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HomeFactsCan I Get Chlamydia From A Toilet Seat

Can I Get Chlamydia From A Toilet Seat

Why Did My Partner Test Positive For Chlamydia And I Didn T

Frank answers – Can you get an STI like chlamydia from a toilet seat?

If someone tested positive for chlamydia and their sexual partner tested negative, there are a few possibilities that could make this happen. – As most people do not have symptoms it is possible the person could have had chlamydia from a previous relationship and has not passed it to their partner yet.

What Does Syphilis Look Like

Syphilis is divided into stages , and there are different signs and symptoms associated with each stage. A person with primary syphilis generally has a sore or sores at the original site of infection. These sores usually occur on or around the genitals, around the anus or in the rectum, or in or around the mouth. These sores are usually firm, round, and painless. Symptoms of secondary syphilis include skin rash, swollen lymph nodes, and fever. The signs and symptoms of primary and secondary syphilis can be mild, and they might not be noticed. During the latent stage, there are no signs or symptoms. Tertiary syphilis is associated with severe medical problems and is usually diagnosed by a doctor with the help of multiple tests. It can affect the heart, brain, and other organs of the body.

A detailed description of each stage of syphilis can be found on CDCs syphilis fact sheet.

What Are Stds Can I Get An Std From A Toilet Seat

According to the World Health Organisation , more than 1 million STIs are acquired every day around the globe. STDs are transmitted through unprotected sexual contact with the infected person which includes anal, vaginal, or oral sex.

Many people have a misconception about the possibility of STD contraction when they use a toilet that is used by an STD infected person. In fact, there has been no record of STD cases from a toilet seat unless and until if you have used the toiled with an exposed wound or want to hide that you have contracted one from your sex partner.

The article below covers all the significant topics that are related to STDs, like what are STDs, symptoms, how are they transmitted, Oral STD, can you get STD from a toilet seat, how are STDs treated, how and where to get tested for STD and cost of STD test.

  • What are STDs and their symptoms?
  • How are STDs transmitted?
  • STD prevention
  • Read Also: Drugs Used To Treat Gonorrhea And Chlamydia

    What Are The Types Of Stds You Can Catch From A Toilet Seat

    In short as the name itself says Sexually Transmitted Disease , which means the disease can be spread from an infected person to another only through sexual contact.

    But still, there are chances of acquiring certain infections as pathogens and some bacteria can adapt to the external environment and can live on toilet seats, like antibiotic-resistant staphylococcus , norovirus , E. coli, shigella, streptococcus, hepatitis A virus, the common cold virus, and various sexually transmitted organisms. But if your immune system is healthy, and if you practice hygienic measures like periodic handwashing, you are unlikely to get infected.

    Although you have a chance of contracting any of these infections from a toilet seat for the same reasons, yet you wont contract an STI from one: STD-causing microorganisms need a way through your body, and skin like an open cut or exposed wound.

    Many people think of toilets as germ exploited zone and as a playground for organisms responsible for STDs like chlamydia or gonorrhea. But, the toilet seat is not a mode for spreading infections to humans. As the disease-causing organisms cannot sustain to the physical environment, they can only live for a short period of time on the toilet seating, and the germs to cause an infection, they have to travel from the toilet seat to your genital tract or urethra or into any cut/wound on thighs, which is a very rare case.

    Can You Get Herpes From A Toilet Seat

    Can you get chlamydia from a toilet seat ...

    It’s nearly impossible to get genital herpes from a toilet seat. It’s a sexually transmitted disease spread by skin-to-skin contact. Typically, the virus gets into the body via mucous membranes found in your genitals, mouth, or anus. The virus also gets into your body through tiny tears and scrapes. Symptoms include raw, cracked, or red areas on the genitals with no tingling or pain. You may also experience itching or tingling near the genitals or anus. Small blisters sometimes break open and develop into painful sores.

    It’s possible to have herpes for years and not know it. The virus may spread even when an infected person doesn’t have genital sores. However, the virus can’t survive outside the body, so it’s nearly impossible to contract from toilets, towels, or other objects.

    Don’t Miss: How To Tell The Difference Between A Uti And Chlamydia

    Can You Get A Sti From A Toilet Seat

    It is unlikely that you will be able to contract a STI from a toilet seat. Even if faecal germs are sprayed onto the seat when a toilet is flushed, itâs very hard for an infection to occur. STIs such as syphilis, HPV and HIV are transmitted through bodily fluids, so as long as you wipe the toilet seat beforehand, thereâs nothing to worry about.

    Can You Get An Std From A Toilet Seat

    Many disease-causing organisms can survive for only a short time on the surface of the seat, and for an infection to occur, the germs would have to be transferred from the toilet seat to your urethral or genital tract, or through a cut or sore on the buttocks or thighs, which is possible but very unlikely.

    Read Also: How Does Chlamydia Get Treated

    Preventive Measures For Std

    STD can be prevented by practicing the following methods

    • Regular vaccinations and routine STD checks
    • Monogamy avoid having sex with strangers and people other than your husband/wife
    • Not sharing any towels and underclothing

    To prevent reinfection, we recommend you to do a follow-up check after 1 month of your past treatment and not to have sex until you get completely cured.

