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What Happens If You Get Chlamydia

Am I At Risk For Contracting Chlamydia During My Pregnancy

Chlamydia pictures – Causes Signs Symptoms Treatment images and Photos of chlamydia

Anyone who is sexually active is at risk for contracting chlamydia via vaginal, anal, or oral sex.You have the highest risk of contracting chlamydia during your pregnancy if you are sexually active and:

  • Have multiple sexual partners,
  • Have sex without a condom,
  • Have had a previous or current STI, and/or
  • Have a partner with an STI.

How Is Chlamydia Spread

You can get chlamydia by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has chlamydia.

If your sex partner is male you can still get chlamydia even if he does not ejaculate .

If youve had chlamydia and were treated in the past, you can still get infected again. This can happen if you have unprotected sex with someone who has chlamydia.

When Do Symptoms Start

Symptoms do not always appear with chlamydia. If you do get symptoms, these usually start to show between 1 and 3 weeks after you had unprotected sex with an infected partner. For some people, chlamydia symptoms don’t develop until many months later. Other people may only notice symptoms if the infection spreads to other areas of their body.

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What Are The Prominent Chlamydia Symptoms In Men

Actually, no one can easily ensure that his body has some trouble due to the silent infection because its symptoms are rarely reflected. But once if they start occurring then they can be easily noticed even within few weeks. Medical doctors say that symptoms of Chlamydia in men can be random and infrequent so most of the time patients are not able to know if they are in contact with the infection.

Some of the most common signs of Chlamydia in men include:

  • Very small cloudy or clear Chlamydia discharge in men from penis tip.
  • It can cause painful urination.
  • Leads to itching and burning sensation around penis openings.
  • Swelling and pain in the area surrounding testicles.

Major symptoms of Chlamydia are observed for genitals but in few cases it can affect rectum, eyes and throat. Note that, the actual effect varies with type of transmission. Few uncommon symptoms of chlamydia in men can include:

  • Throat infections.
  • Rectal bleeding, discharge or pain.

Does Your Partner Need To Get Treated Too

What Is Chlamydia Trachomatis?

If you have a sexual partner, or if youve recently had sex with someone, talk with them about your chlamydia diagnosis. Theyll need to get tested and treated, too.

If your sexual partner doesnt seek treatment, theres a risk that they can transmit it back to you, even after your infection has been cured.

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When Will The Signs And Symptoms Go Away

You should notice an improvement quite quickly after having treatment.

  • Discharge or pain when you urinate should improve within a week.
  • Bleeding between periods or heavier periods should improve by your next period.
  • Pelvic pain and pain in the testicles should start to improve quickly but may take up to two weeks to go away.

If you have pelvic pain or painful sex that doesnt improve, see your doctor or nurse as it may be necessary to have some further treatment or investigate other possible causes of the pain.

How To Help Partners Get Treatment

If you are not sure whether your sexual partner will seek treatment, ask your doctor for extra chlamydia medication . You can give it to them so they can be treated as soon as possible.

This is known as patient delivered partner therapy for chlamydia. Talk to your doctor to see if PDPT is right for you and your sexual partner.

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Letting Partners Know You Have Chlamydia

Sexual partners may be infected too. If you have chlamydia, anyone you have had sex with from the last 6 months needs to be informed, tested and treated.

If they dont know, they could reinfect you or infect someone else if they are not treated. dont receive treatment.

Most people will appreciate being told they may have an infection and it is an important step in preventing further infection in the community.

Your local GP and sexual health centre can help you inform your partners and let them know that they need a test. This process is called partner notification. It can be done anonymously, and your confidentiality is always respected.

You can also anonymously notify your sexual partners of the need to get tested and treated for chlamydia via the Let Them Know website if you feel unable to speak to them personally.

There are also nurses who can help you anonymously notify your partners. They can be contacted on .

