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Can You Still Test Positive For Chlamydia After Treatment

Common Situations For False Positive Chlamydia Test

Chlamydia treatment in 100 seconds

For some strange reasons, women especially pregnant women usually have cases of false positive Chlamydia test results.

Whereas it shows negative on their husbands or boyfriends part, and this causes a breach of trust amid couples, cases and issues like this are prevalent on the internet. But usually, when same couples in question do a re-test, it always shows negative later on. No one still knows why this is so amid women and most pregnant ladies. Sometime accuracy is depend on how long does test take.

Another barrier is the use of antibiotic medicines before going for the test. That is why the doctors ask a patient to stop taking some specific medications weeks before going for a very sensitive test. Since the use of the drugs can alter a perfect result.

How Is Chlamydia Prevented

You already know chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection. Therefore, the safest and easiest way to prevent chlamydia is sexual abstinence. Other ways chlamydia can be prevented in men and women are

  • Use condoms for intercourse
  • Get your male or female sexual partners tested for the infection
  • Recheck for chlamydia infection after 5 weeks of treatment
  • Avoid intercourse while on chlamydia treatment
  • Use adult toys with condoms

Now its your turn. Do you have any chlamydia symptoms? Let us know if we can help.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Chlamydia

Most men and women with chlamydia have no signs or symptoms, which makes it very easy to spread. Some people have the infection for many months or years without knowing it.

Women who get symptoms may have:

  • vaginal discharge
  • bleeding between periods or after sex
  • burning or pain when urinating
  • abdominal or pelvic pain
  • pain during sex

Men who get symptoms may have some clear discharge from the penis or pain during urination.

In rare cases, people with chlamydia have sore joints or inflammation of the eye .

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When To See A Healthcare Professional

If you suspect you have chlamydia, see a healthcare professional as soon as possible. Abstain from allsexual activity until your appointment.

If you arent comfortable getting tested for STIs with your usual provider, you can find a clinic in your area.

There are many free or low-cost clinics. Heres how to find one near you.

You can also visit GetTested or call CDC Info at 800-232-4636 to find local clinics.

How Long For Chlamydia To Show Up

Chlamydia in Men

Most people who have chlamydia have no symptomsat least not at first.

Some never develop symptoms, while others only develop them 1-3 weeks after having unprotected sex with an infected partner.

Below is a breakdown of how long it takes for chlamydia to show up in different sexes and parts of the body.

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How Long Will It Take For Chlamydia To Show Up In Men

Both women and men need the same amount of time forchlamydia symptoms to show up, and there is no major difference in the timelinenecessary for the bacteria to reproduce. The only huge difference is thefrequency of the symptoms men might experience. Based on statistics, 70% of mendont notice any symptoms at all, while 90% of women dont notice physicalsymptoms only.

How Will I Know If The Chlamydia Has Affected My Fertility

Chlamydia is just one of many factors that can affect your fertility. Most people whove had chlamydia wont become infertile or have an ectopic pregnancy . If youve had chlamydia you wont normally be offered any routine tests to see if youre fertile unless you or a partner are having difficulty getting pregnant. If youre concerned, talk to your doctor or practice nurse.

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What Does The Test Measure

Chlamydia testing looks for evidence of infection with the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. There are several types of tests that can be used to detect chlamydia, including molecular testing, also called Nucleic Acid Amplification Test , and cell culture.

NAAT is the preferred method for detecting a chlamydia infection. This type of test detects the genetic material of Chlamydia trachomatis. It can be performed using a urine sample or swab of fluid taken from a site of potential infection such as the urethra, vagina, rectum, or eye.

Traditionally, NAAT takes a day or more to provide results, but there have also been rapid chlamydia tests developed using NAAT methods. Rapid chlamydia tests can often provide a result within 30 to 90 minutes. Rapid chlamydia tests are typically performed on urine samples or swabs of fluid taken from the vagina or cervix.

Although much less commonly used, cell cultures can help diagnose a chlamydia infection. Chlamydia cell cultures may be used in children with a suspected chlamydia infection, when evaluating potential infections in the anus or rectum, and when initial treatment for chlamydia is unsuccessful. In these cases of treatment failure, doctors may use a cell culture to help understand which treatments may be most effective for an individuals infection.

Other types of chlamydia tests are available but are rarely used given the accuracy and availability of NAAT.

How Can You Get Treatment

“Chlamydia Information: Testing, Symptoms and Treatment” by
  • The YorSexualHealth team can arrange treatment for you .

  • Postal treatments can often be arranged – one of our nurses can discuss this with you.
  • If you have symptoms, are pregnant or want a full check up, you will need to go to a sexual health clinic – we can help to arrange this.

  • These treatments are free of charge and confidential.

