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Can I Get Chlamydia Treatment Online

What Should I Do If I Have Chlamydia

What Is Chlamydia Symptoms and Treatment

Chlamydia is easy to treat. But you need to be tested and treated as soon as possible.

If you have chlamydia:

  • See a doctor or nurse as soon as possible. Antibiotics will treat chlamydia, but they will not fix any permanent damage to your reproductive organs.
  • Take all of your medicine. Even if symptoms go away, you need to finish all of the antibiotics.
  • Tell your sex partner so they can be tested and treated. If they are not tested and treated you could get chlamydia again.
  • Avoid sexual contact until you and your partner have been treated and cured. Even after you finish your antibiotics, you can get chlamydia again if you have sex with someone who has chlamydia.
  • See your doctor or nurse again if you have symptoms that dont go away within a few days after finishing the antibiotics.

How Long Will It Take For Chlamydia To Clear Up

If you have symptoms, they should start to get better after a few days of taking chlamydia treatment. You need to finish the whole course of antibiotics to treat chlamydia. After 7 days of doxycycline, you can have sex again.

It is important that your sexual partners get tested and get treatment if they need it. If you take treatment and your sexual partner has chlamydia, you can catch it again. You should only have sex again once both of you have finished your treatment.

How Long Does It Take For Chlamydia Symptoms To Clear

When taking antibiotics , symptoms usually settle quickly. Pain on passing urine and discharge go within a week, pelvic or testicular pain can take two weeks and menstrual irregularities should improve by the next cycle. Always complete the full course of antibiotic.

Chlamydia is unlikely to go away without treatment. Although symptoms may subside temporarily, infection may persist in the body without treatment. It is important to seek diagnosis and treatment to get rid of the infection.

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How Do You Know If Chlamydia Is Gone After Treatment

Your chlamydia symptoms should improve within a week of completing your course of antibiotics.

You do not need an immediate follow-up test to check if your chlamydia treatment has worked, as dead chlamydia bacteria may be detected 3 to 5 weeks after treatment, which would give a false positive result. But, if you have a rectal infection, you should have a test after treatment is completed.

If you are under 25 and have tested positive for chlamydia, it is recommended you take a repeat test 3 months after completing your treatment, to check you have not caught chlamydia again.

What Is The Difference Between Azithromycin And Doxycycline For Treating Chlamydia

Its National STI Day! Do You Know Your Sexual Health Status?

Doxycycline has proven to be more effective as a chlamydia treatment and is the first line of treatment. Doxycycline needs to be taken two times a day for one week. Doxycycline is unsuitable for those who are pregnant or breast-feeding, those that have a high exposure to UV rays such as natural sun light and sunbeds or those that have previously experienced a stomach upset from antibiotics. It is also unsuitable for those who have certain medical conditions and those taking certain medication. The medical questionnaire will determine whether doxycycline is suitable for you to take or not.

Azithromycin is an alternative chlamydia antibiotic, for those that are unable to take doxycycline. It is taken over a three-day period.

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How To Treat Chlamydia

The best way to treat this health condition is with antibiotics. In this case, antibiotics are very effective and generally heal about 95% of all infections. At Apomeds we offer the following antibiotics:

As with all medications, these antibiotics have side effects. However, not all patients experience. The most common side effects are:

You can buy the two antibiotics only via prescription. On our platform, you can have a prescription issued via online diagnosis by our EU-licensed doctors. After that, your order will be processed by the mail-order pharmacy we collaborate with and you will receive the drug within 24 to 48 hours.

How Does Doxycycline Treat Chlamydia

Antibiotics work against bacteria. For their own survival and reproduction bacteria need to produce certain proteins. Doxycycline works by entering the bacteria cells and blocking the production of these proteins.

If taken correctly, doxycycline helps to completely get rid of a bacterial infection like chlamydia in 95% of the cases. To make sure that doxycycline will work properly, its important that you complete the treatment by taking every single dose on time.

If you do decide to have sex anyway, use a condom to make sure you avoid spreading your infection.

If you are under 25 you should take a chlamydia test 3 months after finishing your treatment.

If you need to start a course of chlamydia treatment, you can order it online from Superdrug Online Doctor in a few simple steps:

  • Fill in a quick questionnaire about your health
  • One of our doctors will review your order and approve a suitable treatment
  • Doxycycline will be sent to you with a fast and discreet delivery

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How To Cure An Std

Not all STDs are curable, but some of the most common ones are easily dispatched with a round of doctor-prescribed antibiotics. While you cant treat trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, or chlamydia over the counter, ordering an STI consult with a doctor online is easy and safe. Your doctor will talk to you about your symptoms after checkout, answer any questions you may have, and provide a prescription treatment for you to pick up at your local pharmacy, or a lab referral for you to get an STI test. No embarassment, no hasslejust treatment.

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Most Effective Home Based Remedies For Chlamydia

Sneaky Chlamydia | Do You Have It & Not Know It?

