Nov. 2, 2015, noon

Pictured above: Gardnerella vaginalis under a microscope. Image: K.K. Jefferson/Virginia Commonwealth University. From

Bacterial vaginosis, or BV, is the most common vaginal infection among people 15 to 44 years of age. Its caused by an overgrowth of harmful bacteria, such as Gardnerella vaginalis. A healthy vagina hosts thriving populations of Lactobacillus bacteria species, but when these good bacteria are crowded out by certain types of bad bacteria, the vaginal ecosystem can be shifted, causing BV.

There is a lot of confusion about BV. Is it a sexually transmitted disease ? What are the symptoms? How can you avoid it?

All good questions. Lets examine them one by one.

Is BV an STD?

The consensus seems to be that BV isnt officially an STD, but even reliable sources have somewhat contradictory information. Planned Parenthood doesnt list BV as an STD on their informational webpages. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does include BV on their STD website, but also says that BV is not considered an STD.

The same webpage on which the CDC declared BV not to be an STD also says that it can be transferred between female sexual partners. Indeed, women who have sex with women have higher rates of BV. Since vaginal fluid could spread BV, partners can change condoms when a sex toy is passed from one to another, and use barriers like dental dams when engaging in cunnilingus or rimming .

Chlamydia Signs And Symptoms In Guy

Several males do not see the signs and symptoms of chlamydia. Many men have no symptoms in any way.

If signs do appear, its generally 1 to 3 weeks after transmission.

Some of one of the most usual signs of chlamydia in males include:

  • shedding sensation throughout urination
  • yellow or green discharge from the penis
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen
  • discomfort in the testicles

Its also possible to obtain a chlamydia infection in the anus. In this instance, the primary signs are typically discharge, discomfort, and bleeding from this location.

Having foreplay with someone that has the infection raises the threat of obtaining chlamydia in the throat. Symptoms can consist of an aching throat, cough, or high temperature. Its also feasible to bring bacteria in the throat and also not know it. Can You Have Bv And Chlamydia At The Same Time

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Will I Need To Go Back To The Clinic

If you take your antibiotics correctly, you may not need to return to the clinic.

However, you will be advised to go back for another chlamydia test if:

  • you had sex before you and your partner finished treatment
  • you forgot to take your medication or didnt take it properly
  • your symptoms dont go away
  • youre pregnant

If youre under 25 years of age, you should be offered a repeat test for chlamydia 3 to 6 months after finishing your treatment because youre at a higher risk of catching it again.

What Are The Symptoms

Is it ok to have combinations of antibiotics with vaginal capsules to cure STD? – Dr. Sangeeta Gomes

The most common symptom is a smelly vaginal discharge. It may look grayish white or yellow. A sign of bacterial vaginosis can be a fishy smell, which may be worse after sex. About half of women who have bacterial vaginosis do not notice any symptoms.

Many things can cause abnormal vaginal discharge, including some sexually transmitted infections . See your doctor so you can be tested and get the right treatment.

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Whats The Difference Between Bacterial Vaginosis And A Yeast Infection

Both bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections are vaginal infections that increase discharge. Heres how you can tell the difference:

  • Discharge: The hallmark sign of BV is discharge with a fishy smell. Discharge from yeast infections doesnt usually have a strong smell but may look like cottage cheese.
  • Vaginal irritation: Typically, BV doesnt cause vaginal irritation or itchiness. Yeast infections do.
  • Over-the-counter treatment: You can treat yeast infections with over-the-counter medications. Youll need to see your healthcare provider to get antibiotics for BV.

Differences In The Genital Microbiota In Women Who Naturally Clear Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection Compared To Women Who Do Not Clear A Pilot Study

  • 1Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA, United States
  • 2Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA, United States
  • 3Department of Biostatistics and Data Science, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, United States

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Boric Acid Suppositories For Trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is an STI caused by the parasite trichomonas vaginalis. Typical symptoms include genital itching, a green or yellow foul-smelling vaginal discharge, and pain when urinating and during sex.

A trichomonas infection is usually treated with antibiotics, but drug resistance is an increasing problem. In some cases, boric acid suppositories might be prescribed as an alternative treatment, although their effectiveness and safety have not been fully studied.

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Facts About Vaginal Boric Acid Treatments


Bacterial Vaginosis and vulvovaginal candidiasis recurrences are becoming more common due to medication resistant strains, use and overuse of antibiotics, immunocompromising conditions, or poor vaginal health practices. These infections are becoming harder to eliminate with bacterial biofilms and exposure to uncommon yeast strains being the most recent theory.

Boric acid has been used as a treatment for these 2 vaginal infections with great success for centuries. While the why/how boric acid works is still not fully explained or understood, scientists do know that it does break down the bacterias biofilm and yeast cell walls making those pathogens more susceptible to our bodys natural defenses and prescription medications as well as creating a pH level that is very close to where the vagina prefers to be making it difficult for pathogens to get out of control.

But before you run to your local store and end up bringing home pesticide quality boric acid I want to provide some basic information about this chemical compound so you know what it is and is not, and what it can and cannot do for your vaginal health.

The Nitty Gritty of this Gritty Treatment!

You are able to purchase safe boric acid for use in capsules and vaginal suppositories in many stores and online, however I urge you to talk with your doctor or pharmacist and do some research into which product you purchase so you know you are getting a high quality product that will actually benefit you.

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What Are The Signs & Symptoms Of Bacterial Vaginosis

Many girls don’t see any signs of BV. But those who do might notice:

  • white or gray thin vaginal discharge
  • a bad, fishy smell that’s more noticeable during a girl’s period or after sex

Itching and burning are not common signs of bacterial vaginosis. If a girl has those symptoms, the doctor will check for other conditions.

What Can Happen If You Have Bv For A Long Time

Most often, BV does not cause other health problems.However, if left untreated, BV may increase yourrisk for:

  • Sexually transmitted diseases like herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease where BV bacteria infect the uterus or fallopian tubes. Pelvic inflammatory disease can cause infertility and increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
  • An infection after a procedure on the female organs. This includes cesarean section, abortion, and surgery on the cervix or uterus.
  • Early labor or birth, if pregnant

If you have BV:

  • Always finish antibiotic treatment, even if the signs of BV go away
  • Talk to female sex partners about getting BV treatment

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How To Cure A Vaginal Yeast Infection

You can treat a vaginal yeast infection using prescription, over the counter or natural remedies. The most popular OTC medication is Monistat. Monistat contains Miconazole, an antifungal agent very effective against Candida albicans strain .

There are different Monistat treatments available, you choose from 1, 3 and 7-day treatments. According to user reviews,Monistat7 is the most effective and produces a lasting effect. You can read my full review of Monistat here.

Monistat 7 contains seven applicatorfuls of Miconazole cream. Insert one applicator into your vagina before going to bed for seven consecutive nights. You may see your symptoms disappear within two days, but be sure to continue your treatment for the whole week.

Some Candida cells may still survive, and although they dont give any symptoms, theyll start multiplying again once you stop treatment. Thats why its important to follow the treatment until the end.

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