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HomeNewsCan You Have Bv And Chlamydia At The Same Time

Can You Have Bv And Chlamydia At The Same Time

What Are The Common Conditions And Disorders Associated With Gardnerella Vaginalis

How Do #STIs Affect Pregnancy? Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV and the STIs That Can Affect #Pregnancy

Gardnerella is often confused with BV . And sometimes Gardnerella and BV both are mistaken for STDs or sexually transmitted infections . But Gardnerella isnt the same as BV, and it isnt considered a sexually transmitted bacteria .

Is Gardnerella the same as bacterial vaginosis ?

No. But Gardnerella is associated with BV. And having too much Gardnerella in your vaginal fluid is a sign that you have BV.

Is Gardnerella vaginalis an STD?

No. Gardnerella isnt an STD or STI. But its a bacteria thats most likely transmitted sexually. And this can be confusing. Gardnerella isnt considered a sexually transmitted bacteria, like the bacteria that cause gonorrhea, syphilis or chlamydia, for a few reasons:

Just because Gardnerella isnt an STI-causing bacteria doesnt mean that sexual activity isnt a risk factor when it comes to getting BV. It is. The causes of BV are unknown, but youre more likely to get an infection if you have multiple sex partners or if you have a new sex partner.

Std Testing And Sexual Health Education In Indianapolis In

Indianapolis does have community outreach programs designed to inform students and residents about how dangerous unprotected sex can be, the school system still promotes the federally funded abstinence only classes.

Even though this program may be more comfortable for some parents and educators it is leaving teens and young adults vulnerable. Not only are the increasing number of teenage pregnancies an indication that the abstinence programs are not effective. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea is exceedingly high among women ages 16 to 24, and other sexually transmitted diseases are also growing.

Without proper education many teens and young adults also do not understand that you can get an STD without having sexually intercourse. Some of the viruses can be spread through casual contract, and others may not display any symptoms until others may have been infected.

Regular Herpes testing in Indianapolis is especially important for teens and adults. HIV testing in Indianapolis is always important regardless of age and gender.

Without proper sexual education classes in schools, students will continue to be at risk and STD rates will keep increasing at an alarming rate. While abstinence can protect teens from many sexually transmitted diseases it is not 100 percent effective, and until students and adults understand all of the risks and dangers the city will continue to struggle with a high STD rate.

Medical And Laboratory Data

Diagnosis of BV in the clinic was based on Amsel’s criteria requiring three or more of the following clinical/diagnostic features:

  • The presence of homogeneous vaginal discharge

  • Elevated vaginal pH greater than or equal to 5.0

  • Positive amine test

  • 20% clue cells and typical Gram stain appearance upon microscopy of vaginal secretions including absence of lactobacilli.

The diagnosis of BV was made as part of routine patient assessment by all the clinicians working in the department. All medical and nursing staff had undergone training for their clinical and laboratory work and were subject to quality control procedures with regard to microscopic diagnosis.

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What Exactly Causes Bv

In a nutshell, the exact cause of BV is unknown.

But changes to the balance of vaginal bacteria that leads to an overload of a certain bacteria is believed to result in the infection.

Doctors know that douching and other irritating vaginal products can affect the natural bacterial balance, which is why they advise against using them.

But research has found that youre at an increased risk for BV if:

  • your sexual partner has changed
  • you have an IUD

How Do You Treat Chronic Bv


Bacterial vaginosis is a common but treatable condition, with a number of effective available treatments, including oral and intravaginal metronidazole and clindamycin and oral tinidazole. However, as many as 50% of women with BV experience recurrence within 1 year of treatment for incident disease.

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How Can I Prevent Pid

Getting tested for STDs is one of the best ways to prevent PID, because PID is usually caused by chlamydia or gonorrhea. Most people with chlamydia or gonorrhea dont have any symptoms, so testing is the only way to know for sure if you have one of these infections.

