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HomeFactsNatural Ways To Get Rid Of Chlamydia

Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Chlamydia

You Can Catch Chlamydia If Youve Only Had Sex Once

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You may have heard that its not possible to get chlamydia from a single sex act. If youve had sex with someone who has the infection, you could get it, too. One encounter is all it takes to pass on the bacteria, so get tested.

In up to 15 percent of women with untreated chlamydia, the infection spreads to the uterus and uterine tubes, leading to symptomatic pelvic inflammatory disease.

If youve had unprotected sex and are worried that you might have chlamydia, get tested. The test is easy and painless. Your doctor could take a sample of your cells with a cotton swab or ask you to pee in a cup. The sample is tested for chlamydia bacteria. If your doctor says you have chlamydia, dont worry. Its treatable.

Get Chlamydia Treatment Online

Get chlamydia treatment online by speaking to a board-certified doctor, securely from your phone or computer. Our licensed doctors can provide you with a lab order for testing and once diagnosed, treat chlamydia, including writing prescriptions for any necessary medication.

We accept these insurance plans and many more! Most patients with in-network insurance pay $30 or less. Otherwise, new patient visits are $129 and follow-ups are only $69 for members.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Uti

One of the most common symptoms of a UTI is a frequent and urgent need to pee. You might feel like you need to pee all the time, even if you just went. Other UTI symptoms include:

  • pain or burning when you pee

  • bad-smelling or cloudy urine

  • blood or pus in your urine

  • soreness, pressure, or cramps in your lower belly, back, or sides

If the infection goes to your kidneys, your UTI symptoms may also include:

  • pain in your mid-back

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What To Think About

Some people who have chlamydia may also have gonorrhea. In that case, treatment includes antibiotics that kill both chlamydia and gonorrhea. For more information, see the topic Gonorrhea.

Reinfection can occur. Symptoms that continue after treatment are probably caused by another chlamydia infection rather than treatment failure. To prevent reinfection, sex partners need to be evaluated and treated.

Repeated chlamydia infections increase the risk for pelvic inflammatory disease . Even one infection can lead to PID without proper treatment. Make sure to take your antibiotics exactly as prescribed. Take the full course of medicine, even if you feel better in a couple of days.

Some doctors recommend retesting 3 to 12 months after treatment to reduce the risk of complications from reinfection.footnote 4

If you have chlamydia, your doctor will send a report to the state health department. Your personal information is kept confidential. The health department may contact you about telling your sex partner or partners that they may need treatment.

How Does Chlamydia Spread

8 Chlamydia Herbal Remedies, Natural Treatments And Cure

Chlamydia is spread when a person has unprotected sex with an infected person.

Because chlamydial infection often has no symptoms, many people do not realise they have the infection.

Even if you know a person well, you may not be able to tell they have an STI, because people can look healthy and still have chlamydia.

Remember, you can get chlamydia and other STIs from a new sexual partner who has in the past had sex with someone who is infected.

It can also be spread from a long-term partner who has had sex with other people.

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Olive Leaf Extract To Treat Chlamydia

The Olive Leaf extract contains a compound in it known as Oleuropin which showcases effective antimicrobial properties which protects the body from the infection caused by the bacteria in Chlamydia. This ensures to cut down all the sources of nutrition to the bacteria, thereby killing it. The lack of bacterial infestation further contributes to the treatment for Chlamydia.

What to do?

Olive leaves can be consumed in the form of powder, liquid concentrate or even in the form of a capsule. Before consuming it, make sure to consult a doctor to get all the green signals before you end up making the situation worse than better.

How much?

Even the answer to how much depends on the quantity thats suggested by the doctor.

Garlic To Treat Chlamydia

The compound present in the Garlic, Allicin has amazing antimicrobial as well as anti-inflammatory benefits which altogether help to curb the signs and symptoms related to the Chlamydia. Consuming garlic helps get rid of the infection but killing the bacteria that are causing it in the first place.

