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Is It Chlamydia Or A Uti

Is Chlamydia A Uti

Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of chlamydia | Infectious diseases | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

Chlamydia is a typical STD that can contaminate both males and females. It can trigger significant, long-term damage to a females reproductive system. Is Chlamydia A Uti

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This can make it hard or difficult for her to obtain expecting in the future. Chlamydia can also trigger a possibly fatal ectopic maternity a maternity that occurs outside the womb.

Urinary Tract Infections In Babies And Young Children

Babies and children are at risk of UTIs. These infections always need to be investigated as they may indicate a serious underlying condition, such as urinary reflux. Reflux is caused by a bladder valve problem allowing urine to flow back into the kidneys from the bladder. Reflux can cause the urine to stay inside the body increasing the risk of infection. It may lead to kidney scarring, which in turn leads to high blood pressure and sometimes kidney problems.

Similar Pain Different Infection

While UTIs and STIs are very different, they can often come with similar painful feelings such as urinary urgency, pain when urinating, cloudy urine and pelvic pain.

UTIs are easily treatable with a doctor prescribed antibiotic, but STIs may require different treatments, depending on the specific infection. It is important to contact your doctor if you think you have an infection of any sort.

Recommended Reading: How Long Can A Person Have Chlamydia

Whats The Difference Between A Uti And An Std

Unlike STDs, UTIs are not spread through sexual contactthey dont spread from person to person at alland you do not need to be sexually active to get a UTI. However, sexual activity can contribute to the risk of contracting a UTI.

STDs and UTIs can cause similar symptoms, which is one reason theyre often confused. Symptoms they share include painful or difficult urination, frequent urination, and the urge to urinate. Urine may be cloudy, dark, or strange-smelling. Both infections can be asymptomatic, but this is more true of STDs.

There are some STD symptoms that are not caused by UTIs:

  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Bleeding or spotting between menstrual cycles
  • Changes in vaginal or penile discharge
  • Genital rashes, blisters or sores
  • Rectal pain, discharge, or bleeding

In addition to having similar symptoms, UTIs and STDs can produce similar findings on urinalysis, which often leads to misdiagnosis. Several studies have shown that as many as half of the patients diagnosed in the emergency room with UTIs may, in fact, have STDs instead.

Where Can I Get More Information

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Health care providers with STD consultation requests can contact the STD Clinical Consultation Network . This service is provided by the National Network of STD Clinical Prevention Training Centers and operates five days a week. STDCCN is convenient, simple, and free to health care providers and clinicians. More information is available at www.stdccn.orgexternal icon.

Division of STD Prevention Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-38271-800-783-987


1. OFarrell N, Morison L, Moodley P, et al. Genital ulcers and concomitant complaints in men attending a sexually transmitted infections clinic: implications for sexually transmitted infections management. Sexually transmitted diseases 2008 35:545-9.

2. White JA. Manifestations and management of lymphogranuloma venereum. Current opinion in infectious diseases 2009 22:57-66.

3. Kreisel KM, Spicknall IH, Gargano JW, Lewis FM, Lewis RM, Markowitz LE, Roberts H, Satcher Johnson A, Song R, St. Cyr SB, Weston EJ, Torrone EA, Weinstock HS. Sexually transmitted infections among US women and men: Prevalence and incidence estimates, 2018. Sex Transm Dis 2021 in press.

4. CDC. Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance, 2019. Atlanta, GA: Department of Health and Human Services April 2021.

5. Torrone E, Papp J, Weinstock H. Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis Genital Infection Among Persons Aged 1439 Years United States, 20072012. MMWR 2014 63:834-8.

Also Check: How Long Can Chlamydia Last

Why Am I Getting Urinary Tract Infections

Ever since I started having sex I get urinary tract infections a lot. Does that mean there could be something else wrong? Mandy*

If you have burning or pain when you pee, it could be a number of things. One possibility is a urinary tract infection , but others include a sexually transmitted disease , such as chlamydia, or chemical irritation from a spermicide . Its hard to tell the difference without seeing a doctor or .