Essential Facts About Chlamydia

Super gonorrhoea: Why the STI could become untreatable – BBC News

Chlamydia often causes no symptoms in the short term, but it can have serious health consequences if it goes untreated.

If youre sexually active, you should know about chlamydia, a common sexually transmitted bacterial infection. These 10 facts will bring you up to speed on whos at risk, why regular screening is so important, and how to avoid getting chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections .

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How To Treat Chlamydia Symptoms In Women

Chlamydia will not clear up on its own. You will need to treat it with antibiotics. There are two types of chlamydia treatments, azithromycin and doxycycline. These are chlamydia tablets or pills that you swallow whole with water.

Doxycycline is the recommended chlamydia treatment as it is more effective. You take doxycycline twice a day for 7 days.

Azithromycin is usually prescribed if you canât take doxycycline. Itâs taken for 3 days. You take two 500mg tablets on the first day and one 500mg tablet on the second and third day.

You should not have sex at any time whilst you are taking the treatment course and for a week after. This is because your body may take up to 7 days after treatment to respond to the antibiotics.

Can You Get Chlamydia In Mouth

Can you get chlamydia in your mouth?

Though it is less common to get chlamydia in your mouth and throat, it is possible.

Chlamydia may be transmitted when someone performs oral sex on someone who has genital chlamydia It is also possible for someone who has chlamydia in the throat to give it to another person via oral sex.

Chlamydia is most commonly spread through unprotected anal, vaginal and/or oral sex.

Its also important to note that contact with chlamydia bacteria from one location to another can lead to the transmission. For example, it would be possible to get anal chlamydia if a person living with vaginal or penile chlamydia used toilet paper in an infected area and then later wiped a non-infected area.

Oral sex is a less common route of transmission, or in other words, chlamydia is less likely to be transmitted during oral sex. The bacteria associated with chlamydia generally targets warm and moist environments such as the genitals. Chlamydia bacteria is more likely to thrive in the genital areas.

Read: What are the symptoms of chlamydia?

Don’t Miss: How Does One Contract Chlamydia

How Is Chlamydia Treated

Chlamydia can be cleared up with antibiotics in about a week or two. But dont stop taking your medication just because your symptoms improve. Ask your provider about what follow-up is needed to be sure your infection is gone after youve finished taking your medicine.

Part of your treatment should also include avoiding sexual activities that could cause you to get re-infected and ensuring that any sexual partners who may be infected also get treatment. You should:

  • Abstain from sex until your infection has cleared up. Starting treatment doesnt mean that youre in the clear. Take all your medication as your provider directs, and avoid all sexual contact in the meantime.
  • Contact all sexual partners. Tell any sexual partners from the last 3 months that youre infected so that they can get tested, too.
  • Get tested for other STIs . Its common to have multiple STIs, and its important to receive treatment thats tailored to each infection.

Antibiotics can get rid of your infection, but they cant reverse any harm the bacteria may have caused to your body before treatment. This is why its so important to get screened regularly for chlamydia, to see your provider at the first sign of symptoms, and get treatment immediately if youre infected.

What Is The Treatment For Chlamydia

Chlamydia Symptoms, Pictures, Treatment

Chlamydia is treated with antibiotics. The recommended antibiotic treatment is doxycycline taken twice a day for seven days or azrithromycin taken in one single dose. Other alternative medications may be used but are not as effective as azrithromycin and doxycycline. Persons being treated for chlamydia should not have sexual intercourse for seven days after single dose therapy or until completion of all seven days of antibiotics . Patients can be re-infected if their sex partners are not treated.

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Chlamydia Can Be Prevented

The most effective way to avoid getting a sexually transmitted infection is to not have sex. However, if you wish to have sexual contact, you can reduce your risk of infection with these actions:

  • Minimizing the number of partners with whom you have intimate contact
  • Asking your partners to get screened for STDs before engaging in sexual activity
  • Always using latex condoms when having intercourse of any kind

Additional reporting by Ingrid Strauch.

