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HomeReaders ChoiceI Had Chlamydia For A Year

I Had Chlamydia For A Year

How Will I Know If I Have Chlamydia

Chlamydia Symptoms Women | Symptoms Of Chlamydia In Women

You can only be certain you have chlamydia if you have a test.

Anyone can get chlamydia. Youre more likely to have it if youre under 25, have a new sexual partner, or more than one sexual partner in the last year, and if you havent used condoms.

You should have a test if:

  • you, or a partner, have or think you might have symptoms
  • youve recently had sex without a condom with a new partner
  • you, or a partner, have had sex without a condom with other partners
  • during a vaginal examination, your doctor or nurse says that the cervix is inflamed and/or theres an unusual discharge
  • a sexual partner tells you they have a sexually transmitted infection
  • you have another STI.

If you live in England, and youre a woman who is under 25 and sexually active, its recommended that you have a chlamydia test when you change sexual partner and once a year.

If youre a man who is under 25 and sexually active, its recommended that you have a chlamydia test once a year if you are not using condoms with new or casual partners.

You could still have chlamydia even if a partner has tested negative. The only way to make sure you dont have chlamydia is to get tested yourself.

If you have chlamydia, youll be encouraged to be tested for other STIs as you can have more than one STI at the same time.

Can One Have Chlamydia For Over A Year

Chlamydia is a treatable disease. Hence, when you are experiencing symptoms of this disease, or if you think your sexual partner was infected, you should get tested as soon as possible. Chlamydia may have the same symptoms as the other sexually transmitted diseases,which is why testing is necessary.

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Chlamydia Is Only Contagious From Person To Person

You can only get chlamydia by having intimate sexual contact with an infected person, not from casual contact, touching another persons clothing, or consuming contaminated food or water.

The chlamydia organism lives only in human cells and cannot be transmitted by external contact, such as towels or toilet seats, Schaffir says.

Also Check: What Antibiotic Is Good For Chlamydia

How Long Can You Have Chlamydia Without Knowing Years Or Months

How long can you have chlamydia without knowing is a common question after an unprotected sexual contact.

What is chlamydia infection?

Chlamydia infection, caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, is a common sexually transmitted infection that affects both men and women. In the united stated, more than 1.4 million new cases of chlamydia are detected yearly.

In women, chlamydia infection can ascend up the genital tracts resulting to pelvic inflammatory disease with symptoms like fever, abdomen pain and difficulty conceiving.

Chlamydia trachomatis infection is transmitted through

  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • If youve had intercourse with these symptoms, then its likely you have chlamydia. You should inform your doctor ASAP or get a chlamydia test kit to detect chlamydia.

    How Do I Know If I Have Chlamydia

    Chlamydia: Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

    Chlamydia often has no symptoms, but it can cause serious health problems, even without symptoms. If symptoms occur, they may not appear until several weeks after having sex with a partner who has chlamydia.

    Even when chlamydia has no symptoms, it can damage a womans reproductive system. Women with symptoms may notice

    • An abnormal vaginal discharge and
    • A burning sensation when peeing.

    Symptoms in men can include

    • A burning sensation when peeing and
    • Pain and swelling in one or both testicles .

    See a healthcare provider if you notice any of these symptoms. You should also see a provider if your partner has an STD or symptoms of one. Symptoms can include

    • An unusual sore

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    What’s The Treatment For Chlamydia

    Chlamydia is treated with antibiotics. If you take the treatment according to instructions, its over 95% effective at treating chlamydia.

    • Youll be given a course of antibiotics for 3 or 7 days or sometimes up to two weeks.
    • If theres a high chance you have chlamydia, treatment may be started before the results of the test are back. Youll always be given treatment if a sexual partner is found to have chlamydia.
    • You may also need other treatment if complications have occurred.
    • Tell the doctor or nurse if youre pregnant, or think you might be, or youre breastfeeding. This may affect the type of antibiotic youre given.
    • Complementary therapies cant cure chlamydia.

