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HomeTrendingRemedies To Get Rid Of Chlamydia

Remedies To Get Rid Of Chlamydia

How To Cure Std Without Going To The Doctor

What Is Chlamydia Symptoms and Treatment

Sexually transmitted diseases are infections passed from one person to another, mainly through sexual contact. An infection is caused by a bacteria, virus, or parasite entering and growing in or on the body. Over 30 different pathogens are known to be transmitted through sexual contact. If you have an STD, you may wonder how to cure STDs without going to the doctor.

What Are the Symptoms Associated With Sexually Transmitted Infections ?

Some STIs have only mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. Where there are STD symptoms, they vary according to the particular infection, but they can include:

  • Blisters or sores on or around the genital area.
  • Blisters or sores in the mouth.
  • Burning or pain during urination.
  • Pain or bleeding in the pelvic area or abdomen.

Women tend to have more serious health problems from STIs than men. For example, gonorrhea and chlamydia, if not treated, can cause infertility.

What Is the Standard Treatment for STDs?

For many years, the standard method for treating several STDs has been the administration of antibiotics. However, resistance to these drugs has resulted in a worldwide treatment crisis. Therefore, it is reasonable to ask: how to cure STDs without going to the doctor.

Do STD Natural Remedies Work?

If you are asking: how to cure STD without going to the doctor, the answer is that in some cases, natural medicine can be an effective treatment and assist in reducing symptoms. Natural remedies include the following:

How Common Is Chlamydia

cases of chlamydia in the United States.

Men and women can both get the infection, but more cases in women are reported.

Infection rates are highest among younger women, with the highest rates of infection occurring in women between ages 15 and 24.

The CDC recommends that all sexually active women ages 25 and younger get screened for chlamydia every year, as well as women ages 25 and older with risk factors for chlamydia.

Statistically, a person is more likely to get an STI if theyve had sex with more than one person. Other risk factors include having had an STI in the past, or currently have an infection, because this could lower resistance.

An act of sexual assault can raise the risk for contracting chlamydia and other STIs. If you were forced into any sexual activity, including oral sex, aim to get screened as soon as possible. Organizations like the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network offer support for survivors of rape or sexual assault. For anonymous, confidential help:

Rates for chlamydia and other STIs have been climbing in recent years. See the new statistics and groups that are most at risk.

Best Way To Treat Chlamydia

The bacterial invaders that make up chlamydia are a hardy bunch, but when they meet a powerful antibiotic they tend to meet their demise rather quickly. Can you get rid of chlamydia? With antibiotics like doxycycline or azithromycin coursing through your body you certainly can. You need to get that prescription first, so again we cant state strongly enough how important it is that you get into a doctors office as soon as possible.

Once you start taking one of these oral antibiotics prescribed by your doctor then you can expect your chlamydia infection to be overcome within a week or two. Do not stop taking the medication before you finish ALL of it. This is very important, as some people will discontinue it after their symptoms are no longer present but then they find their infection returns and theyre right back at the beginning.

Take all of the medication EXACTLY as your physician tells you to, and finish the entirety of the vial. Can you get rid of chlamydia? Yes, but you need to do exactly as your doctor advises you.

Also Check: How Long Does It Take To Cure Chlamydia

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Does Chlamydia Cause Cervical Cancer

No, chlamydia doesnât cause cervical cancer.

Itâs possible to get a sexually transmitted infection by having sex with someone who has an STI, even if they have no symptoms.

The following measures will help protect you from most STIs including chlamydia, gonorrhoea and HIV.

If you have an STI, theyâll also help prevent you from passing it on to someone:

  • Avoid sharing sex toys. If you do share them, wash them or cover them with a new condom before anyone else uses them.

Preventing Chlamydia And Recurrences

8 Chlamydia Herbal Remedies, Natural Treatments And Cure
  • 1Get tested regularly for chlamydia. If a doctor treated you for an initial chlamydia infection, get retested for the disease in approximately three months and at regular intervals thereafter. This will help ensure that the disease has left your system and that you are no longer contagious.XTrustworthy SourceCleveland ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • Continue testing for sexually transmitted infections with each new sexual partner.
  • Recurrence of chlamydia is very common and is often treated with the same course of antibiotics. If infection recurs after a follow up test that showed no infection, this is a new infection.
  • 2Dont use vaginal douching products. Avoid using douches if you have or have had chlamydia. These products kill good bacteria and raise the risk for infection or recurrence.XResearch source
  • 3Practice safe sex. The best way to treat chlamydia is to avoid getting it. Using condoms and limiting the number of your sex partners will minimize your risk for contracting the disease or having a recurrence.XResearch source
  • Always use condoms during sexual contact. Although condoms will not eliminate your risk of getting chlamydia, they will reduce your risk.
  • If you are under 24 years of age you are at a higher risk for the disease.XTrustworthy SourceCenters for Disease Control and PreventionMain public health institute for the US, run by the Dept. of Health and Human ServicesGo to source
  • Also Check: Is There A Treatment For Chlamydia

    Whats The Treatment For Chlamydia

    Chlamydia is usually easy to get rid of. Your nurse or doctor will get you antibiotics to treat the infection. Sometimes you only have to take one dose of medication. Another chlamydia treatment lasts for 7 days. Your doctor will help you figure out which treatment is best for you.

