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HomeMust ReadWhat To Take When You Have Chlamydia

What To Take When You Have Chlamydia

How Is Chlamydia Treated During Pregnancy

What is chlamydia? | Infectious diseases | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

Chlamydia may be treated and cured with antibiotics administered orally. This may be either a single dose or a 7-day course. The antibiotics used are typically safe during pregnancy.If you continue seeing symptoms after a few days into the antibiotic treatment, you should return to your doctor for another evaluation. The CDC suggests that pregnant women who are treated for chlamydia infection should be retested at 3 weeks and 3 months post-treatment since reinfection is somewhat common.

How Can I Prevent Catching Oral Chlamydia

There are risk factors that increase your chances of getting chlamydia. These include:

  • Being sexually active and under age 25
  • Having multiple sexual partners
  • Having a history of sexually transmitted infection

There are certain steps you can take to prevent catching oral chlamydia including:

  • Talking to your sexual partner about their sexual health
  • Using barrier methods, such as condoms, during each encounter
  • Having a regular sexual health check or STI tests, especially if you have unprotected sex with a new partner

The recurrence rate of chlamydia is particularly high. This makes it even more important to practice safe oral sex and prevent future infections.

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Are There Complications Of Chlamydia

Chlamydia can cause serious complications if it isnt treated promptly and properly.

Untreated chlamydia can trigger arthritis, skin rashes, and inflammation in the eye or rectum.

For women, chlamydia can spread into the uterus and the fallopian tubes and cause pelvic inflammatory disease . This can cause problems with pregnancy, such as ectopic pregnancy. Women with untreated chlamydia have up to a 1 in 12 chance of becoming infertile. In men, chlamydia can spread to the testicles and the tubes that carry sperm, causing pain and fertility problems.

Pregnant women who are infected with chlamydia have a higher chance of miscarriage or premature birth. Their babies may also get an eye or lung infection. You can read more about chlamydia and pregnancy here.

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How Many Pills Do You Take For Chlamydia

With antibiotics, usually doxycycline or azithromycin. It is important that you take the pills as directed. The disease may not be cured until all the pills are taken. Azithromycin treatment consists of 4 pills taken all at one time.

How do I know if chlamydia is gone? When will the signs and symptoms go away?

  • Discharge or pain when you urinate should improve within a week.
  • Bleeding between periods or heavier periods should improve by your next period.
  • Pelvic pain and pain in the testicles should start to improve quickly but may take up to two weeks to go away.
  • What happens if you have chlamydia for too long?

    What happens if chlamydia goes untreated? If a person is not treated for chlamydia, complications may occur. Women frequently develop pelvic inflammatory disease . PID can cause infertility , chronic pelvic pain, tubal pregnancies, and the continued spread of the disease.

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    More On Chlamydia At Thebodycom

    Buy Azithromycin Chlamydia Treatment Online UK

    To find out more about chlamydia, we recommend the following articles:

    In addition, our Q& A experts sometimes address questions about chlamydia in our âAsk the Expertsâ forums. Here are some of those questions and our expertsâ responses:

    • Scared my boyfriend gave me chlamydiaMy first boyfriend recently told me he has chlamydia. He did cheat on me, and the dry humping, fingering, and eating out happened a year and a half ago. Since he told me I realized I have pelvic pain.
    • What are the risks of giving oral sexIâm a woman and if I give a guy a blow job without a condom, what are my chances of getting an STD in my mouth? Iâve always practiced safe sex when it comes to intercourse and yet I now have chlamydia.

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    Recommended Reading: What Happens If Chlamydia Is Left Untreated In Males

    What Medication Is Prescribed For Chlamydia

    Chlamydia is a bacterial sexually transmitted infection . While most patients who have been treated for chlamydia are asymptomatic, it is imperative to be treated if you or a partner may have been exposed. The CDC recommended treatment for chlamydia is Azithromycin 1 g by mouth in a single dose or Doxycycline 100 mg by mouth twice a daily for 7 day. These options are equally as effective and chosen based on preference and patience tolerance to antibiotics.

