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HomeAntibioticsCan I Take Antibiotics For Chlamydia Without Being Tested

Can I Take Antibiotics For Chlamydia Without Being Tested

Natural Ways To Treat Chlamydia Without Going Doctor

“Chlamydia Information: Testing, Symptoms and Treatment” by

In research, it is proved that no natural remedy can cure Chlamydia till now. But there are various natural supplements available which can cure the immune system which is the main cause of having Chlamydia. Some of them are:-

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus: After taking antibiotic several bacteria which favors the intestine microflora are also dead. It is important that these bacteria should be present for a smoother immune system. This supplement helps in restabilising the colony of good bacteria in one gut.
  • Astragalus: This supplement comes from Northern China. It contains flavonoids, amino acids and other traces of vital minerals which help in boosting the immune system.
  • Echinacea: It is basically a purple coneflower, and comes from North America. The whole plant is used for herbal medicine. It helps in activating the white blood cells and helps to boost the immune system.
  • How Will I Know If I Have Chlamydia

    You can only be certain you have chlamydia if you have a test.

    Anyone can get chlamydia. Youre more likely to have it if youre under 25, have a new sexual partner, or more than one sexual partner in the last year, and if you havent used condoms.

    You should have a test if:

    • you, or a partner, have or think you might have symptoms
    • youve recently had sex without a condom with a new partner
    • you, or a partner, have had sex without a condom with other partners
    • during a vaginal examination, your doctor or nurse says that the cervix is inflamed and/or theres an unusual discharge
    • a sexual partner tells you they have a sexually transmitted infection
    • you have another STI.

    If you live in England, and youre a woman who is under 25 and sexually active, its recommended that you have a chlamydia test when you change sexual partner and once a year.

    If youre a man who is under 25 and sexually active, its recommended that you have a chlamydia test once a year if you are not using condoms with new or casual partners.

    You could still have chlamydia even if a partner has tested negative. The only way to make sure you dont have chlamydia is to get tested yourself.

    If you have chlamydia, youll be encouraged to be tested for other STIs as you can have more than one STI at the same time.

    Treatment For Chlamydia Is Quick And Easy

    Two antibiotics are most often used for treating chlamydia:

    • Azithromycin The main treatment for chlamydia is one gram of azithromycin, taken one time, says , deputy director of clinical services for public health with the Seattle and King County HIV and STD Program in Washington. That one gram comes as either two pills or four pills. It is not expensive.
    • Doxycycline If your doctor prescribes doxycycline, you will take two pills daily for one week. It costs somewhat more than azithromycin.

    Antibiotics can also cure chlamydia in infants, who can get the infection from their mothers, and treatment is essential for them. Without treatment, infants infected with chlamydia can develop conjunctivitis, which can cause blindness, or pneumonia, which can be fatal.

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    What Happens If Chlamydia Is Left Untreated

    If left untreated, chlamydia can lead to more serious health problems.

    In people assigned female at birth, untreated chlamydia can cause pelvic inflammatory disease , a condition which can scar the fallopian tubes and lead to infertility.

    Chlamydia can also be passed on to babies during birth if the parent has the infection while pregnant.

    In people assigned male at birth, untreated chlamydia can cause epididymitis, an infection in the prostate gland, and male chlamydial urethritis.

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    Im Not Sure I Have Chlamydia What Should I Do

    Chlamydia Symptoms, Pictures, Treatment

    If you have chlamydia symptoms but havent gotten tested, you should book an appointment with a PlushCare doctor and request STD testing. The doctor will write you a lab order and direct you to a lab close to you where you can get tested. Your results will be sent back to the PlushCare doctor who can then begin treatment.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Chlamydia

    Many people with chlamydia dont have any symptoms. If you do get symptoms, you may not notice them until several weeks after infection. Other people might not have any symptoms for several months.