    If youre treated for chlamydia, its really important for your sexual partners to get treated also. Otherwise, you can keep passing the infection back and forth, or to other people. Sometimes your doctor will give you medicine for both you and your partner.

    Chlamydia Is Common But Many People Dont Realize They Have It

    About 1.7 million chlamydia infections were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2017, but the real number is likely higher because chlamydia is considered an underreported infection.

    The number of reported cases is substantially lower than the true estimated incidence, says Bradley Stoner, MD, PhD, associate professor of medicine at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and former president of the American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association.

    The National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System relies on state and local public health departments to collect and report data on chlamydia to the CDC. Those public health departments depend on individual physicians, hospitals, and laboratories to report cases of chlamydia to them. Accurate statistics require all parties to routinely comply with disease-reporting mandates.

    Don’t Miss: What Causes Gonorrhea And Chlamydia

    Other Topical Home Remedies To Ease Irritation And Pain

    Herbal remedies in cream or ointment form and homemade diluted herbal baths may be fine to use on your own for topical relief. But speak to your doctor about ingesting any herbs especially if you are pregnant. In fact, it is in your best interest to consult a trained alternative medicine practitioner who can guide you on the right dosage and form for any of these remedies.

    There are also anecdotal accounts of people finding relief with some of these remedies. However, these are not medicinal and will not treat the underlying infection. They may also not agree with all skin types, so use cautiously and do a small patch test first. If any of them is causing your condition to worsen, stop using that immediately.

    • Ice cubes: Applying ice to painful sores or warts or even inflamed genitals may help bring some relief. Do not use them directly always wrap them in clean muslin or soft cotton bag first and crush them before use.
    • Baking soda is known to be antimicrobial and may help soothe itchiness when used topically on a rash. Dilute with water before use
    • Apple cider vinegar is antimicrobial and can be used in a bath or dabbed on affected skin with a clean cotton ball after diluting with water.34
    • Lemon juice can be used the same way as ACV, in a bath or dabbed on topically to ease itching and inflammation as well as pain.
    • Black tea bags soaked and cooled and then applied to the affected skin may also be beneficial, given the antibacterial properties of the tea.35


    How Typical Is Chlamydia

    Doxycycline uses against acne and chlamydia | Mechanism of action

    In 2017, greater than 1.7 million situations of chlamydia were reported to the Centers for Condition Control and Prevention . Lots of cases go unreported, so the actual number of chlamydia infections every year may be closer to 3 million.

    Males and female can both get the infection, yet much more cases in women are reported.

    Infection rates are highest possible among more youthful females, with the highest possible prices of infection happening in women between ages 15 as well as 24.

    The CDC suggests that all sexually energetic women ages 25 years and also younger get evaluated for chlamydia each year, along with older ladies with threat aspects like several or new partners.

    Statistically, an individual is more likely to obtain an STI if theyve had sex with greater than someone. Other danger aspects consist of having had an STI in the past, or presently have an infection since this can lower resistance.

    Rates for chlamydia and various other STIs have actually been climbing recently.

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    Chlamydia Can Live In Your Gut And Reinfect You After Youre Cured

    Doctors have known that chlamydia can reappear, but until now theyve been stumped as to how exactly it happens

    Chlamydia is the most commonly reported sexually transmitted diseases in the United States. Thankfully, its also curable. But new research suggests that for some people, curing chlamydia doesnt prevent reinfection, even if theyre not exposed to it again. Apparently the disease can live inside your gut, and reinfect you out of the blue.

    Apparently doctors have known that chlamydia can reappear in cured patients for about 80 years, but theyve been stumped as to how exactly it happens. This study points out that, in many animals, chlamydia has been found to live in the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, if gastrointestinal infection occurs in most hosts, the authors write, then it is very likely that gastrointestinal infection occurs in humans as well.

    The study in question doesnt actually test this theory on any human beings. Instead it looks at data in animal models about reinfection, and the failure of certain drugs to treat chlamydia when it lives in the gut. From there, they propose that women who are infected with chlamydia could see the same kind of issues: the drugs theyre given might cure the disease genitally, but not gastrointestinally, leaving the bug to live inside waiting for the right time to strike.

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    Can You Naturally Get Rid Of Chlamydia

    Risk factors for getting chlamydia include:

    • Having unprotected sex .
    • Having more than one sex partner.
    • Having a high-risk partner or partners. This includes people who have more than one sex partner or sex partners who have chlamydia.
    • Starting sexual activity before age 18.

    Any child with chlamydia needs to be seen by a doctor to determine the cause and to assess for possible sexual abuse. For more information, see the topic Child Abuse and Neglect.