Chlamydia and gonorrhea can be easily treated and cured with antibiotics and the sooner you get tested and treated, the lower your risk is for developing PID. You can also help prevent these and other STDs by having safer sex and using condoms every time you have sex.

And hormonal birth control does NOT prevent sexually transmitted infections, so even if youre using birth control youre at risk for STDs. So its a good idea to use a condom with your birth control to prevent STDs that can turn into PID.

PID is really common, and its easy to develop PID without knowing it. Thats why its so important to get tested for STDs and see a doctor if you notice any symptoms of PID.

What Can Cause Bacterial Vaginosis

You are more likely to get BV:

  • If you are sexually active.
  • If you have recently changed your sexual partner. Frequent changes of sexual partner, or having more than one regular partner, increase the likelihood of BV further.
  • If you have a past history of sexually transmitted infections .
  • If you have a copper coil for contraception – an intrauterine contraceptive device .
  • If your family has Afro-Caribbean origins.
  • If you use bubble bath.
  • If you have prolonged or heavy periods.
  • Following hormonal changes. In some women BV seems to be triggered by the hormonal changes of puberty, pregnancy or the menopause. These are all conditions of changing vaginal acidity.
  • Following courses of antibiotics. Courses of antibiotics tend to kill off all our good bacteria .

Other conditions which can upset vaginal pH or lactobacillus health, and which might be expected to increase the risk of BV include:

  • Use of sex toys.
  • Your partner has had a circumcision.
  • You use condoms .
  • You have showers, not baths.

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Bacterial Vaginosis In Pregnancy

If you develop bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy, there’s a small chance of complications, such as premature birth or miscarriage.

But BV causes no problems in the majority of pregnancies.

Speak to a GP or your midwife if you’re pregnant and your vaginal discharge changes.

Page last reviewed: 22 November 2018 Next review due: 22 November 2021

What If I Am Pregnant

Understanding Bacterial Vaginosis

Trichomoniasis can cause babies to be born early or with low birth weight. If you think you may be pregnant be sure to tell your healthcare provider. Women in the first three months of pregnancy should not take medicine for trich because it might hurt the baby. You can take medicine after the first three months. Talk to your healthcare provider about them.

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How Is Bv Treated

Bacterial vaginosis is treated with antibiotics, which your doctor will prescribe. The most common type of medicine used to treat BV is metronidazole. BV is different than a yeast infection , and over-the-counter yeast infection creams will not cure BV. Because bacterial vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted infection, you dont need to inform your male partner about the condition, because men cannot contract bacterial vaginosis. However, if you have a female partner, its possible that she may also BV and should be tested. It is possible to have recurrent bouts of vaginitis, so its best to practice safe sex and also lower risks in other ways to prevent getting BV again.

What Is The Treatment For Persistent Bacterial Vaginosis

If you have persistent BV then your doctor may want to take further vaginal swabs to check whether there is another cause for the discharge. They will usually suggest that you use the seven-day course of metronidazole if you have not had this before.

Another treatment which may be tried is using metronidazole gel twice a week for up to six months.

If you have a persistent BV infection which does not respond to treatment, and you have an intrauterine contraceptive device then your doctor may advise removing the device until things settle down, as there is some evidence that IUCDs can contribute to persistent BV.

If you have persistent BV and a same-sex partner then treating both of you at the same time is likely to be helpful in preventing persistence and recurrence – even if your partner does not have symptoms.

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Is There A Cure For Bv

A healthcare provider can treat BV with antibiotics. If you have symptoms, you should be checked and treated by a healthcare provider. It is important to take all the medicine your provider prescribes, even if your symptoms go away. Treatment also may reduce the risk for getting other STDs. BV can return even after treatment.

Male sex partners of women with BV do not need treatment. However, BV can spread between female sex partners.

Is There A Test For Bacterial Vaginosis


If you are in a stable, long-term relationship, your doctor or nurse may be happy to diagnose BV just by its typical symptoms.