Urinary tract infections tend to be more common in girls who have sex. Often, they happen because bacteria entered the urethra .

Follow these steps to help decrease your chances of getting UTIs:

  • Wipe front to back after going to the bathroom.
  • Pee right before and after sex.
  • Drink plenty of liquids, especially water.

STDs can cause symptoms similar to those of a UTI, such as burning, vaginal discharge, belly pain, and irregular bleeding.

Many times, though, STDs have few symptoms, which is why it is important for anyone who has had sex to be tested at least once a year. And always use condoms with any type of sex to help prevent STDs.

In any case, the best thing to do is get checked out ASAP by a health care provider who can look for the reason you’re having symptoms. It’s really important to get the right diagnosis and treatment!

*Names have been changed to protect user privacy.

Do Utis Need Treatment With Antibiotics

Currently, guidelines advise that even women with uncomplicated UTIs are offered antibiotics, depending on the severity of symptoms.5 If you only have mild symptoms, you can try waiting for up to 48 hours to see if the infection settles down by itself, for example, if it is not convenient for you to see a doctor. If you do visit a doctor and your symptoms are mild, you may be given a delayed prescription to collect antibiotics if your symptoms start getting worse, or do not improve.6

If you do decide to wait and see if things settle down, you can try taking painkillers like paracetamol and ibuprofen, and you are encouraged to keep well hydrated. Drinking plenty of water is easier said than done when you have a UTI, as there is a temptation to drink less seeing as you will be feeling the urge to pee all the time. However, good levels of hydration do help to fight the infection.7

Currently, guidelines advise that even women with uncomplicated UTIs are offered antibiotics. However, if you only have mild symptoms, you can try waiting for up to 48 hours to see if the infection settles down by itself

Should your symptoms be causing you distress, or you find they dont disappear, or even worsen, after 48 hours, you should go and see a doctor, who will prescribe antibiotics if a UTI is confirmed. There are lots of different antibiotics used to treat UTIs, and again this choice can depend on whether you have a complicated UTI or not.9

Recommended Reading: How Quickly Does Chlamydia Show Up In Females

Female Chlamydia Symptoms To Watch For

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection that can affect both males and females.

Up to 95 percent of females with chlamydia dont experience any symptoms, according to the This is problematic because chlamydia can cause damage to your reproductive system if left untreated.

But chlamydia can occasionally cause symptoms. Heres a look at the common ones you might notice.

Just remember, you could still have chlamydia without these symptoms. If theres a chance you may have been exposed to the bacteria, your safest bet is to get tested as soon as possible.

Chlamydia can cause unusual vaginal discharge. It might be:

  • foul smelling

Chlamydia can also affect your rectum. This can result from having unprotected or a vaginal chlamydia infection spreading to your rectum.

You might also notice mucus-like discharge coming from your rectum.

Chlamydia sometimes causes inflammation that leads to bleeding between your periods. This bleeding may range from light to moderately heavy.

Chlamydia can also lead to bleeding after any type of sexual activity involving penetration.

What Is The Treatment For Chlamydia

Pathophysiology of chlamydia | Infectious diseases | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

Chlamydia can be easily cured with antibiotics. HIV-positive persons with chlamydia should receive the same treatment as those who are HIV-negative.

Persons with chlamydia should abstain from sexual activity for 7 days after single dose antibiotics or until completion of a 7-day course of antibiotics, to prevent spreading the infection to partners. It is important to take all of the medication prescribed to cure chlamydia. Medication for chlamydia should not be shared with anyone. Although medication will cure the infection, it will not repair any permanent damage done by the disease. If a persons symptoms continue for more than a few days after receiving treatment, he or she should return to a health care provider to be reevaluated.