    Recommended Reading: How Do They Test Men For Chlamydia

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    What Happens If I Get Chlamydia When Im Pregnant

    • Chlamydia during pregnancy has been associated in very rare cases with problems such as premature birth, and infection of the uterus lining after the birth.
    • It can be passed to the baby during the birth and before the baby is born. This can cause inflammation and discharge in the babys eye and/or pneumonia.
    • You may be offered a chlamydia test as part of your antenatal care.
    • Chlamydia can be treated with antibiotics when youre pregnant and when youre breastfeeding. The antibiotics wont harm the baby, but do tell the doctor or nurse that youre pregnant or breastfeeding.
    • Youll be advised to have another test after you complete your treatment.

    Taking The Incorrect Medication

    Chlamydia Infection

    Keep in mind that your treatment can fail if youre taking the wrong medication. You might be prescribed the wrong drugs due to syndromatic treatment, an efficient, but sometimes inaccurate treatment method in which patients are prescribed STD treatment based on symptoms, rather than testing. This is sometimes done in STD clinics when there is a concern that the patient might not come back for their test results.

    And you could be taking the wrong medication if youve acquired it on your own and chose the wrong onessuch as taking medication that was prescribed for a past STD you had, or for your partner, or for a friend.

    Not all STDs are caused by the same pathogens . Different illnesses require different treatments.

    Thats why its so important for your healthcare provider to correctly identify whats causing your infection. Thats also why you cant just take any random antibiotic and hope its going to work.

    Milly DawsonSanjai Sinha, MDShutterstock

    Chlamydia is easy to cure. If you test positive for chlamydia, basically you take an antibiotic, says Jill Rabin, MD, cochief in the division of ambulatory care for womenâs health programs and prenatal care assistance program services for Northwell Health in New Hyde Park, New York.

    Your partner must take an antibiotic, too, to keep them from reinfecting you, she says.

    You have to have your partner treated, and if you have more than one partner, they should all be treated, says Dr. Rabin, regardless of your partners genders.

    Recommended Reading: What’s Chlamydia Caused By

    Is There An Over Counter Treatment For Chlamydia

    No, the CDC recommended treatment for chlamydia requires a prescription, but you do not need to visit the doctorâs office in person to get a prescription. Technology has made doctor visits online quick and easy. Just complete an online consultation visit and a prescription can be sent to a local pharmacy.

    Sage To Treat Chlamydia

    Sage, much like all the prior mentioned remedies in this section, is loaded with beneficial antibacterial properties which is what makes this one of the best natural remedies in the lot that has been widely used since decades now.

    The antibacterial property helps fight off the infection causing bacteria that is often times the primary reason behind the deteriorating condition of the infection.

    What to do?

  • Crush the sage leaves to extract the beneficial properties
  • Boil some water in a pot and add the leaves in them
  • Let it steep for 5 minutes or so
  • Drink this 2-3 times a day
  • How much?

    Drink this concoction for a week straight to get noticeable results.

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    What Happens If Chlamydia Goes Untreated

    Chlamydia often has no symptoms therefore, some people go untreated. Even with those who have symptoms stigma, access, or other reasons get in the way of getting medical attention. Not receiving prompt and proper treatment can create serious health problems. Chlamydia that goes untreated can increase the likelihood of contracting another STD, like gonorrhea or HIV/AIDS, or increasing the likelihood of transmitting that STD to someone else. It is also possible to develop reactive arthritis, or arthritis caused by the bodys reaction to an infection, because of chlamydia. This can affect the joints, urethra, and eyes.

    For women, chlamydia that goes untreated can spread through your uterus to your fallopian tubes. Fallopian tubes connect the ovaries to the uterus and transport fertilized eggs during pregnancy. If untreated chlamydia spreads to this area, the result is pelvic inflammatory disease , affecting around 5% of women in the US.

    Pelvic inflammatory disease, similar to chlamydia, can have no symptoms or just some pelvic or abdominal pain initially. Unfortunately, PID can do permanent damage to a womens reproductive system, including:

    Is Relying On Home Remedies To Treat Chlamydia A Good Idea

    What are the uses of Doxycycline?

    Relying on home remedies to cure chlamydia is not a good idea. Doing so increases your risk of health complications and passing the infection on to your sex partners. The only way to cure chlamydia is with antibiotics. However, if youre suffering from the symptoms of chlamydia, natural remedies may provide relief until you can get an STD test and see a doctor.

    You can also use the home remedies for chlamydia to supplement your antibiotic treatment. For example, you could soak in a tea tree oil bath every night or take an echinacea supplement each morning. Pay close attention to correct dosages to prevent unwanted side effects.

    Again, we want to emphasize this: You should never rely on home remedies alone to cure chlamydia. They wont work, and the infection can significantly damage your reproductive system if you dont treat it.

    Remember, chlamydia is often asymptomatic. If you have unprotected sex with one or more sex partners, you should get regular STD tests. At Rapid STD Testing, we offer a full10-panel STD test you can order right now on our website. Then, visit one of our convenient locations to give a quick specimen, and youll have confidential results in one to three days.

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