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How Does Chlamydia Feel Male

Burning Sensation When Urinating

What Is Chlamydia Symptoms and Treatment

Chlamydia can cause a burning sensation when you urinate. Its easy to mistake this for a symptom of a urinary tract infection.

You might also feel like you have the urge to urinate more often than usual. And when you do go to urinate, only a little bit comes out. Your urine might also smell unusual or look cloudy.

If you have chalmydia, you might also feel some pain during sex, especially intercourse.

You may also some bleeding and lingering irritation after any type of sexual activity involving penetration.

Open The Conversation To Questions

  • 1Allowing your boyfriend to ask questions is part of good communication. After youve notified him about your diagnosis and talked about what this might mean for your relationship, invite him to let you know whats on his mind. Its okay if he doesnt feel like talkingsometimes people take a while to process this information. A good conversation is always two-way, so tell him something like:XResearch source
  • Do you have any questions about chlamydia? Im not an expert, but Ive been reading a lot about it since I got tested.
  • I know this can feel like a lot to take in. How are you feeling?
  • Okay, I know that was a lot of information, but is there anything you wanted to share with me?
  • Can I Put Vaseline On My Private Area

    Petroleum jelly is a wonderful moisturizer to use on the vulva after bathing and can be used anytime for comfort. Do not use petroleum jelly with condomsit can break down the condom so it gets holes in it. A lukewarm or warm bath can be soothing. Do not put any soaps, bubble bath, or oils in the water.

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    What Does It Mean When Your Vigina Starts To Itch And Swell

    Overgrowth of yeast the most common culprit being Candida can cause swelling, burning, and itchiness of the entire vaginal area, including the labia. This overgrowth can be due to antibiotic use, pregnancy, diabetes, or oral contraceptive use. Some women may also experience a cottage-cheese-like discharge.

    Possible Treatments For Chlamydia

    Chlamydia Infection: Treatments &  Home Remedies

    It is good to stay aware about how to treat Chlamydia. In case of your test is found positive then you have to undergo Chlamydia treatment. Most of the doctors prescribe just a single dose of some antibiotics like azithromycin. But in case if you are allergic to its content then you may have to take other standard antibiotic.Note that if you are infected then let your previous sex partners know about the infection so that they can also undergo tests and treatments at right time. It is also possible to start Chlamydia treatment online because most of the experts are delivering fast and reliable services over internet for complete treatment of this Silent Infection.

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    How Long Does It Take For Std Symptoms To Show

    STD symptoms in men usually take a few days or weeks to develop but can take up to months or years .Understanding STDs, their risks, and symptoms helps you pay attention to your body and recognize when somethings wrong. That said, the only way to be sure of your STD status is to get tested regularly, especially after unprotected sex.

    Risk factors for getting chlamydia include:

    • Having unprotected sex .
    • Having more than one sex partner.
    • Having a high-risk partner or partners. This includes people who have more than one sex partner or sex partners who have chlamydia.
    • Starting sexual activity before age 18.

    Any child with chlamydia needs to be seen by a doctor to determine the cause and to assess for possible sexual abuse. For more information, see the topic Child Abuse and Neglect.

    Home Remedies For Chlamydia

    There are several home remedies for chlamydia, and a number of websites claim that these home remedies can cure chlamydia. While some of the home remedies have been shown to have antibacterial properties, antibiotics are the only proven cure for chlamydia. If untreated, chlamydia can lead to infertility or other serious complications.

    If you experience symptoms, some of these home remedies may be effective for symptom relief, but they cant cure the infection itself.

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    What Is A Chlamydia Infection

    Chlamydia is among the most common STDs in the world. Many people have it its estimated that 1 in 20 sexually active young women aged 14-24 has chlamydia.

    The main cause for chlamydia is the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis that affects both men and women. The chlamydia infection is easily spread because it often has no symptoms and you can unknowingly pass it to your sexual partner.

    Although you dont have outward symptoms in the early stages, its important to be careful. If you dont treat it on time, chlamydia can cause infertility or a risky pregnancy.

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    Does Chlamydia Feel Like A Uti

    What You Need to Know About Chlamydia

    Chlamydia can cause a burning sensation when you urinate. Its easy to mistake this for a symptom of a urinary tract infection. You might also feel like you have the urge to urinate more often than usual. And when you do go to urinate, only a little bit comes out.

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    What Does Chlamydia Infection Mean For My Health

    Chlamydia can be treated and cured easily, but that doesnt mean that chlamydia infection isnt potentially dangerous. If chlamydia isnt diagnosed and left untreated, it can cause serious complications.