    Signs of chlamydia in women include:

    • increase in vaginal discharge
    • pain or burning when urinating
    • pain during sex and/or bleeding after sex
    • pain in the lower stomach especially when having sex
    • bleeding between periods and/or heavier periods.

    Signs of chlamydia in men include:

    • white, cloudy or watery discharge from the penis
    • pain or burning when urinating
    • pain and/or swelling in the testicles.

    You can also get chlamydia infection in your anus, eyes and throat. For both men and women, this can cause pain, discharge or bleeding in the anus, or inflammation of the eye . Chlamydia in the throat does not usually have any symptoms.

    How Soon Can You Retest After Chlamydia Treatment

    igmg87 over a year ago

    I was diagnosed with Chlamydia a week ago, I had not had sex with anyone for over a month prior to that. Doctor prescribed me Azithromycin 500mg 2 tablets as a one time dose. My doctor told me I needed to retest after 3 months to make sure that I didn’t have it or have been reinfected. I’m very paranoid because I’ve never had an std, & I don’t want to have sex with anyone unless I test first & its negative. Can I retest a week after I finish the antibiotic treatment or will it still show positive? I don’t want to get back with my ex boyfriend unless both of our results are negative. I still plan on retesting in 3 months


    Biomajor10over a year ago


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    What Happens If Chlamydia Isn’t Treated

    Only some people who have chlamydia will have complications. If chlamydia is treated early, its unlikely to cause any long-term problems. But, without proper treatment, the infection can spread to other parts of the body. The more times you have chlamydia the more likely you are to get complications.

    • If you have a vulva, chlamydia can spread to other reproductive organs causing pelvic inflammatory disease . This can lead to long-term pelvic pain, blocked fallopian tubes, infertility and ectopic pregnancy .
    • In people with a vulva, chlamydia can also cause pain and inflammation around the liver, though this is rare. This usually gets better with the correct antibiotic treatment.
    • If you have a penis, chlamydia can lead to infection in the testicles. If this isnt treated, theres a possibility it could affect your fertility but more research is needed to understand how likely this is.
    • Rarely, chlamydia can lead to inflammation of the joints. This is known as Sexually Acquired Reactive Arthritis and is sometimes accompanied by inflammation of the urethra and the eye. This is more likely to occur in people with a penis than people with a vulva.

    Taking The Incorrect Medication

    “Chlamydia Treatment & Prevention” by

    Keep in mind that your treatment can fail if youâre taking the wrong medication. You might be prescribed the wrong drugs due to syndromatic treatment, an efficient, but sometimes inaccurate treatment method in which patients are prescribed STD treatment based on symptoms, rather than testing. This is sometimes done in STD clinics when there is a concern that the patient might not come back for their test results.

    And you could be taking the wrong medication if youâve acquired it on your own and chose the wrong onessuch as taking medication that was prescribed for a past STD you had, or for your partner, or for a friend.

    Not all STDs are caused by the same pathogens . Different illnesses require different treatments.

    Thatâs why itâs so important for your healthcare provider to correctly identify whatâs causing your infection. Thatâs also why you canât just take any random antibiotic and hope itâs going to work.

    Also Check: What’s The Difference Between Gonorrhea And Chlamydia

    Ive Been Given Medication For Chlamydia What Now

    If you have been given a medication or a prescription to take to a pharmacy please read the Partner Info Sheet that came with it before taking the medication.

    Dont have a Partner Info Sheet? No problem. Click here for a copy.

    For more info on PDPT, or advice around telling your partner, call Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624.

    What Dosage Treats Chlamydia

    For people with uncomplicated genital chlamydia, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a single dose of azithromycin taken orally to cure the infection.

    Azithromycin comes in three forms:

    • Tablet
    • Regular-release powder

    For both powder formulas, either you or a pharmacist mix it with liquid to take.