What to do?

Chew on 1-2 raw garlic cloves every day

How much?

Consuming garlic on a daily basis is a good habit. It helps ensure ones overall well being.

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What Do I Need To Know If I Get Treated For Chlamydia

If youre getting treated for chlamydia:

  • Take all of your medicine the way your nurse or doctor tells you to, even if any symptoms you may be having go away sooner. The infection stays in your body until you finish the antibiotics.
  • Your partner should also get treated for chlamydia so you dont re-infect each other or anyone else.
  • Dont have sex for 7 days. If you only have 1 dose of medication, wait for 7 days after you take it before having sex. If youre taking medicine for 7 days, dont have sex until youve finished all of your pills.
  • Get tested again in 3-4 months to make sure your infection is gone.
  • Dont share your medicine with anyone. Your nurse or doctor may give you a separate dose of antibiotics for your partner. Make sure you both take all of the medicine you get.
  • Even if you finish your treatment and the chlamydia is totally gone, its possible to get a new chlamydia infection again if youre exposed in the future. Chlamydia isnt a one-time-only deal. So use condoms and get tested regularly.

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Can You Get Chlamydia Without Being Sexually Active

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Some infants are infected with C. trachomatis, the bacteria that causes Chlamydia at birth. Apart from this, you cannot become infected without performing a sexual act. Penetrative sex is not the only way a person becomes infected. You may also contract Chlamydia through contact with an infected personâs sexual fluids .

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Top 13 Effective Home Remedies For Chlamydia

  • Post published:October 27, 2015

Due to the high number of infected individuals, home remedies for chlamydia are becoming more popular with each passing year. Almost every year in the United States alone, there are 3 million reported cases of chlamydia. In addition to the reported cases in the United States, statistics show as high as 1 in 6 people worldwide contract sexually transmitted diseases. These high numbers lead to more and more herbal remedies used as a healthy alternative to ease symptoms and even cure the disease. Not only are natural treatments highly effective, but they are also gentle on the body and usually do not come with side effects like an antibiotic does. If you have found that you have tested positive for chlamydia, these remedies will enable you to have an effective treatment and quick recovery.

Is Relying On Home Remedies To Treat Chlamydia A Good Idea

Relying on home remedies to cure chlamydia is not a good idea. Doing so increases your risk of health complications and passing the infection on to your sex partners. The only way to cure chlamydia is with antibiotics. However, if youre suffering from the symptoms of chlamydia, natural remedies may provide relief until you can get an STD test and see a doctor.

You can also use the home remedies for chlamydia to supplement your antibiotic treatment. For example, you could soak in a tea tree oil bath every night or take an echinacea supplement each morning. Pay close attention to correct dosages to prevent unwanted side effects.

Again, we want to emphasize this: You should never rely on home remedies alone to cure chlamydia. They wont work, and the infection can significantly damage your reproductive system if you dont treat it.

Remember, chlamydia is often asymptomatic. If you have unprotected sex with one or more sex partners, you should get regular STD tests. At Rapid STD Testing, we offer a full10-panel STD test you can order right now on our website. Then, visit one of our convenient locations to give a quick specimen, and youll have confidential results in one to three days.

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Common Home Remedies For Std Chlamydia

1. Oregano

Commercial-grade oregano oil has natural infection-fighting properties thanks to its carvacrol and thymol compounds. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not take oregano oil. For others, daily intake shouldnt exceed 45 mg. Commercial-grade oregano oil is powerful and may cause side effects such as nausea, indigestion, upset stomach, or even vomiting. To start an oregano oil regimen, take it with coconut oil or water.

2. Garlic

Garlic is another of the most common home remedies for chlamydia and other ailments. Raw garlic has been a traditional home remedy for thousands of years, as its active compound allicin can help fight inflammatory disease and have antibacterial properties.

Potential side effects include heartburn, gas, bad breath, or diarrhea. Crush or chop the garlic and let it sit for ten minutes to form the allicin before you take it.

