How Is Chlamydia Screening Done
A person can test for chlamydia at home or in the lab. They can take either a urine sample or a swab.
- Females can take a swab, place it in a container, and send it to a laboratory.
- Males will usually use a urine test.
A doctor can advise individuals on the best option. They may also recommend rectal or throat testing, especially for people who are living with HIV.
Home screening tests are available, but it is not always easy to do them correctly at home. A healthcare provider will usually recommend following up on any home tests by visiting a doctors office.
The person will likely need to provide a urine sample for a test to confirm a diagnosis. After treatment, they will need to retake the test to ensure that the treatment has worked.
If anyone wishes to try home testing, chlamydia screening test kits are available for purchase online.
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Behind The Pelvic Pain
One of the leading causes of pelvic pain is a condition we call pelvic inflammatory disease. This pain is often described as a dull ache in your lower abdomen, and it can also flare when you urinate or have sex.
Pelvic inflammatory disease is a broad term that describes an infection in one of your reproductive organs, such as your:
- Fallopian tubes
There are several ways that bacteria can make their way up into your pelvic organs, and chlamydia and gonorrhea are the two primary culprits. If you dont recognize the existence of either of these STDs and seek treatment, the infection can spread up into your reproductive organs, which is what causes the pelvic pain.
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Can Chlamydia Cause Orchitis
Orchitis in some cases may take place because of a sexually transmitted type of infection or disease referred to as Chlamydia or gonorrhea. Chlamydia is a type of bacterial infection and it takes place from the bacteria named Chlamydia trachomatis and spreads usually because of sexual contact. The rate of causing Orchitis, especially the sexually transmitted one is high among men from 19 years to 35 years age.
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What Is The Treatment
If you or your partner do not finish the treatment, miss pills or have unprotected sex before you have finished all of the medication, there is a chance that the infection will stay in your body may pass back to you or your partner and cause health problems later. If this happens, talk with your health care provider who will help you to decide if you or your partners need more treatment.
Because re-infection is common, a follow-up test is recommended 6 months after treatment. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have a follow-up test 3 to 4 weeks after completing treatment.
Inflamed Testicles Sore Throat Or Inflamed Lymph Nodes
Inflamed Testicles
Also known as Orchitis, it is mainly experienced due to infections like Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Syphilis. The transmission of bacteria causes it through the bloodstream. Orchitis is characterized by extreme pain and discomfort in either of the two testicles, along with them turning red or purple in color. Additionally, they might feel a bit heavy, and there might also be traces of blood in the seminal fluid.
A Sore Throat might mean that a person is suffering from Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Herpes, or Chlamydia. Almost all of these infections lead to developing throat infections after engaging in Oral sex. Most people take sore throats very lightly, which is exactly the opposite of what you should do. If someone is having a sore throat that does not go away along with difficulty in swallowing, they should immediately see a doctor.
Infection Of The Eye
Sexually transmitted diseases like Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydia have a very bad reputation for causing eye infections. It can happen either directly or indirectly. Directly, by coming into direct contact with the STD source and indirectly, by getting the Sexually Transmitted Infection on your fingers or hands and then touching your eyes or the face. Eye infections, if they are not treated on time, can lead to other serious conditions and might cause blindness, both permanent and partial, along with developing conjunctivitis.
Rash On The Body
Painful Bowel Movements Along With Diarrhea
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How Do I Know If I Had Chlamydia
Some of the symptoms women can experience when they have chlamydia and gonorrhea are yellow-green discharge, light bleeding between their periods and vaginal discharge that looks like a greenish-yellow liquid, according to Dr. White. If you have any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor right away. If you dont see a doctor within a few days, its a good idea to get tested for STDs.
Know Your Sexual Health Status
If you have recently changed sexual partners, or have multiple sex partners, getting regularly tested for STIs will tell you if you have an infection. Some people can have an STI and not have any symptoms. Finding and treating an STI reduces the chances of passing infections on to your partner.
The more partners you have, the higher your chances of getting exposed to STIs.
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Chlamydia Symptoms All Women Should Know
Chlamydia, an STI caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis, is most prevalent in women under 25, but any sexually active person is at risk. Its actually really common in both men and women, and can be spread via vaginal, , or oral sex. Unfortunately, chlamydia symptoms can be easy to miss.