Special Cases: Chlamydia In Infants And Hiv

Newborn infants are also at risk for chlamydial infections if their mother has an untreated infection at the time of delivery. Newborn infants can contract chlamydia trachomatis as they travel through the birth canal and develop eye infections or pneumonia . For this reason, chlamydia testing should be routine during pregnancy.

Having an STI, like chlamydia, can also increase your chances of contracting HIV if you are exposed it to it, or spreading HIV if you are already infected . If you think you have chlamydia, or any STI, it is important for you to seek help immediately from your healthcare provider or an STI clinic. Many clinics provide free or low-cost STI testing. This will all help keep you, your sexual partners, and your community healthy.

Download Clue to track sex and your period.

Also Check: Is Chlamydia And Gonorrhea The Same

How Long Can You Have Chlamydia Without Knowing Years Or Months

How long can you have chlamydia without knowing is a common question after an unprotected sexual contact.

What is chlamydia infection?

Chlamydia infection, caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, is a common sexually transmitted infection that affects both men and women. In the united stated, more than 1.4 million new cases of chlamydia are detected yearly.

Chlamydia can affect the eyes , the joints, the vagina, anus and the penis. It may sometimes cause infertility if left untreated in men and women.

In women, chlamydia infection can ascend up the genital tracts resulting to pelvic inflammatory disease with symptoms like fever, abdomen pain and difficulty conceiving.

Chlamydia trachomatis infection is transmitted through

  • Unprotected anal intercourse
  • Heavy period
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • If youve had intercourse with these symptoms, then its likely you have chlamydia. You should inform your doctor ASAP or get a chlamydia test kit to detect chlamydia.

    Symptoms Can Differ For Men And Women

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    By and large, most cases of chlamydia are asymptomatic they are picked up by screening, which is why it’s so important to have good screening programs in place, notes Dr. Stoner. Men or women who have chlamydia symptoms may experience painful urination.

    Women may also have these symptoms:

    • Smelly discharge from the cervix
    • Pain during sex

    And men may have these symptoms:

    • Discharge from the penis

    Also Check: How Can You Get Chlamydia Without Being Sexually Active

    What Causes Chlamydia

    Chlamydia infections spread through sexual contact, when vaginal fluid or semen containing the bacteria that causes chlamydia travels from one person to another. Sexual contact includes all kinds of sex, including sex that doesnt involve penetration or ejaculation. There are lots of ways that the fluids from one persons genitals can transmit the bacteria that causes chlamydia.

    • Intercourse. Bacteria pass from one persons penis to their partners vagina or vice versa.
    • Anal sex. Bacteria passes from one persons penis to their partners anus or vice versa.
    • Oral sex. Bacteria passes from one persons mouth to their partners penis, vagina, or anus, or vice versa.
    • Sex involving toys. Bacteria pass from a toy with the bacteria to a persons mouth, penis, vagina or anus.
    • Manual stimulation of the genitals or anus. Less commonly, infected vaginal fluid or semen can come in contact with a persons eye, causing an infection called conjunctivitis. For example, this can happen if you touch the genitals of an infected person and then rub your eyes without washing your hands first.

    How Long Do They Last

    If you have noticed chlamydia symptoms, you should get tested and treated as soon as possible.

    Once chlamydia treatment has begun, you should start to notice an improvement in your symptoms within a few days. Generally, most symptoms should go completely within 2 to 4 weeks.

    If symptoms continue to get worse or do not show signs of improvement after 1 week, visit your local sexual health clinic for advice.

    Recommended Reading: How Can A Female Get Chlamydia

    Chlamydia Infection May Have Long

    For women, the long-term effects of an untreated chlamydia infection may include:

    • Severe infection with pain and fever requiring a hospital stay
    • Pelvic inflammatory disease, an infection of the upper reproductive tract
    • Scarring in the reproductive tract that causes infertility
    • Higher risk of ectopic pregnancy

    Men are less likely than women to have major health problems linked to chlamydia, although they can develop epididymitis, an inflammation of a structure within the testicles called the epididymis that can result in infertility.