    Can You Buy Chlamydia Medicine Over The Counter

    Wondering if you can get chlamydia medicine over the counter? There is currently no chlamydia treatment available over the counter, you will need to meet with a doctor before getting chlamydia treatment. This is to confirm your chlamydia diagnosis and ensure that antibiotic treatment is safe for you.

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    Read Also: How Quickly Does Chlamydia Show Up

    Gonorrhea Can Be Prevented

    There are a few ways to lower your risk of getting gonorrhea. The Mayo Clinic recommends doing the following:

    • Use a condom if you have sex.

    • Limit your number of sex partners.

    • Be sure you and your partner are tested for sexually transmitted infections.

    • Dont have sex with someone who has symptoms of an STI, including burning during urination or a genital rash or sore.

    • Consider annual gonorrhea screening, which is recommended for sexually active women younger than 25 and for older women at increased risk of infection. The CDC also recommends that all men 13 years and older who have sex with other men should get screened for gonorrhea each year.

    If you had gonorrhea and were treated for it, the CDC recommends that you avoid having sex until you and your partner have completed treatment to lower your risk of getting reinfected.

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    Who Can And Cant Take Doxycycline

    Normalizing Chlamydia ScreeningHow to Talk to Patients

    Doxycycline can be taken by adults and children over 12 years old. Doxycycline is not usually recommended in pregnancy or when breastfeeding.

    It isnt suitable for some people. To make sure this medicine is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have:

    • ever had an allergic reaction to doxycycline or any other medicine in the past
    • kidney problems

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    Chlamydial Infection Among Neonates

    Prenatal screening and treatment of pregnant women is the best method for preventing chlamydial infection among neonates. C. trachomatis infection of neonates results from perinatal exposure to the mothers infected cervix. Initial C. trachomatis neonatal infection involves the mucous membranes of the eye, oropharynx, urogenital tract, and rectum, although infection might be asymptomatic in these locations. Instead, C. trachomatis infection among neonates is most frequently recognized by conjunctivitis that develops 512 days after birth. C. trachomatis also can cause a subacute, afebrile pneumonia with onset at ages 13 months. Although C. trachomatis has been the most frequent identifiable infectious cause of ophthalmia neonatorum, neonatal chlamydial infections, including ophthalmia and pneumonia, have occurred less frequently since institution of widespread prenatal screening and treatment of pregnant women. Neonates born to mothers at high risk for chlamydial infection, with untreated chlamydia, or with no or unconfirmed prenatal care, are at high risk for infection. However, presumptive treatment of the neonate is not indicated because the efficacy of such treatment is unknown. Infants should be monitored to ensure prompt and age-appropriate treatment if symptoms develop. Processes should be in place to ensure communication between physicians and others caring for the mother and the newborn to ensure thorough monitoring of the newborn after birth.

    What Should I Expect After A Chlamydia Test

    After collecting a sample, your provider sends the sample to a lab. If youre using an at-home kit, you will mail the sample to a lab. The lab will test the sample to check for bacterial DNA. Your provider will contact you when the results are ready and discuss the next steps.

    While youre waiting for results, its very important to avoid having sex. If you do have the infection and you have sex, you can spread it to others.

    Recommended Reading: How Do I Know If I Have Chlamydia Male

    What You Need To Know About Azithromycin For Chlamydia Treatment

    Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in America.

    In fact, in 2018, four million infections occurred in the U.S. However, many cases may go unreported because people with chlamydia are often asymptomatic and therefore dont know they have an infection.

    Because chlamydia can go undetected, regular testing is extremely important in both fighting the spread of the infection and in treating it.

    If you happen to test positive, the good news is, the vast majority of chlamydia cases can be cured easily with antibiotics such as azithromycin.