The STI is sometimes called a silent infection, meaning that most people dont experience symptoms, according to the CDC. This is especially problematic for women. If chlamydia is left untreated, it can spread to the uterus and fallopian tubes and cause pelvic inflammatory disease. Both PID and untreated chlamydia can cause permanent scarring in the reproductive organs, blocking sperm and eggs from meeting and leading to infertility. In fact, about 25 percent of infertility cases are due to obstructed fallopian tubes, Meike L. Uhler, M.D., a reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialist at the Fertility Centers of Illinois, tells SELF. In some cases, this can be fixed surgically. In others, it cannot be reversed.
Pregnant women with chlamydia are more likely to deliver prematurely, and can pass the infection to their babies, causing eye infection or pneumonia.
Lots of things can change how your discharge looks, smells, and feels. A smelly, yellow-green color can be an indication of an infection like chlamydia.
Especially if the infection has been left untreated for a while and has caused PID, you may experience lower abdominal pain.
How Does Chlamydia Spread
Chlamydia is spread when a person has unprotected sex with an infected person.
Because chlamydial infection often has no symptoms, many people do not realise they have the infection.
Even if you know a person well, you may not be able to tell they have an STI, because people can look healthy and still have chlamydia.
Remember, you can get chlamydia and other STIs from a new sexual partner who has in the past had sex with someone who is infected.
It can also be spread from a long-term partner who has had sex with other people.
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Chlamydia Symptoms & Treatment
- Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection that is normally passed on through sex without a condom or sharing sex toys with someone who has the infection.
- Using male or female condoms and dental dams during sex will help to protect you from getting chlamydia.
- Chlamydia is often symptomless however if left untreated it can lead to long-term health problems.
- Chlamydia is easily treated with antibiotics.
- Chlamydia can be passed on from mother to child during pregnancy, so its important for pregnant women to get tested.
Frequently Asked Questions About Chlamydia
Yes! It is curable for both men and women and it is one of the common diseases to be passed on sexually. The hardest thing is noticing the infection itself as it remains symptomless so it can be difficult to realise you have it in the first place.
Most people dont show signs of the infection and it rare for people to recognise symptoms as the infection. If you do get symptoms of the sexually transmitted disease then they usually appear one to three weeks after having unprotected sex with an infected person. It is possible for symptoms to develop months after the initial infection and symptoms can come and go.
Yes! Chlamydial conjunctivitis is redness and swelling of the clear membrane that lines the inside of your eyelids and covers the white of your eyes. In some cases the infection when in the eye is known as pink eye. Although relatively harmless in adults, eye infection in newborn babies can lead to blindness.
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What Are The Potential Complications
If treated in time, chlamydia causes no lasting concerns. Untreated chlamydia can lead to complications as the infection spreads to other areas of the body.
Untreated chlamydia may cause sexually-acquired reactive arthritis, which includes skin, eye and joint problems. It is also associated with a higher chance of getting HIV.
In women, complications may include difficulty getting pregnant, ectopic or tubal pregnancy or pelvic inflammatory disease . See HealthLinkBC File #08c Pelvic Inflammatory Disease for more information.
In men, complications may include an infection in the testicles, which can lead to infertility.
What Are The Symptoms Of Chlamydia Infection
Symptoms of chlamydia infection often go unnoticed. Some people experience symptoms within a few weeks of exposure , whereas for others, symptoms may take months to appear. Sometimes, the symptoms disappear on their own, but the infection persists .
The symptoms include the following:
Symptoms in females
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How To Help Partners Get Treatment
If you are not sure whether your sexual partner will seek treatment, ask your doctor for extra chlamydia medication . You can give it to them so they can be treated as soon as possible.
This is known as patient delivered partner therapy for chlamydia. Talk to your doctor to see if PDPT is right for you and your sexual partner.
How Is It Spread
Sometimes a person with chlamydia will have no symptoms. Even without symptoms, the infection passes easily to another person.
If you have a chlamydia infection you will be able to pass the infection on to others until you complete antibiotic treatment.
If you are pregnant, you may pass the infection to you babys eyes during childbirth. This may lead to blindness if the baby is not treated. If you have chlamydia during pregnancy, the baby may develop pneumonia.
Chlamydia treatment does not protect you from getting it again. If you are treated and your sex partners are not, the bacteria could pass back to you again.