The typical discharge and its characteristic fishy smell make BV likely. When your doctor examines you they may be able to identify BV from the appearance of the discharge.

There are some tests that can help to confirm the diagnosis. Also, if you are pregnant, it is important to make an accurate diagnosis of any unusual vaginal discharge so that any infection can be treated effectively. The tests include:

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Possible Though Unlikely Sources Of Trich:

There are a few ways that trich can be spread without having sexual relations:

  • Public Pools: If the water in a community swimming pool is not properly cleaned and filtered, it is possible for the parasite to survive and infect others.
  • Sharing damp clothing, towels or swimsuits: Much like the pool, if clothes are not properly washed, it is technically possible for the infection to spread from wearer to wearer.

Of course, please remember that sexual activity is by far the most common source of infection. While these potential sources can be comforting to a worried partner, they are quite unlikely to actually be the cause. Compared to skin-to-skin contact, the reports of trich being spread through these means are few and far between.

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How Is Bacterial Vaginosis Treated

The usual treatment for BV is antibiotics. These come in two forms:

  • pills to swallow

Because BV can come back, a girl may need to take more than one series of antibiotics. Even if you feel better partway through taking the antibiotics, be sure to finish the entire amount. That’s the best way to kill the harmful bacteria. Some creams can weaken condoms and diaphragms , so ask your doctor when its OK to use these for birth control again.

If a girl is having sex with male partners, they don’t need to be tested. If a girl is having sex with another girl, the partner also should be tested and treated if she has symptoms.

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Can A Bacterial Infection Be Mistaken For Chlamydia

Other times, BV symptoms can be mistaken for other problems such as UTI, yeast infection or other causes of pelvic infections such as Trichomonas, Chlamydia or Gonorrhea.

Is bacterial vaginosis a symptom of an STD?

BV isnt considered a sexually transmitted disease . But the chances of getting it seem to go up with the number of sexual partners a woman has.

Can Herpes Be Confused With Something Else

Clinical Pearls for Chlamydia & Gonorrhea

Pain, itching, and general discomfort are all common signs of genital herpes but it may go without saying that they can also be a sign of a number of other conditions and common sexually transmitted infections.

If you think you may have contracted herpes, its important to get tested either with your doctor or with an at-home lab test. Its also important to find out more about what else could potentially be causing these symptoms.

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Can Metronidazole Treat Chlamydia

If symptoms suggest recurrent or persistent urethritis, the CDC recommends treatment with 2 g metronidazole orally in a single dose plus 500 mg erythromycin base orally four times per day for seven days, or 800 mg erythromycin ethylsuccinate orally four times per day for seven days.

A number of sexually transmitted diseases , such as trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia, can cause vaginitis. However, its important to note that asymptomatic STDs are common, and the absence of vaginitis does not mean that you dont have an STD.

Sometimes, there are no symptoms with BV at all. Other times, BV symptoms can be mistaken for other problems such as UTI, yeast infection or other causes of pelvic infections such as Trichomonas, Chlamydia or Gonorrhea.

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Testing For Genital Herpes

If you think you may have genital herpes you should make an appointment with your GP or local sexual health services.

If there are symptoms present such as blisters, sores and ulcers, your doctor or nurse may be able to make a diagnosis straight away.

If you have visible blisters, your doctor or nurse may take a swab for testing, to check if this is herpes and what type. This swab can also test for another STI which causes blisters called syphilis.

The genital herpes swab tests are very reliable, though if the ulcer is too dry then it may be less likely to find a positive result.

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How Common Is Chlamydia

Chlamydia is the most common STI caused by bacteria. Nearly 2 million cases of chlamydia were reported to the CDC in 2019. The number of infections is likely even higher. When compared to previous years, 2019 infection rates increased among people of all genders, all races and ethnicities, and in every region of the U.S. Most cases of chlamydia are asymptomatic, which means there are no signs or symptoms of an infection. Many of these cases likely go unreported.