    How Chlamydias Passed On

    Chlamydia is usually passed from one person to another through sexual contact.

    Chlamydia is most commonly spread through:

    • sharing sex toys that arent washed or covered with a new condom each time theyre used.

    It can be spread by giving or receiving oral sex with someone who has chlamydia. The risk can be lowered by using a condom or a dam to cover the genitals.

    If youre pregnant its possible to pass chlamydia to the baby .

    You cant get chlamydia from kissing, hugging, sharing baths or towels, swimming pools, toilet seats or from sharing cups, plates or cutlery.

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    Nucleic Acid Amplification Test

    The most common test for chlamydia, this is a simple, non-invasive test during which you collect a swab or urine sample yourself . A doctor can assist in taking a swab if you prefer.

    The sample is then sent to be tested to see if there is genetic material that indicates the presence of chlamydia bacteria. Results come back quicker than the traditional culture test.

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    The Recovering Road To Pregnancy

    Dunedin ‘oscillation in the way, much worse than a STD’

    Lily initially visited Dr. John Jacobson for her treatment. The first step in regaining Lilys fertility was to clear her body of the infection with antibiotics so it would not be passed along to her baby.

    Once she was chlamydia-free, Lily underwent a laparoscopy to assess the condition of the fallopian tubes. Extensive damage was found. Since severely damaged tubes dont allow for a normal uterine pregnancy, and reduce the chances of IVF success, portions of both tubes were removed. Lily would require advanced reproductive medicine if she wanted to have a baby.

    Lily really liked Dr. Jacobson, but since he was on vacation when she had recovered from her surgery, she decided to undergo her in vitro fertilization with Dr. Gihan Bareh. Lily says that Dr. Bareh walked her through every step and made her feel comfortable at every point.

    Going into the IVF process, I was trying to be realistic and accept that I would probably need a few rounds of IVF before I got pregnant, says Lily.

    But she didnt. Her first round of IVF succeeded, and she is pregnant with a son who is due in May 2016.

    Many women, especially those under the age of 30, have a decent chance of successfully conceiving after an IVF cycle. of women have about a 60 percent chance of conceiving with each IVF cycle.

    Are you struggling to get pregnant? Loma Linda Center for Fertility & IVF has a wide range of solutions for every age & diagnosis, including holistic therapies and advanced treatments, such as IVF.

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    How Chlamydia’s Passed On

    Chlamydia is usually passed from one person to another through sexual contact.

    Chlamydia is most commonly spread through:

    • sharing sex toys that arent washed or covered with a new condom each time theyre used.

    It can be spread by giving or receiving oral sex with someone who has chlamydia. The risk can be lowered by using a condom or a dam to cover the genitals.

    If youre pregnant its possible to pass chlamydia to the baby .

    You cant get chlamydia from kissing, hugging, sharing baths or towels, swimming pools, toilet seats or from sharing cups, plates or cutlery.

    Wednesday 25 March 2020

    The clap, the clam, the pox, the gift that keeps on giving weve created so many slang terms to make sexually transmissible infections seem a little bit funnier and a little less serious. But when the long-term side effects of STIs can include chronic pelvic pain, infertility and in rare cases, cancer, it turns out they are no laughing matter.

    You wont be able to tell for sure if you or the person youre having sex with has an STI without being tested, because these nasty infections dont always cause symptoms that you can see or feel.

    That makes it kinda tricky, as people can be having sex without knowing theyre infected, which means the infection could be passed on and be causing damage to your body unnoticed. But its also simple, really simple to be sexually healthy. You see, there are a couple of easy things you can do to have a confident and healthy sex life, to look after your body and make sure you dont have an infection that could cause you harm. Weve got you covered here with a rundown of the most common STIs, what they can do to your body and simple ways you can prevent getting them.