    In this article, Ill explain if azithromycin treats chlamydia, who can take this antibiotic, the best dosage to treat chlamydia, and how to take it.

    Then Ill break down how azithromycin compares with another antibiotic, doxycycline, for treating chlamydia.

    Finally, Ill share everything you need to know about being tested for chlamydia.

    Chlamydia Can Live In Your Gut And Reinfect You After Youre Cured

    Chlamydia flash card

    Doctors have known that chlamydia can reappear, but until now theyve been stumped as to how exactly it happens

    Chlamydia is the most commonly reported sexually transmitted diseases in the United States. Thankfully, its also curable. But new research suggests that for some people, curing chlamydia doesnt prevent reinfection, even if theyre not exposed to it again. Apparently the disease can live inside your gut, and reinfect you out of the blue.

    Apparently doctors have known that chlamydia can reappear in cured patients for about 80 years, but theyve been stumped as to how exactly it happens. This study points out that, in many animals, chlamydia has been found to live in the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, if gastrointestinal infection occurs in most hosts, the authors write, then it is very likely that gastrointestinal infection occurs in humans as well.

    The study in question doesnt actually test this theory on any human beings. Instead it looks at data in animal models about reinfection, and the failure of certain drugs to treat chlamydia when it lives in the gut. From there, they propose that women who are infected with chlamydia could see the same kind of issues: the drugs theyre given might cure the disease genitally, but not gastrointestinally, leaving the bug to live inside waiting for the right time to strike.

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    What Can Happen If Chlamydia Isnt Treated

    Untreated chlamydia can put your health at risk. Make an appointment with your provider immediately if you notice any symptoms of chlamydia, and get regular STI screenings to avoid complications later.

    Complications of chlamydia for people with vaginas

    Untreated chlamydia can cause:

    • Pelvic inflammatory disease . PID is a serious condition that requires hospitalization. It can occur when an untreated STI, like chlamydia, damages your reproductive organs. PID can lead to infertility and chronic pelvic pain. It can also cause an ectopic pregnancy, which is life-threatening for the fetus and potentially deadly for the mother or gestational parent, too.
    • Pregnancy complications. An untreated infection can lead to pre-term delivery. Also, if youre pregnant and have chlamydia, you can pass the infection on to your newborn. Babies born with chlamydia may have pneumonia or conjunctivitis that could lead to blindness if not treated.

    Complications of chlamydia for people with penises

    Untreated chlamydia can cause:

    • Epididymitis. Infection can spread to the testicles and the tube that carries sperm to your testicles , causing symptoms like pain, swelling and tenderness in your testicles.
    • Reduced fertility. Chlamydia can harm your sperm, negatively impacting your ability to conceive.

    Complications of chlamydia that can affect all genders

    Untreated chlamydia can:

    What Are The Side Effects Of Chlamydia Treatment

    While doxycycline is an effective treatment for chlamydia, some people may have side effects when taking this chlamydia treatment.

    Some common doxycycline side effects may include:

    • joint or muscle pain

    If you have any side effects when taking doxycycline, tell your doctor as soon as possible.

    The full list of doxycycline side effects and cautions can be found in the patient information leaflet that comes with your medicine package.

    When taking doxycycline, you should avoid drinking alcohol as it reduces doxycyclines effectiveness. You should also avoid sunlight as increased sensitivity to light has been reported as a side effect of doxycycline.

    You should stop taking doxycycline and seek immediate medical attention if you develop any of the following rare but severe side effects, or symptoms of an allergic reaction:

    • Ringing in your ear
    • Fever, swollen lymph nodes or skin rash
    • Symptoms of an allergic reaction such as difficulty breathing, wheezing, chest pain, swollen face, lips, mouth, hand or feet

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    Chlamydia Symptoms In Men

    The following symptoms can be signs of chlamydia in men:

    • Pain or burning during urination
    • Pain and swelling around the testicles
    • Rectal pain or bleeding

    Chlamydia symptoms in women include the following:

    • Abnormal vaginal discharge that may have an unusual odor
    • Painful urination

    Less common chlamydia symptoms may include sore throat, right upper abdominal pain, or joint pain.