3. Echinacea

Echinacea is another traditional home remedy for many ailments.Research has shown that echinacea can boost the immune system and combat certain viral and bacterial infections.

Proponents recommend taking about 10 mg per two pounds of body weight for about a week and a half, or you can buy a supplement with pre-measured capsules. Potential side effects include dizziness, upset stomach, and nausea. Severe side effects include swelling and difficulty breathing.

4. Goldenseal

5. Turmeric

6. Olive Tree Extract

7. Probiotic Diet

8. Vitamins

9. Tea Tree Oil

10.Apple Cider Vinegar


New Approach Is Both Prevention And Treatment


Our treatment is the first combination therapy, a two-pronged approach, says the lead researcher, Emmanuel Ho, PhD, an associate professor in the school of pharmacy at the University of Waterloo.

The treatment makes use of nanoparticles to deliver treatment to infected cells. The dual approach prevents the majority of chlamydia bacteria from entering cells in the genital tract and then destroys any bacteria that is able to penetrate a cell wall.

In the laboratory, the gene therapy has successfully killed skin cells infected with chlamydia while at the same time protecting healthy cells. Currently, the only ways to prevent transmission of chlamydia are abstinence and the use of latex condoms. There is no vaccine available.

The first part of the therapy is preventive: It delivers a gene that reduces expression of the chlamydia protein on cells. This means that we will be able to prevent or reduce the chlamydia actually binding to cells that it affects, says Dr. Ho.

The second part is treatment that kicks in if the chlamydia is still able to infect the cells after the gene introduction. Were able to elicit a cellular response where cells form a bubble around the chlamydia and then kill it, says Ho.

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How Is Chlamydia Infection Diagnosed

Doctors have several tests they can use to screen for chlamydia. Note that screening for chlamydia in the throat isnt a part of usual STI testing.

If youve had a sore throat that doesnt seem to go away or have a partner that youve had oral sex with who tested positive for chlamydia, you might want to ask your doctor about pharyngeal chlamydia screening.

Doctors can use urine samples to diagnose chlamydia, but that doesnt help them diagnose chlamydia in the throat.

As a result, a doctor may swab your throat to test for chlamydia there. They send this swab to a laboratory, which tests the specimen for the presence of DNA from the bacteria that cause chlamydia.

This test is a little tricky because the Food and Drug Administration hasnt approved a swab test for pharyngeal chlamydia. Your throat contains a lot of bacteria, and this can make it hard to pinpoint chlamydia bacteria.

When a doctor uses a swab to test for chlamydia in the throat, its possible theyre doing so in an off-label fashion. This means the FDA hasnt specifically given the OK to use the test for pharyngeal chlamydia, but some doctors think swabs can help in detection.

Whole Beans And Grain

When you are infected with Chlamydia, it is great to ensure that you have ta healthy diet. This is very important as your body needs the right supply of nutrients while fighting the infection.

Taking in foods high in fiber is important. Some of the foods to consider include whole beans and grains.

This also counts as a remedy for chlamydia as it reduces the life of the infectious bacteria.

Take foods from this category, in every meal you have every day. This is one of the easiest on this list and it will work best while being used with another method.

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How Is Chlamydia Treated In Pregnant Women

Doxycycline, levofloxacin, and ofloxacin are all contraindicated in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Because of this, the recommended treatment is a one-time dose of azithromycin. If azithromycin is not well-tolerated, alternative treatments include amoxicillin or one of several formulations of erythromycin .

Pregnant women who have been treated for chlamydia should return after three weeks to be retested to establish that they have been cured. They should return again after three months to evaluate for reinfection. Untreated chlamydia in pregnant women can lead to early rupture of the fluid sac containing the fetus and premature delivery. It can also lead to pneumonia or conjunctivitis in the newborn .