    Don’t Miss: Chlamydia In The Throat Symptoms Female

    How Does Chlamydia Affect Pregnancy

    For pregnant women, chlamydia may lead to premature birth, or babies born before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Premature birth is the most common cause of infant death and can lead to long-term health and development problems in children.5

    Babies born to mothers who have chlamydia can get:

    • Infections in their eyes, called conjunctivitis or pinkeye. Signs include discharge from the eyes and swollen eyelids. The signs most often show up within two weeks after birth.
    • Pneumonia. Signs include congestion, cough, and rapid or labored breathing, although these are not always present. Signs most often show up one to three months after birth.

    Can Women Who Have Sex With Women Get Chlamydia

    Chlamydia in Men

    Yes. It is possible to get chlamydia, or any other STI, if you are a woman who has sex only with women. Chlamydia lives in the reproductive tract of an infected woman and can pass to a sex partner, whether male or female.

    Talk to your partner about her sexual history before having sex, and ask your doctor or nurse for an STI test if you are at risk.6

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    What Happens If You Dont Get Treated For Chlamydia

    Even though chlamydia is common and doesnt usually cause any symptoms, it can become a big deal if its not caught and treated early.

    Chlamydia can spread to your uterus and fallopian tubes if it goes untreated for a long time. This can cause you to have pelvic inflammatory disease . PID can cause permanent damage that leads to pain, infertility, or ectopic pregnancy. So getting tested regularly for chlamydia really lowers your chances of getting PID.

    If you have a penis, a chlamydia infection can spread to your epididymis if its left untreated, and can cause chronic joint pain. Rarely, it can make you infertile.

    Having chlamydia may increase your chances of getting or spreading HIV.

    If you have chlamydia during your pregnancy and dont treat it, you can pass it to your baby when youre giving birth. Chlamydia can also cause eye infections and pneumonia in newborns, and it also increases the risk of delivering your baby too early.

    Testing and treatment for chlamydia is quick, easy, and the best way to avoid all of these problems.

    Does Chlamydia Cause Cervical Cancer

    No, chlamydia doesn’t cause cervical cancer.

    It’s possible to get a sexually transmitted infection by having sex with someone who has an STI, even if they have no symptoms.

    The following measures will help protect you from most STIs including chlamydia, gonorrhoea and HIV.

    If you have an STI, they’ll also help prevent you from passing it on to someone:

    • Use condoms every time you have vaginal or anal sex.
    • If you have oral sex , use a condom to cover the penis, or a dam to cover the vulva or anus.
    • Avoid sharing sex toys. If you do share them, wash them or cover them with a new condom before anyone else uses them.

    Recommended Reading: Are Gonorrhea And Chlamydia Treated The Same

    Can Chlamydia Be Prevented

    The only sure way to prevent chlamydia is to not have vaginal, anal, or oral sex.

    Correct usage of latex condoms greatly reduces, but does not eliminate, the risk of catching or spreading chlamydia. If your or your partner is allergic to latex, you can use polyurethane condoms.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

    Testing And Treating Sexual Partners

    5 Things Your Doctor Needs You To Know About Chlamydia

    If you test positive for chlamydia, it’s important that your current sexual partner and any other recent sexual partners you’ve had are also tested and treated.

    A specialist sexual health adviser can help you contact your recent sexual partners, or the clinic can contact them for you if you prefer.

    Either you or someone from the clinic can speak to them, or the clinic can send them a note to let them know they may have been exposed to a sexually transmitted infection .

    The note will suggest that they go for a check-up. It will not have your name on it, so your confidentiality will be protected.

    Page last reviewed: 01 September 2021 Next review due: 01 September 2024

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    Can You Get Chlamydia More Than Once

    Yes, you can get the infection even if youve successfully treated it already.

    A sexual partner who has chlamydia can transmit it to you again, even if youve already had it and treated it.

    You can also get chlamydia again if it wasnt fully treated the first time. This can happen if you stop taking the necessary treatment. Its important to complete the antibiotics youve been given, even if your symptoms get better.

    The CDC recommends getting tested 3 months after treatment of your initial infection to ensure the infection is cleared.