    A chlamydia infection can sometimes result in reactive arthritis in both men and women.

    Physicians With Mohs Plastic Surgeon Los Angeles Weigh In On The Differences Between Electrosurgery And Mohs Surgery

    How to recognize and treat Chlamydia trachomatis

    Electrosurgery Despite the name, electrosurgery is not quite as invasive as some people might think. This approach to treating and curing BCC entails scraping or shaving off the cancer growths on the skin with what is known as a curette. For reference, a curette is a sharp medical instrument that has a ring-shaped tip attached to it. From there, the physician will use a chemical agent, such as Cisplatin, Busulfan, or Altretamine, to kill off any cancer cells left behind. This procedure, according to several MOHs plastic surgeon physicians, is a go-to for treating patients with early-stage BCC.

    Mohs surgery Slightly more invasive than electrosurgery, Mohs surgery, named after Frederic E. Mohs, MD, is considered by most physicians to be a better choice for resolving tumors related to BCC. It is worth noting that the surgical procedure causes very little damage to nearby healthy skin tissue. To begin, the physician will cut away the tumor and a small amount of the tissue that surrounds it. That tissue is then examined by a lab technician who will determine whether or not it contains cancer cells. If cancerous cells are present, the physician will cut away more of the surrounding tissue to ensure the patient is cancer-free and to reduce the risk of a recurrence.

    It is worth noting that radiation therapy and cryosurgery are also treatment options that many physicians will recommend to patients with BCC.

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    Can Chlamydia Be Prevented

    The only sure way to prevent chlamydia is to not have vaginal, anal, or oral sex.

    Correct usage of latex condoms greatly reduces, but does not eliminate, the risk of catching or spreading chlamydia. If your or your partner is allergic to latex, you can use polyurethane condoms.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

    What Does A Positive Result Mean

    • A positive result means you probably have a chlamydia infection .

    • The test cannot show how long you’ve had an infection. It is thought that you can have chlamydia for weeks, months or even years, without knowing.

    • You will need treatment as soon as possible.

    • It’s possible that your partner’s test result may be different from yours.

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    Chlamydia In The Rectum Throat Or Eyes

    Chlamydia can also infect:

    • the rectum if you have unprotected anal sex this can cause discomfort and discharge from your rectum
    • the throat if you have unprotected oral sex this is uncommon and usually causes no symptoms
    • the eyes if they come into contact with infected semen or vaginal fluid this can cause eye redness, pain and discharge

    If Had Chlamydia Twice Are You At Risk For Being Infertile

    What is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease? Symptoms of #PID and the Complications of Untreated #STIs

    I’ve contracted chlamydia twice in my life, both over two years ago, and I’m only twenty… I heard once that if you have an STD multiple times, you have a higher risk for not having children one day. All I’ve ever wanted to be was a mom…How likely are my chances of being infertile?

    Hi Susan,I was treated for chlamydia two weeks ago and my boyfriend was then treated a week later, however we had sex on the fourth day of his treatment. Is it likely that I would have been reinfected? Or what is the best thing to do? Should I go back and do another test, or ask for another round of antibiotics?

    Hi I contracted chlaymida off my ex back in September and got it treated the same month I then ended up getting back with my ex at the end of February and he told me he got treated and stupidly believed him but I recently got a uti which turned into a kidney infection and got treated and it went away but now I’m worried that it could of been pid and worried I’ve chlaymida again but could pid been diagnosed wrongly as a kidney infection , and the what is the chances I would be infertile as Its only March now and I’m getting checked tomorow

    Hi Susan ,

    I got chlamydia 5 years ago but recently got it again, I went to the doctor and was only given two pills, should that be enough to get rid of it?

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