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    What Are The Long Term Effects Of Chlamydia

    For women, the long-term effects of an untreated chlamydia infection may include: Severe infection with pain and fever requiring a hospital stay. Pelvic inflammatory disease, an infection of the upper reproductive tract. Scarring in the reproductive tract that causes infertility. Higher risk of ectopic pregnancy.

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    What Can You Do To Relieve Your Symptoms

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    No home remedy for chlamydia can replace antibiotics. Chlamydia is a bacterial infection, so you need to take antibiotics to cure it.

    However, there are a few ways you can soothe symptoms while you wait for the antibiotics to get to work. For example:

    • Use pain medications, such as ibuprofen to reduce pain
    • Use a cold pack to soothe inflammation.
    • A herb called goldenseal might reduce inflammation and other symptoms.
    • Use an echinacea supplement aid your immune system.

    Remember that these home remedies might soothe the symptoms of chlamydia, but they dont actually cure chlamydia in itself. The best way to soothe the symptoms is to use antibiotics.

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    Q: I Was Diagnosed With Chlamydia Several Years Ago But Treated It Immediately Could This Affect My Chances Of Getting Pregnant

    A: If you’ve ever been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease like chlamydia, it’s a good idea to get checked out by your doctor before trying to become pregnant. Most likely the disease will not affect your fertility, especially since you treated it promptly, but there’s always a small chance that there could be some scarring of the fallopian tubes, which can make getting pregnant more difficult.

    This scarring happens most often to women whose chlamydia went undiagnosed or was left untreated , which can lead to a condition called pelvic inflammatory disease . PID occurs when bacteria enter the cervix and spread throughout the reproductive organs. The main symptoms include lower abdominal pain, fever, backaches, and pain during sex.

    If your doctor doesn’t find any scarring after examining you, he or she will probably encourage you to try to get pregnant on your own for six months. If you don’t conceive within that time, or if your doctor does discover some scarring, he or she may refer you to a fertility specialist.

    Copyright 2009

    How Does Chlamydia Affect A Pregnant Person And Their Baby

    In newborns, untreated chlamydia can cause:

    • ophthalmia neonatorum ,

    Prospective studies show that chlamydial conjunctivitis and pneumonia occur in 18-44% and 3-16%, respectively, of infants born to those with chlamydia. 9-12 Neonatal prophylaxis against gonococcal conjunctivitis routinely performed at birth does not effectively prevent chlamydial conjunctivitis.37-39

    Screening for and treating chlamydia in pregnant people is the best way to prevent disease in infants. At the first prenatal visit and during the third trimester, screen:

    • All pregnant people under age 25 and
    • All pregnant people 25 years and older at increased risk for chlamydia .

    Retest those with infection four weeks and three months after they complete treatment.40

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    Can You Prevent Chlamydia

    You can lower your risk of getting chlamydia and other STIs by:

    • not having sex with someone with chlamydia, even with a condom, until theyve finished treatment and 1 week has passed since their last dose of antibiotics
    • regularly getting tested for STIs, especially if you are under 30 and sexually active

    Remember that most people with chlamydia dont show any symptoms and dont know they have it, so feeling ‘well’ does not mean that you or your partner are not infected. If in doubt, get tested.

    If you have chlamydia, you can help reduce the spread by letting your recent sexual partners know so they can get tested and treated.

    Chlamydia Symptoms & Treatment

    Shamrock Macaw -Harness Training


    • Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection that is normally passed on through sex without a condom or sharing sex toys with someone who has the infection.
    • Using male or female condoms and dental dams during sex will help to protect you from getting chlamydia.
    • Chlamydia is often symptomless however if left untreated it can lead to long-term health problems.
    • Chlamydia is easily treated with antibiotics.
    • Chlamydia can be passed on from mother to child during pregnancy, so its important for pregnant women to get tested.

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    How Is Chlamydia Diagnosed And Treated

    If you have chlamydia symptoms or had intercourse with someone without protection, you should inform your doctor about testing or take a home chlamydia test.

    Chlamydia can be detected at home. You should get a chlamydia test kit and use urine for your test.