    Women should be aware that other sexually transmitted infections can also cause changes in vaginal discharge. Visiting a healthcare provider for STD testing is the only way to know if you have chlamydia or whether another condition is causing your vaginal discharge symptoms.

    How Do You Know If You Have Chlamydia In Your Throat

    Chlamydia Infection Symptoms and Treatment (Antibiotic)

    Many people with chlamydia in the throat have no symptoms. The only way to know for certain if you have this sexually transmitted infection in the throat is to get tested by a healthcare provider. Possible signs that you may have oral chlamydia include a sore throat that doesnât go away, along with a low-grade fever swollen lymph nodes oral canker sores or white spots in the back of the throat.

    In some cases, one might confuse these chlamydia symptoms with strep throat or some other kind of throat infection. Thats why testing for STDs is so important, so consult with your healthcare provider if you suspect you may have been infected with an oral sexually transmitted disease.

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    What Happens If I Dont Get Treated

    The initial damage that chlamydia causes often goes unnoticed. However, chlamydia can lead to serious health problems.

    If you are a woman, untreated chlamydia can spread to your uterus and fallopian tubes . This can cause pelvic inflammatory disease . PID often has no symptoms, however some women may have abdominal and pelvic pain. Even if it doesnt cause symptoms initially, PID can cause permanent damage to your reproductive system. PID can lead to long-term pelvic pain, inability to get pregnant, and potentially deadly ectopic pregnancy .

    Men rarely have health problems linked to chlamydia. Infection sometimes spreads to the tube that carries sperm from the testicles, causing pain and fever. Rarely, chlamydia can prevent a man from being able to have children.

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    Can You Get Chlamydia From Oral Sex

    Chlamydia trachomatisthe bacteria that causes a chlamydia infectionspreads through contact with another persons mucus membranes .

    Unprotected can transmit chlamydia.

    Someone with chlamydia in the throat could also transmit the infection to another persons genitals by giving oral sex, but chlamydia doesnt spread through kissing.

    People also dont get chlamydia from contact with toilet seats, sharing clothes or towels, or hugging.

    Also Check: What’s Used To Treat Chlamydia

    I Was Treated For Chlamydia When Can I Have Sex Again

    You should not have sex again until you and your sex partner have completed treatment. If your doctor prescribes a single dose of medication, you should wait seven days after taking the medicine before having sex. If your doctor prescribes a medicine for you to take for seven days, you should wait until you have taken all of the doses before having sex.

    Related Resources For Chlamydia:

    Buy Chlamydia Home Test Kit Online

    * Prescription savings vary by prescription and by pharmacy, and may reach up to 80% off cash price.

    Pharmacy names, logos, brands, and other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

    This article is not medical advice. It is intended for general informational purposes and is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your physician or dial 911.

    Also Check: How Long Does It Take To Recover From Chlamydia

    Chlamydia In The Throat: Symptoms Treatment & More

    When it comes to avoiding sexually transmitted infections , some people think oral sex is safer than intercourse. But several STIssuch as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphiliscan spread through oral sex.

    In this article, Ill focus on chlamydia and oral sex. Like chlamydia in the genital area, chlamydia in the throat may not cause any symptoms, so its important to practice safe oral sex, talk to your sexual partners about their health, and get tested for STIs.

    In many cases, chlamydia is curable with antibiotics, however an untreated chlamydia infection can result in serious health problems, including ectopic pregnancy and infertility.

    So if you think you may have chlamydia, its important to see a healthcare provider.

    Read on to learn how you can get chlamydia from oral sex, what the symptoms are, how to get diagnosed and treated for it, and when to see your doctor.

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