  • If you would prefer to go to your GP for treatment, you may need to pay a prescription charge.

Also Check: How Do Males Know They Have Chlamydia

Why Is It Important To Treat Chlamydia

If left untreated chlamydia is unlikely to go away. It can be passed onto sexual partners and can cause serious harm. Women can get cervicitis or pelvic inflammatory disease. This can result in permanent damage to the fallopian tubes, which may lead to infertility or ectopic pregnancy. Chlamydia also can cause a reactive arthritis. Men can suffer with urethritis , this can spread to the contents of the scrotal sac epididymis and testicles. This causes pain, and in severe cases infertility. Men can also get a reactive arthritis.

How Long Does It Take To Show Up In The Throat

Symptoms of chlamydia in your throat are typically caused by having oral sex with someone whos contracted the infection.

Its much less common to notice throat symptoms, but they may still appear after a week or so, up to a few months or longer.

STI tests that look for chlamydia arent always done on the throat since its an area that does not carry the infection often. Ask your doctor for a throat swab or other chlamydia test if you think youve been exposed through oral sex.

Here are the most common symptoms of chlamydia in both people with penises and people with vulvas.

Recommended Reading: What Are The Early Signs Of Chlamydia

How Soon Can You Retest After Chlamydia Treatment

igmg87 over a year ago

I was diagnosed with Chlamydia a week ago, I had not had sex with anyone for over a month prior to that. Doctor prescribed me Azithromycin 500mg 2 tablets as a one time dose. My doctor told me I needed to retest after 3 months to make sure that I didn’t have it or have been reinfected. I’m very paranoid because I’ve never had an std, & I don’t want to have sex with anyone unless I test first & its negative. Can I retest a week after I finish the antibiotic treatment or will it still show positive? I don’t want to get back with my ex boyfriend unless both of our results are negative. I still plan on retesting in 3 months


Biomajor10over a year ago


What Does The Chlamydia Test Involve

Planned Parenthood app enables private STD testing and ...

The recommended tests for chlamydia are simple, painless and generally very reliable.

They involve sending a sample of cells to a laboratory for analysis. You don’t necessarily have to be examined by a doctor or nurse first and can often collect the sample yourself.

There are two main ways the sample can be collected:

  • using a swab a small cotton bud is gently wiped over the area that might be infected, such as inside the vagina or inside the anus
  • urinating into a container this should ideally be done at least 1 hour after you last urinated

Men will usually be asked to provide a urine sample, while women will usually be asked to either swab inside their vagina or provide a urine sample.

The results will normally be available in 7 to 10 days. If there’s a high chance you have chlamydia for example, you have symptoms of the infection or your partner has been diagnosed with it and you’ve had unprotected sex with them you might start treatment before you get your results.

Read more about treating chlamydia.

Recommended Reading: Chlamydia Screening For 15 24 Year Olds

How Long Does Chlamydia Take To Show Up

Although chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases , many people have no idea that theyre infected.

Like gonorrhea and HPV, chlamydia can occur without any symptoms, and even if you have symptoms, they may not happen for some time.

This makes it hard to figure out whats going on and when to see a doctor.

To help you stay healthy, in this article, Ill explain how long chlamydia can take to show up, the symptoms to look for, how to get tested, common treatments, and when to see a healthcare provider.

Can A Treated Std Come Back

Monique Rainford, MD, is board-certified in obstetrics-gynecology, and currently serves as an Assistant Clinical Professor at Yale Medicine. She is the former chief of obstetrics-gynecology at Yale Health.

You may be familiar with some of the more common sexually transmitted diseases . Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and trichomoniasis can all be treated, and often cured, with antibiotics.

It’s important that you find treatment for your STD if you think or know you have one. It’s also important to know that having your STD treated is not a guarantee that it will never come back.

This article explains why an STD can return, why taking the wrong medication can hurt you, and the risk of reinfection if you are not careful about safe sex practices.

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How Can I Tell My Partner Will They Think I’ve Cheated On Them

You may feel embarrassed, scared or angry. However it is important and respectful to let your partner know as soon as possible so they can get tested and treated. Remember that chlamydia often has no symptoms, so a diagnosis doesn’t necessarily mean the infection was caught recently. You may not be sure when you were exposed. Many people are surprised how supportive their partner is, and how they appreciate being confided in.

Chlamydia Cdc Fact Sheet

At Last! Reliable Treatments For Chlamydia ð

Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease that can be easily cured. If left untreated, chlamydia can make it difficult for a woman to get pregnant.

Basic Fact Sheet | Detailed Version

Basic fact sheets are presented in plain language for individuals with general questions about sexually transmitted diseases. The content here can be syndicated .