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How Long Can You Carry Chlamydia
The majority of people with chlamydia dont have any symptoms. If you do get symptoms, these usually appear between 1 and 3 weeks after having unprotected sex with an infected person. For some people they dont develop until many months later. Sometimes the symptoms can disappear after a few weeks or months.
If you have a sexually transmitted infection , you may be at higher risk of getting gonorrhea, syphilis, or both. STIs can cause serious health problems, including infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease , ectopic pregnancy, and infertility.
How Is Chlamydia Treated
Chlamydia can be cleared up with antibiotics in about a week or two. But dont stop taking your medication just because your symptoms improve. Ask your provider about what follow-up is needed to be sure your infection is gone after youve finished taking your medicine.
Part of your treatment should also include avoiding sexual activities that could cause you to get re-infected and ensuring that any sexual partners who may be infected also get treatment. You should:
- Abstain from sex until your infection has cleared up. Starting treatment doesnt mean that youre in the clear. Take all your medication as your provider directs, and avoid all sexual contact in the meantime.
- Contact all sexual partners. Tell any sexual partners from the last 3 months that youre infected so that they can get tested, too.
- Get tested for other STIs . Its common to have multiple STIs, and its important to receive treatment thats tailored to each infection.
Antibiotics can get rid of your infection, but they cant reverse any harm the bacteria may have caused to your body before treatment. This is why its so important to get screened regularly for chlamydia, to see your provider at the first sign of symptoms, and get treatment immediately if youre infected.
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Who Is Most Often Affected
People who are most likely to experience lower right back pain include the following.
- Right-handed individuals: When the right hand is dominant, this causes the right side of the body to receive more use and become stronger. This can throw the body out of balance and cause additional strain and injury on the right side.
- People over 50: Wear-and-tear of the spinal discs are more common among those in this age group.
- People under 50: Ruptured spinal discs are more common among those in this age group.
- People who play a strenuous sport
- People who sit often
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When Should I See My Healthcare Provider
When it comes to chlamydia, its a good idea to be proactive. Speak with your healthcare provider about your risks of infection. Make a plan to get screened regularly for STIs based on your providers recommendations for how often you should be tested. Make an appointment with your healthcare provider if your partner tests positive for chlamydia or if you notice any signs or symptoms that you may be infected.
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Recognizing Symptoms Of Chlamydia In The Genital Region
Can You Have Chlamydia In The Mouth
Chlamydia is known to infect the oropharynx, a part of the throat thats behind the mouth. So technically speaking, chlamydia can infect the throat instead of the mouth directly. However, chlamydia in women and men can be transmitted through the mouth of an infected partner during certain sexual activities like oral sex.
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When To See A Healthcare Professional
If you suspect you have chlamydia, see a healthcare professional as soon as possible. Abstain from allsexual activity until your appointment.
If you arent comfortable getting tested for STIs with your usual provider, you can find a clinic in your area.
There are many free or low-cost clinics. Heres how to find one near you.
You can also visit GetTested or call CDC Info at 800-232-4636 to find local clinics.
What Happens If You Dont Seek Treatment
If you take your antibiotics as directed, chlamydia is likely to go away. But if its left untreated, it can cause a few complications.
For example, if you have a vulva, you could develop pelvic inflammatory disease . PID is a painful infection that could damage your uterus, cervix, and ovaries.
Untreated chlamydia can also lead to scarred fallopian tubes, which can cause infertility.
If youre pregnant, untreated chlamydia can be transmitted to the baby during vaginal delivery. Chlamydia can cause eye infections and pneumonia in newborns.
Untreated chlamydia can lead to epididymitis, which is when the epididymis becomes inflamed, causing pain.
Chlamydia can also spread to the prostate gland, which can lead to painful sex, lower back pain, and a fever.
Fortunately, treatment for chlamydia is relatively straightforward. And if its treated quickly, youre unlikely to experience any long-term complications.
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How Can I Protect Myself And Prevent Chlamydia
Sex is a normal and healthy part of life, and STIs are unfortunately a third wheel that you may have to deal with from time to time. Thankfully, there are ways to reduce your risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections like chlamydianamely by using condoms and dental dams whenever you get intimate. Talk with your doctor if youre concerned that you may have been exposed to an STI, or if youd like to get tested just to be sure.
And dont feel embarrassed or guilty if you do have chlamydia. There is a sense of shame around sexually transmitted diseases, Dr. Grifo says. Well, whats the shame? You had sex. People have sex all the time. You treat it and move on with your life.