Certain demographic characteristics may make you more likely to get diagnosed with chlamydia. Youre more likely to get diagnosed if youre:

  • A teen or young adult aged 15 to 24. More than half of all diagnosed chlamydia cases in the U.S. occur in this age group.
  • A cisgender woman aged 15 to 24. Young women in this age group are targeted for chlamydia screenings, and the rate of infection among those who are tested is high.
  • A man who has sex with men . Chlamydia infections disproportionately affect men who have sex with men.
  • Black and non-Hispanic. Chlamydia infections disproportionately affect non-Hispanic Black populations.

What Are The Signs & Symptoms Of Bacterial Vaginosis


Many girls don’t see any signs of BV. But those who do might notice:

  • white or gray thin vaginal discharge
  • a bad, fishy smell that’s more noticeable during a girl’s period or after sex

Itching and burning are not common signs of bacterial vaginosis. If a girl has those symptoms, the doctor will check for other conditions.

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What Can Happen If You Have Bv For A Long Time

Most often, BV does not cause other health problems.However, if left untreated, BV may increase yourrisk for:

  • Sexually transmitted diseases like herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease where BV bacteria infect the uterus or fallopian tubes. Pelvic inflammatory disease can cause infertility and increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
  • An infection after a procedure on the female organs. This includes cesarean section, abortion, and surgery on the cervix or uterus.
  • Early labor or birth, if pregnant

If you have BV:

  • Always finish antibiotic treatment, even if the signs of BV go away
  • Talk to female sex partners about getting BV treatment

Chlamydia Can Sometimes Go Away On Its Own

Some diseases and infections can go away on their own, so its not surprising that people wonder: does chlamydia go away on its own? The truth is, it sometimes does. In about 20% of people who have no symptoms, chlamydia may resolve spontaneously without treatment. It means that under certain circumstances host immune responses can control chlamydia naturally.

Untreated chlamydia can go on without any symptoms for a long period of time. Thats why its so important to get tested and catch it early. When chlamydia isnt treated, it can cause a number of serious complications. In women, the infection can spread to the uterus and uterine tubes, while in men, it can spread to the prostate gland. Chlamydia can also cause reactive arthritis, which affects your joints and eyes.

When chlamydia isnt treated, it can cause a number of serious complications.

Some people claim that chlamydia can be treated with home remedies like garlic and turmeric, but these methods are unproven and should be avoided. The only proven cure for chlamydia is treatment with antibiotics, which usually clear up the infection in a week or two.

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Bacterial Vaginosis Questions And Answers

What is BV?

What are the Symptoms of BV?

Common BV symptoms include:

-Thin, white or gray vaginal discharge

-Vaginal irritation, burning or itch

-Foul smelling, fishy vaginal odor

-Discomfort with urination

Sometimes, there are no symptoms with BV at all. Other times, BV symptoms can be mistaken for other problems such as UTI, yeast infection or other causes of pelvic infections such as Trichomonas, Chlamydia or Gonorrhea.

What causes BV?

Is BV Dangerous?

For most women, BV is not harmful and sometimes resolves on its own. However, BV can cause Pelvic inflammatory Disease which is a severe pelvic infection which can result in infertility. BV can also be problematic for pregnant women because it increases the chances of pre-term delivery.

Having BV can also increase a persons chances of contracting HIV, gonorrhea and chlamydia.

How is BV treated?

BV can be treated with antibiotics but there are also several natural treatments which can be effective in treating BV.

Are there any natural remedies for BV and can it be prevented?

Prevention is always better than a cure. BV can be prevented and can also be treated naturally. The most important step in treating BV naturally is identifying and correcting the underlying root cause. Probiotics, yogurt, coconut oil, garlic, essential oils, safe sex and proper hygiene are all helpful natural treatments. You should partner with your health care provider to come up with a natural treatment plan for BV.


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