There are so many effective home based remedies that can be used for the complete treatment of Chlamydia

some of these are listed as below:

  • Garlic: We already know the amazing health benefits of garlic. You can find it easily in almost every kitchen because it works like a most important ingredient for routine cooking. But at the same time, garlic is popular for its anti-bacterial properties that can initiate action against Chlamydia. Note that, in order to treat signs of Chlamydia in women with garlic it is good to consume it like salad because of the cooked form loses the useful medicinal content. One can also prefer to drink garlic juice in its fresh form by adding a small amount of honey or sugar into it. If you are not able to drink or consume raw garlic then you can also buy the garlic capsules from the market.
  • Usnea: This herb is also known by the name Old Mans Beard and it is considered as one of the most powerful anti-viral solutions that can treat several infections in the human body. It can lead to more beneficial impact when consumed with moss and algae. Thus, this herb not only initiates a fight against infection causing bacteria rather it also eliminates fungal infections and viral threats. Usnea is also known for its ability to treat HIV viruses by boosting the ability of immune system so that effect of micro organisms can be reduced.
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    Get Retested Following Treatment

    Many people have more than one chlamydia infection. If youre a girl or woman and your sex partners are not treated for the infection, you will be at high risk for reinfection. Repeated infections with chlamydia make it much more likely that your ability to have children will be affected. Repeated infections also raise your risk of painful complications, such as pelvic inflammatory disease.

    Both women and men with chlamydia should be retested about three months after they are first diagnosed and treated. Go to be retested even if you think your sex partners were successfully treated.

    Diagnosing Chlamydial Urethritis In Men

    Your doctor will perform a series of lab tests to diagnose chlamydial urethritis. Youll be asked to give a urine sample, which will be tested for the presence of the chlamydia organism.

    You may also need a urethral discharge culture, or swab test, to rule out gonorrhea. Gonorrhea symptoms often look like the symptoms of chlamydia. Its possible to have both at the same time.

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    What If Im Pregnant

    During delivery, the infection can spread to the newborn from the birth canal. It can cause eye infection or pneumonia. There may also be an association with preterm labour and low birth weight. Screening and treatment of chlamydia during pregnancy can prevent these complications. This is not part of the routine NHS antenatal screening. Doxycycline cannot be taken during pregnancy, but azithromycin is safe and effective.

    What Do I Need To Know About Chlamydia Antibiotic Treatment

    Buy Azithromycin Chlamydia Treatment Online

    In most cases, you can cure chlamydia quickly with minimal side-effects by taking a short course of antibiotics. Once you or your partner’s diagnosis is confirmed, you should start chlamydia treatment as soon as possible. Please note that you cannot become immune to catching chlamydia, and if you regularly have different sexual partners, it is important to get tested for chlamydia regularly. You can get chlamydia treatment online from a registered pharmacy. Alternatively, you can visit your local sexual health clinic.

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    How To Get Antibiotics For Chlamydia

    Chlamydia is a common STD that can infect both males and females. It can cause major, permanent damages to a womans reproductive system. How To Get Antibiotics For Chlamydia

    This can make it difficult or impossible for her to obtain expectant later on. Chlamydia can likewise cause a possibly deadly ectopic maternity a pregnancy that takes place outside the womb.

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    Why Do You Have To Wait 3 Months To Retest For Chlamydia

    In fact, women who become reinfected with chlamydia have an even higher risk for PID and ectopic pregnancy than those with a first infection. Due to these risks, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that any person who tests positive for chlamydia be retested three months after treatment.

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    What Happens If You Dont Use Chlamydia Treatment

    In females, if chlamydia is left untreated, it can spread to the uterus and the fallopian tubes . Chlamydia in the uterus and fallopian tubes can cause what is known as Pelvic Inflammatory Disease . Although PID may not have any symptoms at first, it can lead to long-term pain in the pelvic region and cause permanent damage to your reproductive system. This could affect your ability to get pregnant and may also cause an ectopic pregnancy, a life-threatening situation where a pregnancy occurs outside of the uterus , usually inside the fallopian tubes. If you have chlamydia that has not been treated whilst pregnant, there is a possibility that you could pass the infection onto your child. This can result in the baby developing conjunctivitis or pneumonia .

    In males, if chlamydia is left untreated, it can spread to the testicles and epididymis . This can result in your testicles becoming swollen and painful . If not treated, it can cause extreme pain and discomfort and may even lead to infertility.

    In both males and females, if chlamydia is not treated, it can cause reactive arthritis. This is a painful condition that causes swelling and stiffness to the joints. After treatment, most people return to normal activity after 6 months.