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In Both Males And Females

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Complications that may be seen in anyone include:

  • Other STIs. Chlamydia and gonorrhea both make you more susceptible to other STIs, including human immunodeficiency virus . Having chlamydia can also increase your risk of developing gonorrhea, and vice versa.
  • Reactive arthritis . Also called Reiters syndrome, this condition results from an infection in your urinary tract or intestines. Symptoms of this condition cause pain, swelling, or tightness in your joints and eyes, and a variety of other symptoms.
  • Infertility. Damage to reproductive organs or to sperm can make it more challenging or, in some cases, impossible to become pregnant or to impregnate your partner.

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The Costs Of Infertility

Treating chlamydia is easy, but for those who do not get treated or get treated too late, living with the damage caused by the infection can be hard.

Rabin has treated many women who never knew they had had chlamydia until they couldnt get pregnant due to blocked fallopian tubes. These women often wind up trying in vitro fertilization , which does not always succeed.

There are all kinds of costs involved for these women, says Rabin. There are emotional costs and physical costs. There are also financial costs with IVF. Its much better to not let the tubes get damaged, she says, and get pregnant the old-fashioned way.

How To Get Rid Of Chlamydia

The best way to treat this sexually transmitted infection is with the help of your healthcare professional. Your doctor will prescribe antibiotics to cure the infection quickly. Usually, the recommended treatment method for this sexually transmitted infection is one dose of azithromycin taken orally. Alternatively, doctors may suggest 100mg of doxycycline taken orally twice a day for one week.

With that in mind, some patients may want to skip these treatments and choose the natural route. According to some researchers, there are a few home remedies for chlamydia that have the potential of healing the infection. However, there is no hard evidence that a natural cure for chlamydia exists. While the following recommendations may help alleviate some of your symptoms linked to this sexually transmitted infection, they will not cure it entirely.

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How Chlamydia Is Diagnosed

As the symptoms of Chlamydia is not that pronounced during the initial stages, it not likely that you will be able to understand the infection infesting in your system which is why the diagnosis of this STI is often done at a later stage.

When seeing a doctor for the problem, they are more likely going to enquire about the symptoms first and if the signs and symptoms are not that pronounced, the doctor moves on to the next best explanation and that is asking you directly why you think you could be exposed to the infection or why you have such a hunch about it.

Gonorrhea Should Always Be Treated

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Gonorrhea can be a painful and extremely uncomfortable infection, and it might even be embarrassing. But at the end of the day, it is better to get it checked out and treated early, before it causes damage to your sexual organs. Antibiotics are the only form of treatment proven to cure gonorrhea. But, if you cannot make it to a doctor right away or simply want to help speed up the process of healing, the treatments, dietary changes, and lifestyle tips weve listed in this article may be able to help you out. Hopefully, your adventure with gonorrhea will be a short one.

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Over One In Five Women In A New Orleans Sti Clinic Cohort Naturally Clear C Trachomatis Between Their Ct Screening And Ct Treatment

Research samples from 55 women returning to the clinic for Ct treatment for a recently diagnosed Ct infection were analyzed. Twenty-seven were assessed for BV-Amsel at their Ct screening visit 20 were positive , 19 were prescribed metronidazole or metronidazole gel treatment per CDC guidelines and 18 were adherent 7 were BV-Amsel negative. The remaining 28 women were either not assessed or assessed by partial Amsel criteria for BV-Amsel at the Ct screening visit in the latter group 9/28 were symptomatic for BV and therefore metronidazole treated for presumptive BV and 7 were adherent . The cohort was predominantly young and African American with half documenting a previous Ct infection .

Figure 1 Study design. At the Ct screening visit, BV-positive was defined as an Amsel score of 3 of 4 by clinical assessment. All patients who were BV-Amsel positive after a full BV screen , or who were symptomatic for BV but with partial Amsel assessment , were prescribed metronidazole. All were compliant. For the Ct-treatment visit, when participants were enrolled, BV-positive was defined as a Nugent score of 7-10 by Gram stain. Abbreviations: MTZ, metronidazole AZI, azithromycin.

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