Recommended Reading: What Happens When You Get Chlamydia

I Was Treated For Chlamydia When Can I Have Sex Again

You should not have sex again until you and your sex partner have completed treatment. If your doctor prescribes a single dose of medication, you should wait seven days after taking the medicine before having sex. If your doctor prescribes a medicine for you to take for seven days, you should wait until you have taken all of the doses before having sex.

What To Do After First False Positive Chlamydia Test Result

We should try as much as possible never to accept a false positive test result without asking for a re-test especially when we are very sure of our status. Because accepting a false positive Chlamydia test result could lead to unethical and unnecessary surgery, treatment or inefficient/ineffective doctors appointment, when unknowingly to us and the lab technician we never did had such infection after all.

Originally posted 2016-09-15 13:27:04.

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Do I Need To Get Tested Even Without Symptoms

If you are sexually active you should still get tested for chlamydia regularly even if you dont have symptoms. Passing on chlamydia can make any relationship or sexual encounter extremely awkward and can also have serious repercussions for the other persons health.

Even without symptoms chlamydia can cause pelvic inflammatory disease in women which can seriously hard reproductive health. It can also cause fertility problems for men. Testing regularly is the most straightforward way to protect both your health and the health of your future sexual partners.

Dr Bani

Can A Chlamydia Test Result Be False Positive

Rapid Test Chlamydia Trachomatis Antigen

Can a Chlamydia Test Result be False Positive? This is the most common question. I tried to answer it with helpful examples and reasons.

The precision of tests differs, contingent upon the kind of test that is utilized. Suggested tests are 90-95% sensitive. This implies they will recognize Chlamydia major symptoms in the vast majority who have the disease.

Keep in mind that no test is 100% precise. There is a little risk that a test may indicate negative not with standing when you have Chlamydia. This is widely known as a false negative test result outcome. Accuracy of Chlamydia Swab test is also not 100%. It is as well additionally feasible for a test result to be positive notwithstanding when you dont have Chlamydia. This is known as a false positive test outcome. Both these false tests are exceptionally rare. However, can in some cases clarify why you initially got the other result to your sexual partner.

False positive test result for Chlamydia is 100% possible and below are some common reasons for that. You should try to re-test if you are unsure about your first blood test result.

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Testing Before The Incubation Period

Every STD test has an advised date from which a test becomes accurate. This is because the bacteria needs enough time to multiply within your body in order for it to reach a detectable level when taking a chlamydia test. For chlamydia this is often 14 days. If you test before that 14 days is over, you may test negative, but you could still pass the bacteria on following your test.

How Long Does It Take For Chlamydia To Go Away With Antibiotics

If your test results are positive for chlamydia, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics. Chlamydia typically goes away within 1 to 2 weeks. You should avoid sex during this time to prevent transmitting the disease. Your doctor may prescribe a one-dose medication or a medication youll take daily for about a week.

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Why Can’t I Repeat The Chlamydia Test After I’ve Taken My Treatment To Check It Worked

You can, but it takes up to 6 weeks for the test to go back to negative after an infection. If you re-test too early a positive result can be a sign of continuing or re-infection, but it’s most likely to be positive from the initial infection, so it’s not at all helpful.

If you are under 25 years of age, it is recommended to have a repeat test 3 months after treatment as a significant number of young people get repeat infections which are linked to an increased risk of complications.

How Will I Know If I Have Chlamydia

How to Treat Chlamydia

You can only be certain you have chlamydia if you have a test.

Anyone can get chlamydia. Youre more likely to have it if youre under 25, have a new sexual partner, or more than one sexual partner in the last year, and if you havent used condoms.

You should have a test if:

  • you, or a partner, have or think you might have symptoms
  • youve recently had sex without a condom with a new partner
  • you, or a partner, have had sex without a condom with other partners
  • during a vaginal examination, your doctor or nurse says that the cervix is inflamed and/or theres an unusual discharge
  • a sexual partner tells you they have a sexually transmitted infection
  • you have another STI.

If you live in England, and youre a woman who is under 25 and sexually active, its recommended that you have a chlamydia test when you change sexual partner and once a year.

If youre a man who is under 25 and sexually active, its recommended that you have a chlamydia test once a year if you are not using condoms with new or casual partners.

You could still have chlamydia even if a partner has tested negative. The only way to make sure you dont have chlamydia is to get tested yourself.

If you have chlamydia, youll be encouraged to be tested for other STIs as you can have more than one STI at the same time.

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How To Know If You Have Chlamydia

Chlamydia is incredibly difficult to diagnose due to its symptomless nature for 70% of women and 50% of men. The only certain way to know that you have chlamydia is to get tested. If you do have symptoms then you will still need to be tested to effectively diagnose that the symptoms are caused by chlamydia. If youre sexually active, you should get tested regularly whether you have symptoms or not.


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