Repeat infection with chlamydia is common.49 Women whose sex partners have not been appropriately treated are at high risk for re-infection. Having multiple chlamydial infections increases a womans risk of serious reproductive health complications, including pelvic inflammatory disease and ectopic pregnancy.50,51 Women and men with chlamydia should be retested about three months after treatment of an initial infection, regardless of whether they believe that their sex partners were successfully treated.40

Infants infected with chlamydia may develop ophthalmia neonatorum and/or pneumonia.10 Chlamydial infection in infants can be treated with antibiotics.

Don’t Miss: How To Know When You Get Chlamydia

What Is The Difference Between The Two

Unlike a sexually transmitted disease, a UTI cannot be transmitted via sexual or non-sexual contact. But there are some sexual contexts that can increase your risk of getting a UTI not urinating after having sex is a good example.

As mentioned above, STDs and UTIs can often have symptoms similar to each other. Symptoms that can present themselves with both STDs and UTIs are:

  • Difficulty urinating
  • Urine that has dark or cloudy appearance
  • Urine that has an unusual odor

Some of the common symptoms of an STD that are not that of UTIs are:

  • Pain during intercourse
  • Upset stomach
  • Blisters, sores or rashes in the genitals

The American Society for Microbiology reports that UTIs and STDs are often not diagnosed correctly. This is especially common in the emergency room. In a recent study, clinical researchers determined 65% of patients with an STD were improperly diagnosed with a UTI. The reason for this in part is that a UTI and STD can show similar results in a urinalysis, which can cause the misdiagnosis.

Donât Miss: How Can You Get Gonorrhea And Chlamydia

Bladder Infection Vs Uti

The difference between bladder infection and UTI is that a bladder infection can only occur in the bladder while a UTI spotted in any of the parts of a urinary tract. This includes your urethra, kidneys, ureters, and ever your bladder.

A bladder infection is something that affects the bladder of a person adversely. Bacteria gets through to the bladder and starts spreading, causing pain, burning sensations while urinating, fever, and even pain in the back. A person should visit an emergency room immediately after having any of these symptoms.

A UTI is an infection that may affect any part of a persons urinary tract. This occurs more commonly in females than in males. The symptoms of a UTI overlap those of a bladder infection. Often, it is hard to distinguish which part of the tract is infected. However, the treatment for all is the same.

Recommended Reading: Antibiotics To Get Rid Of Chlamydia

The Difference Between Sti And Uti

Between 50%-70% of people with a STI do not know they have the infection, because they have no symptoms. When symptoms do occur they can include:

  • Unusual discharge or itchiness around the genitals
  • Burning feeling when having a pee
  • Rash, sore or small lumps in the genital area
  • Pain and swelling in the testicles

The different kinds of STIs are

  • Bacterial Vaginosis
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Yeast Infections

Also, do not take someone elses medication to treat your infection it may make it more difficult to treat.

The symptoms are-

  • a burning feeling when you urinate
  • frequent or intense urges to urinate, even when you have little urine to pass
  • pain in your back or side below the ribs
  • cloudy, dark, bloody, or foul-smelling urine
  • fever or chills

Is It Possible To Prevent Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections With A Vaccine

Do I have an STD or UTI? symptoms are confusing

Currently, there are no commercially available vaccines for UTIs, either recurrent or first-time infections. One of the problems in developing a vaccine is that so many different organisms can cause infection a single vaccine would be difficult to synthesize to cover them all. Even with E. coli causing about most infections, the subtle changes in antigenic structures that vary from strain to strain further complicates vaccine development even for E. coli. Researchers are still investigating ways to overcome the problems in UTI vaccine development.

Also Check: How Long Does Chlamydia Last After Treatment

Condom Use During The Treatment Period

  • Avoid having sex without a condom during treatment because the infection can still be transmitted. Use condoms for 7 days after the start of treatment and until 7 days after all current sexual contacts have been treated.
  • If you are on a combined oral contraceptive pill, use a condom for 14 days when having sex, as antibiotics can affect the reliability of the contraceptive pill.