    However, if you have oral chlamydia symptoms, you may need to see your doctor for throat swab culture. The culture of chlamydia takes about 3 7 days.

    If diagnosed with chlamydia, you can easily be treated and cured with azithromycin or doxycycline tablets.

    During pregnancy, chlamydia infection can be treated safely with azithromycin.

    When To See A Healthcare Professional

    If you suspect you have chlamydia, see a healthcare professional as soon as possible. Abstain from allsexual activity until your appointment.

    If you arent comfortable getting tested for STIs with your usual provider, you can find a clinic in your area.

    There are many free or low-cost clinics. Heres how to find one near you.

    You can also visit GetTested or call CDC Info at 800-232-4636 to find local clinics.

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    Who To Test For Chlamydia

    Anyone with the following genital symptoms should not have sex until they see a healthcare provider:

    • A burning sensation when peeing
    • Unusual sores, or a rash

    Because chlamydia usually has no symptoms, screening is necessary to identify most infections. Screening programs can reduce rates of adverse sequelae in women.31,41 CDC recommends yearly chlamydia screening of all sexually active women younger than 25. CDC also recommends screening for older women with risk factors, such as new or multiple partners, or a sex partner who has a sexually transmitted infection.40 Screen and treat those who are pregnant as noted in How does chlamydia affect a pregnant person and their baby? Women who are sexually active should discuss their risk factors with a healthcare provider to determine if more frequent screening is necessary.

    Routine screening is not necessary for men. However, consider screening sexually active young men in clinical settings with a high prevalence of chlamydia. This can include adolescent clinics, correctional facilities, and STD clinics. Consider this when resources permit and do not hinder screening efforts in women.40

    At the initial HIV care visit, providers should test all sexually active people for chlamydia. Test at least each year during HIV care. A patients healthcare provider might determine more frequent screening is necessary, based on the patients risk factors.42

    Does Chlamydia Cause Cervical Cancer


    No, chlamydia doesn’t cause cervical cancer.

    It’s possible to get a sexually transmitted infection by having sex with someone who has an STI, even if they have no symptoms.

    The following measures will help protect you from most STIs including chlamydia, gonorrhoea and HIV.

    If you have an STI, they’ll also help prevent you from passing it on to someone:

    • Avoid sharing sex toys. If you do share them, wash them or cover them with a new condom before anyone else uses them.

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    Im Pregnant How Does Chlamydia Affect My Baby

    If you are pregnant and have chlamydia, you can give the infection to your baby during delivery. This can cause an eye infection or pneumonia in your baby. Having chlamydia may also make it more likely to deliver your baby early.

    If you are pregnant, you should receive testing for chlamydia at your first prenatal visit. Talk to your healthcare provider about getting the correct examination, testing, and treatment. Testing and treatment are the best ways to prevent health problems.

    Whats Chlamydia And What Are The Symptoms

    The bacterium, Chlamydia trachomatis, is the organism which causes chlamydia infection. It can affect the eyes , the joints, the mouth and the genitals of males and females. Chlamydia discharge with severe discomfort while urinating may be an early sign of illness.

    It can also be contacted through the sharing of infected towels. Pregnant women with poorly treated infection may transmit chlamydia to their babies during delivery.

    Chlamydia can be a silent disease because you can get infected without showing any signs. About 30 70 percent of infected men and women will not have common symptoms at all.

    However, this does not rule out complication of chlamydia infection in the long-term. If left for a long time without treatment, chlamydia may cause pelvic inflammatory disease, tubal pregnancy, and difficulty conceiving.

    Pelvic inflammatory disease is the upward spread of chlamydia affecting the womb, abdominal area, and Fallopian tubes. PID could potentially cause permanent damage to the Fallopian tubes ultimately causing infertility and ectopic pregnancy.

    Short-term adverse effects of chlamydia in men include inflammation of the epididymis, with testes that are hurtful and swollen. This occurs very early after an infection and can contribute to infertility in men.

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