    Untreated chlamydia infections in women may lead to:

    • Pelvic inflammatory disease , a serious infection of the reproductive organs . Left untreated, PID can cause infertility , chronic pelvic pain, or ectopic pregnancy.
    • A condition called mucopurulent cervicitis, characterized by a yellow discharge from the cervix

    Untreated chlamydia in men may lead to:

    • Prostatitis

    What Should I Do If Symptoms Of Chlamydia Appear

    If you experience symptoms of Chlamydia after sexual activity, you should see your doctor or visit a sexual health clinic as soon as you can to get tested. For guys who have sex guys, you should get tested for HIV and STIs once every three months.

    Not sure where to get tested? There are sexual health clinics across Sydney and regional NSW that all offer confidential STI testing and treatment. HIV and STI tests at clinics across the state are free, though if you get tested with a general practitioner this may vary depending on your access to Medicare, and whether or not your doctor offers a bulk billing service. You can find your closest sexual health testing site using our where to get tested tool.

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    When Can I Have Unprotected Sex After Chlamydia Treatment

    Even if your chlamydia infection has been cured, its not recommended to practice unsafe sex. Having your STD treated doesnt guarantee that the infection will never come back. In fact, many people become infected with STDs multiple times because they continue to have unprotected sex with partners who have untreated STDs.

    If you have a regular sexual partner, tell them about your infection so they can get treatment as well. Once youre sure you both got treated, you have to wait until the treatment has had time to be effective before you start having unprotected sex again.

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    Practice Safer Sex By Using A Condom

    Chlamydia: Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

    Important things to remember when using condoms:

    • Check the condom package for damage. Do not use a damaged condom
    • Check the expiry date. Do not use a condom after its expiry date
    • Carefully open the package so that the condom does not tear. Do not use a condom that has been torn
    • Keep condoms away from sharp objects such as rings, studs or piercings
    • Store condoms at room temperature
    • Use a new condom every time you have sex. Do not reuse condoms
    • Do not use 2 condoms at once. Using 2 condoms together may result in a condom breaking
    • Use only water-based lubricants with external latex condoms. Oil-based lubricants, such as petroleum jelly, lotion or baby oil, can weaken and destroy latex
    • Water or oil-based lubricant may be used with polyurethane/nitrile condoms
    • Use only condoms made of latex or polyurethane/nitrile/polyisoprene rubbers. Latex and polyurethane condoms are the best types of condoms to use to help prevent pregnancy and STIs.
    • Avoid using condoms with spermicides containing nonoxynol-9 as it can irritate tissue and may increase the chance of getting an STI

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    Am I At Risk For Chlamydia

    Have an honest and open talk with your health care provider. Ask whether you should be tested for chlamydia or other STDs. If you are a sexually active woman younger than 25 years, you should get a test for chlamydia every year. If you are an older woman with risk factors such as new or multiple sex partners, or a sex partner who has an STD, you should get a test for chlamydia every year. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men as well as pregnant women should also get tested for chlamydia.

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    What Chlamydia Can Feel Like

    Only 10% of men and 530% of women who test positive will develop symptoms of chlamydia. When chlamydia does cause symptoms or health problems, it is known as a sexually transmitted disease .

    In women, chlamydia usually infects the cervix first, causing cervicitis or inflammation of the cervix, which often leads to pain, irritation, or a vaginal discharge. Left untreated, chlamydia can spread to the cervix, uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes, causing abdominal pain or pelvic pain and pelvic inflammatory disease . .

    In men and women, chlamydia bacteria can irritate the urethra and lead to urethritis which causes a burning sensation with urination and discharge. Untreated chlamydia can also cause epididymitis in men. Epididymitis is swelling in the tube in the back of the testicles, causing pain or soreness .

    Specific strains of chlamydia affect the lymphatic system, leading to lymphogranuloma venereum . LGV typically presents as a painless ulcer on the genitals, followed by pain and swelling of the lymph nodes in the groin. The infection can spread through the body and also cause fever. LGV can also cause inflammation in the rectum, accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms .

    Before 2003, LGV was mainly found in tropical and subtropical regions of the world and considered rare in developed nations. However, recent outbreaks illustrate that rates are rising in both the United States and Europe, especially in men who have sex with men .

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    Getting Tested And Treated For Chlamydia

    If you have had unprotected sex and you think you may have been exposed to chlamydia or another STI you should get tested. If you’re diagnosed you should let your partner know and get treated before you have sex again.

    You can do this for free at your GP surgery, a sexual health clinic or a GUM clinic. You can also order home test kits from LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor.You should get tested if you are experiencing the kinds of symptoms described above, or if your sexual partner has been diagnosed with chlamydia. If you are under 25 and sexually active its recommended that you get tested at least once a year, and every time you change sexual partners whether or not you have symptoms.

    Click here to visit our sexual health tests for men page and order test kits for chlamydia and other STIs.


    Can You Recognise Chlamydia From Pictures

    What is chlamydia? | Infectious diseases | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

    Can you tell you if have chlamydia by comparing your visible symptoms with pictures?