After completing the treatment, phone your doctor or return to the clinic for a follow-up after 3 months to check you have not been re-infected.

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Is It A Urinary Tract Infection Or Chlamydia

The only way to find out is to see a doctor and have the necessary tests done. As the symptoms of a urinary tract infection , chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases can often be similar, you won’t be able to know by checking any symptoms you might have against lists you can find online.

A urinary tract infection is an infection in any part of the urinary system. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract — the bladder and the urethra. More seriously, the infection can spread to the kidneys or ureter. UTIs are more common in women than men.

Urinary tract infections are usually caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract through the urethra and beginning to multiply in the bladder. The E. coli bacteria is implicated in many UTIs, particularly those affecting the bladder . Other bacterial infections can cause UTI.

Chlamydia is caused by infection with the Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria.

If you have these kind of symptoms, your doctor may use a range of diagnostic tests to identify the cause. This can include analysis of a urine sample, culturing the bacteria that are present in your urine, an ultrasound of your urinary tract and/or cystoscopy .

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Is There A Cure For Chlamydia And Gonorrhea

Yes. Chlamydia and gonorrhea can both be cured with the right treatment. If these STDs arent treated, they can cause serious health problems, like making it difficult or impossible for a woman to get pregnant.

If you have an STD, its important to get treatment right away. Its also important to tell anyone youve had sex with that you have an STD so they can get treated, too. This can help protect you from getting infected again.

Chlamydia Symptoms In Females Is Chlamydia A Uti

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Chlamydia is typically known as the silent infection. Thats because people with chlamydia might not experience signs and symptoms in any way.

If a lady agreements the STI, it might take numerous weeks prior to any type of signs show up.

A few of the most usual signs and symptoms of chlamydia in ladies consist of:

  • agonizing intercourse
  • pain in the lower abdominal area
  • inflammation of the cervix
  • bleeding between periods

In some females, the infection can infect the fallopian tubes, which might create a condition called pelvic inflammatory disease .

Read Also: What Are Common Symptoms Of Chlamydia

How Long Does Chlamydia Take To Clear Up

Chlamydia typically goes away within 1 to 2 weeks. You should avoid sex during this time to prevent transmitting the disease. Your doctor may prescribe a one-dose medication or a medication youll take daily for about a week. If they prescribe a one-dose pill, you should wait 7 days before having sex again.

How Can I Protect Myself From Chlamydia

Its not always possible to know if a current or potential partner has chlamydia, though, especially since many people with chlamydia never notice symptoms. With prevention in mind, its a good idea to make safer sex practices a regular part of your sex life:

  • Dont share sex toys, but if you do, wash them after each use and cover toys used for penetration with a condom.
  • Have sex with only one partner, who only has sex with you.

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How Do Doctors Diagnose The Cause Of Vaginal Discharge

After reviewing your symptoms and medical history, the health-care professional will likely perform a pelvic examination, which includes examination of the external genital area and the insertion of a speculum to examine the vaginal walls and cervix.

Depending upon the examination, the health-care professional may take swabs of the vaginal discharge for culture or for examination under a microscope to help define the cause of the vaginal discharge.

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Copyright 2021 by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. All rights reserved. Read copyright and permissions information.

This information is designed as an educational aid for the public. It offers current information and opinions related to womens health. It is not intended as a statement of the standard of care. It does not explain all of the proper treatments or methods of care. It is not a substitute for the advice of a physician. Read ACOGs complete disclaimer.

What Is The Home Remedy For Urinary Tract Infection

How To Tell If You Have Chlamydia

Drinking cranberry juice is a well known home remedy for Urinary Tract infections. Cranberry stops the bacteria from aligning to the walls of the urinary tract and hence expelling them from the body with urine, thereby helping in controlling & fighting the infection.

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