    Box : Topics Covered By The Questionnaire For Service Users


    The questionnaire included closed questions on:

    • Relationship to the pharmacy
    • Alternative sources of testing considered
    • Previous sources of advice on sexual infections
    • Adequacy of privacy in pharmacy
    • Preferred source of treatment if result positive
    • Additional services obtained from pharmacy at same visit
    • Preferred type of pharmacy as source of chlamydia test
    • Demographic details and Likert scales to indicate client satisfaction and level of comfort discussing sexual health with the pharmacist

    Table 1Demographic details of people tested for chlamydia in the community pharmacy pilot

    Frequency of this ethnic group among service users Ethnic group
    Highest level of educational attainment Frequency

    For testing the feasibility and acceptability of this service we carried out a questionnaire survey of the clients, and indepth semistructured interviews with the clients and pharmacists. The laboratory that tested the specimens provided data on the number of samples tested and the rate of positivity, and the pharmacies were evaluated by professional patients.

    Of the 83 tests taken eight were positive. Five of the participants with the positive tests were treated ) in a pharmacy, two were treated elsewhere and one was lost to followup. For those treated in a pharmacy the average time between testing and treatment was 4.6days.

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    How Long Does Azithromycin Take To Cure Chlamydia

    It usually takes approximately 7 days for azithromycin to cure chlamydia. However, it can take up to 2 weeks for the infection to go away completely.

    Avoid having sex during treatment or until the infection has cleared. Youll want to make sure its completely cured, or else youll risk passing it to someone else.

    How To Get Treated For Chlamydia Online

    As mentioned above, chlamydia is easy to treat and curable. You should take whatever antibiotic your doctor prescribes and follow their instructions until your infection clears up, which typically takes up to 2 weeks. Do not have sex during the treatment time.

    While going to a doctor for an STI can be intimidating and embarrassing, you can get treatment online. It often circumvents the embarrassment and makes it more like ordering from UberEats. Hereâs how you can get treatment for chlamydia online:

  • Find an online doctor: Itâs crucial that you find a reputable doctor online. Ensure the doctor and practice are legit by verifying credentials and checking online reviews.
  • Schedule an appointment: Once you find a doctor, schedule an appointment and speak with them. Your doctor will ask general questions about your health, medical history, and symptoms. They may require testing to administer a chlamydia prescription online, though that is an easy and discrete process because labs are abundant. Generally speaking, you can get same-day treatment for chlamydia.
  • Choose a pharmacy: Choose a pharmacy for your doctor to send your prescription to. Your medication will generally be able to pick up the same day once the pharmacy receives it.
  • Pick up your prescription: The last step to getting treated for chlamydia online is picking up your medication and following the treatment plan outlined by your doctor. You shoudl be back in tip-top shape within two weeks.
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    What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Chlamydia

    Most commonly, people who have chlamydia dont show any signs or symptoms. Thats why its so important for anyone who is sexually active to get tested for common STIs annually or when they have a new partner. If left untreated, chlamydia can permanently damage a womans reproductive health and lead to infertility.

    When symptoms do present, they may not be noticeable until a few weeks after exposure.

    For women and people with vaginas, symptoms are similar to those of a yeast infection or UTI and include:

    • Changes in discharge
    • Burning sensation when peeing

    Similarly, chlamydia symptoms in men and those with penises, can easily be confused with other conditions and include:

    • Burning or itching
    • Pain and swelling in one or both testicles

    If you experience these symptoms, get tested. Keep in mind though, that most people who have chlamydia dont experience any symptoms. Thats why its so important to get tested regularly.

    Chlamydia Can Return Even After Antibiotic Treatment Because It Survives In The Stomach

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    Chlamydia, the most common sexually transmitted infection and often a symptom-less one, can usually be treated with antibiotics effectively. But new research shows that oftentimes chlamydia can return with a vengeance, even after treatment.

    Research out of the Arkansas Childrens Research Institute has found that if chlamydia survives in the persons stomach, even after it has been cleared away from the genitals by antibiotics, it can re-infect the person.

    It is possible that women, cured of genital infection by antibiotics, remain infected in the gastrointestinal tract and can become re-infected by auto-inoculation from that site, Roger Rank, the lead author of the study, wrote.

    In a small percentage of recurrent infections, Rank said, infection cannot be attributed to reinfection from a partner or treatment failure so it would appear that in these cases, the organism has remained persistent in the individual. Based on the studies in animals and the experimental mouse model studies and evidence for gastrointestinal infection in humans, we propose that chlamydiae shed in the GI tract may infect the genital tract via auto-inoculation.

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    How To Get Tested For Chlamydia

    This article was medically reviewed by . Dr. Ziats is an Internal Medicine Physician, Researcher, and Entrepreneur in biotechnology. He received his PhD in Genetics from the University of Cambridge in 2014, and completed his MD shortly thereafter, at Baylor College of Medicine in 2015.There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 15,300 times.

    Chlamydia is a relatively common sexually transmitted infection caused by a bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis.XResearch source In 2012, there were 1.4 million reported cases of chlamydia.XResearch sourceCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance, 2012. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services December 2013. Both genders can contract chlamydia , although its difficult to know if youre infected because it doesnt often cause obvious symptoms. As such, its important to get tested for chlamydia on a regular basis if youre at high risk for getting infected because its easy to treat, but potentially devastating to your health if left untreated.

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