    No. You cannot tell if you have chlamydia just from the appearance. While you might notice some irritation of the genital area, swelling or discharge, these symptoms can also be caused by other infections. The only way to know that an infection is caused by chlamydia is to have a test.

    Could a doctor tell you have chlamydia by looking at visible symptoms?

    No. The only way to find out if you have chlamydia is to get tested. After a physical examination your GP may suspect you have chlamydia, but they wont be able to confirm a diagnosis without proper testing.

    Could the visible symptoms of chlamydia be mistaken for something else?

    Yes, but in many cases chlamydia is symptomless. Symptoms may not occur until 1-3 weeks after you have been infected. The symptoms can also be random and infrequent which can lead individuals to overlook that an infection may be causing the symptoms. It could be that your visible symptoms are a result of a different infection.

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    Where Can I Get A Test

    There are a number of services you can go to. Choose the one you feel most comfortable with.

    A chlamydia test can be done at:

    • a genitourinary medicine or sexual health clinic
    • your general practice
    • contraception and young peoples clinics
    • some pharmacies.

    Abortion clinics, antenatal services and some gynaecology services may also offer a chlamydia test.

    In England, if youre a woman aged under 25 years old, you may be offered a chlamydia test as part of the National Chlamydia Screening Programme when you visit some service for other reasons, for example at a pharmacy or your GP.

    The NCSP aims to identify people without symptoms to reduce the complications of untreated infection. If chlamydia is not treated, it can cause health complications, especially in women. Untreated chlamydia in women can cause pain in the pelvis, ectopic pregnancy and infertility .

    If you are a woman aged under 25 years old and you are offered a chlamydia test as part of the NCSP you should consider taking it.

    In many areas, free home self-sampling tests for chlamydia are available to order online. This is where you take your own sample and send it to be tested. See

    Its also possible to buy a chlamydia test to do at home. The accuracy of these tests varies. Some types are very accurate when carried out according to the instructions, others can be less reliable. If you buy a testing kit make sure you get advice from a pharmacist or your doctor.

    Discharge With A Strong Odor

    Most people associate a strong-smelling discharge as one of the more common symptoms of chlamydia. But what does chlamydia smell like? In some cases, it does not have any particular strong smell.

    The discharge caused by chlamydia is usually yellowish or even brownish in color and can have a very strong or even a foul smell in some women. Its different from the smell of bacterial vaginosis which has a fishy odor. But either way, if you notice a strong odor and an abnormal discharge, you should definitely go to your doctor.

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    How Is It Diagnosed

    Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and your sexual history. You may also have a physical exam to look for signs of infection.

    Chlamydia can cause serious problems but may not cause symptoms. That’s why it’s a good idea to get tested once a year if you are at higher risk for getting chlamydia. Talk to your doctor about what testing is right for you.

    Rules For Successful Treatment

    Chlamydia: Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

    The patient should make sure that the doctor is informed if the patient is pregnant or has any allergies. These conditions influence the choice of the medicine prescribed. No matter which antibiotic the patient takes treating chlamydia the following points should be remembered:

    • The treatment of all partners on the infected person is obligatory
    • Abstain from sex contacts during the treatment and until the negative result on chlamydia test is received
    • It is unadvisable to interrupt the course of antibiotics treatment as it will result in the necessity to start again from the beginning. Although the symptoms may disappear, the infection may still remain in the body
    • It is necessary to get tested after 34 months after the end of the treatment to make sure the infection is no longer in the body.

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    Vaginal Odor Not Associated With Stds

    In women, vaginal odor is generally associated with common problems such as menstrual cycle, yeast infection, etc. So if you say my discharge smells bad but not fishy then you might just have the below-listed problems.

    • Bacterial vaginosis or vaginitis
    • Poor or inadequate hygiene
    • Vaginal hygiene

    While not all smells of vaginal odor can be related to STDs, it is always a good practice to get tested for STDs when you suspect a different smell altogether or a different type of discharge than usual .

    Also, it is essential to know that the above-mentioned conditions can be triggered due to STD. Bacterial vaginosis, for instance, causes due to Chlamydia. Thus, testing after the primary symptoms is necessary for timely diagnosis & treatment

    Now lets address the big question

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    Exactly How Is Chlamydia Spread How Does Chlamydia Feel Male

    You can obtain chlamydia by having genital, rectal, or oral sex with somebody who has chlamydia.

    If your sex companion is male you can still obtain chlamydia even if he does not climax.

    If you have actually had chlamydia and also were dealt with in the past, you can still get contaminated once more. This can occur if you have unsafe sex with someone who has chlamydia.

    If you are pregnant, you can offer chlamydia to your child throughout giving birth.


    Get Tested Today

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