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    Why Is It Important To Undergo A Chlamydia Test

    A chlamydia test is the best way to detect if you have a chlamydia infection or not. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly three million Americans are infected with chlamydia every year.

    It is a must to undergo a chlamydia test because the disease can go on without symptoms and someone who has it may unknowingly transfer the infection to other people.

    A regular screening is a must for people who are:

  • Sexually active and aged 15 to 24 years old
  • Those who have multiple sex partners
  • Those who have previous chlamydia infections
  • Those people whose sex partner has an active sexually transmitted disease
  • Men who have sex with the same gender
  • Those people who are HIV positive
  • Pregnant women below 25 years old
  • Picture 3: A urine test is one of the procedures used to detect the presence of infection such as chlamydia.

    Image Source:

    Also Check: Can Gonorrhea Or Chlamydia Go Away On Its Own

    What Medication Is Prescribed For Chlamydia

    Chlamydia is a bacterial sexually transmitted infection . While most patients who have been treated for chlamydia are asymptomatic, it is imperative to be treated if you or a partner may have been exposed. The CDC recommended treatment for chlamydia is Azithromycin 1 g by mouth in a single dose or Doxycycline 100 mg by mouth twice a daily for 7 day. These options are equally as effective and chosen based on preference and patience tolerance to antibiotics.

    Why Do I Keep Getting A Chlamydia Infection

    Chlamydia Curable with Treatment and Safe Sex Practices

    You can get chlamydia even after treatment. You may get it again for several reasons, including:

    • You did not complete your course of antibiotics as directed and the initial chlamydia did not go away.
    • Your sexual partner has untreated chlamydia and gave it to you during sexual activity.
    • You used an object during sex that was not properly cleaned and was contaminated with chlamydia.

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    How Chlamydias Passed On

    Chlamydia is usually passed from one person to another through sexual contact.

    You can get the infection if you come into contact with the semen or vaginal fluids of someone who has chlamydia.

    Chlamydia is most commonly spread through:

    • vaginal or anal sex without a condom
    • sharing sex toys that arent washed or covered with a new condom each time theyre used.

    It can be spread by giving or receiving oral sex with someone who has chlamydia. The risk can be lowered by using a condom or a dam to cover the genitals.

    If infected semen or vaginal fluid comes into contact with the eye it can cause conjunctivitis (infection or irritation of the eye.

    If youre pregnant its possible to pass chlamydia to the baby .

    Its not clear if chlamydia can be spread by transferring infected semen or vaginal fluid to another persons genitals on the fingers or through rubbing vulvas together.

    You cant get chlamydia from kissing, hugging, sharing baths or towels, swimming pools, toilet seats or from sharing cups, plates or cutlery.

    Why Do You Have To Wait 3 Months To Retest For Chlamydia

    In fact, women who become reinfected with chlamydia have an even higher risk for PID and ectopic pregnancy than those with a first infection. Due to these risks, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that any person who tests positive for chlamydia be retested three months after treatment.

    Recommended Reading: How Soon Can I Get Tested For Chlamydia

    What Treats Chlamydia

    If you or a partner have been exposed to chlamydia, it is important to get treated immediately. Most persons with chlamydia may have no symptoms. To treat chlamydia, there are two antibiotics most recommended by the CDC, azithromycin, and doxycycline. While both medications are equally effective, azithromycin is administered in a single dose while doxycycline is offered as a 7-day treatment. Most common side effects of either treatment is nausea, upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Additionally, some may have an adverse effect such as rash or hives with doxycycline.

    How Long Does It Take

    Do I Have Chlamydia? Symptoms of Chlamydia

    It takes about one week for azithromycin to completely cure a chlamydial infection, and in some cases it can take up to two weeks for the infection to clear.

    If you are sexually active during this time, you can pass the infection to your partner, even if you have no symptoms. For these reasons, you should avoid having sex of any kind during treatment.

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