    How To Cure A Vaginal Yeast Infection

    10 Herpes Myths

    You can treat a vaginal yeast infection using prescription, over the counter or natural remedies. The most popular OTC medication is Monistat. Monistat contains Miconazole, an antifungal agent very effective against Candida albicans strain .

    There are different Monistat treatments available, you choose from 1, 3 and 7-day treatments. According to user reviews,Monistat7 is the most effective and produces a lasting effect. You can read my full review of Monistat here.

    Monistat 7 contains seven applicatorfuls of Miconazole cream. Insert one applicator into your vagina before going to bed for seven consecutive nights. You may see your symptoms disappear within two days, but be sure to continue your treatment for the whole week.

    Some Candida cells may still survive, and although they dont give any symptoms, theyll start multiplying again once you stop treatment. Thats why its important to follow the treatment until the end.

    Don’t Miss: How Long Until You Know You Have Chlamydia

    What Are Stds Symptoms

    Generally, you wont experience any symptoms or only mild symptoms at an early stage of the infection. Sometimes there will be no sign of STD symptoms until two weeks since the contraction with the disease. Some of the common STD symptoms seen in both sexes are unexplained weight loss, fever, joint pain, diarrhea, unusual sweat during the night, fatigue, and soreness in the throat. However, there are specific symptoms that are exhibited in women and men as STD symptoms, they are

    How Soon Do Sti Symptoms Appear

    It depends on which sexually transmitted infection you have.

    Symptoms can develop within a few days or weeks, but sometimes they do not appear until months or even years later.

    Often there are few or no symptoms and you may not know you have an STI.

    If there’s any chance you have an STI, go to a sexual health clinic or GP for a free and confidential check-up.

    Read Also: How Do Men Test For Chlamydia

    How To Prevent The Transmission Of Chlamydia

    This disease will be cured with antibiotics, an antibiotic is a counter bacteria, it will kill Chlamydia and make you whole again. Apart from contacting this disease or infection through birth, you can never catch Chlamydia by not performing some form of sexual act or making love with your partner. Howbeit, you dont need to involve in a penetrative sex to get infected. Another way you can possibly get infected by these STDs is if been spread through a saturated area or a damp, such as a towel or coming close to infected areas.

    You should learn to read chlamydia test result to avoid any critical problem.

    In summary, the easiest ways to guide yourself against sexually transmitted diseases is just to know if your sexual partner has been tested. Getting a complete detail of his or her last sexual life, if they had been tested since they broke up from their previous partners and encouraging them to limit the number of sex, which may help them from not getting in contact with someone with this disease. When all these things are been considered, someone can easily stay free from sexually transmitted disease. Next thing is to make sure you are secured during sex in other not to make rash decisions when things get so heavy.

    Originally posted 2016-09-20 07:00:55.

    Is Chlamydia Serious

    Can you get chlamydia or gonorrhea from a toilet seat ...

    Although chlamydia does not usually cause any symptoms and can normally be treated with a short course of antibiotics, it can be serious if it’s not treated early on.

    If left untreated, the infection can spread to other parts of your body and lead to long-term health problems, especially in women.

    In women, untreated chlamydia can cause pelvic inflammatory disease , ectopic pregnancy and infertility.

    In men, in rare cases, chlamydia can spread to the testicles and epididymis , causing them to become painful and swollen. This is known as epididymitis or epididymo-orchitis .

    It can also sometimes cause reactive arthritis in men and women.

    This is why it’s important to get tested and treated as soon as possible if you think you might have chlamydia.

    Testing for chlamydia is done with a urine test or a swab test.

    You do not always need a physical examination by a nurse or doctor.

    Anyone can get a free and confidential chlamydia test at a sexual health clinic, a genitourinary medicine clinic or a GP surgery.

    In England, if you’re a woman under 25 years old, you may be offered a chlamydia test when you visit some health services, for example a pharmacy or GP. This offer is part of the National Chlamydia Screening Programme .

    If you’re offered a chlamydia test you should consider taking it.

    If you’re a woman, sexually active and under 25 in England, it’s recommended that you have a chlamydia test once a year, and when you have sex with new or casual partners.

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    What Is The Test

    Vaginitis is inflammation or an infection of the vagina symptoms usually include itchiness or irritation, abnormal discharge, and an unpleasant odor. Diagnosing the cause of vaginitis involves a simple examination of the vaginal fluid under a microscope or sending the sample to a laboratory for a culture.

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    A Common Question Answered By Your Sexual Health

    You dont have to be a germaphobe to dislike using a public toilet. No matter where you get caught short, the inside of a cubicle rarely offers us the same confidence as the inside of your own bathroom. When was this toilet last cleaned? Who used it last? Why is the floor wet? All uncertainties that can leave you second guessing your choice to leave the house this morning. But there is one question that Your Sexual Health can help you with.

    So, can you catch an STI from a toilet seat? Youve probably Googled it at some stage Im sure. That question is typed into search engines thousands of times each month. The great news is that whether youve used a portaloo at Glastonbury or youre sitting in your very own toilet the chances of you catching an STI are pretty much the same. That is to say the chances of catching an STI from a toilet seat are almost zero.

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    Can Toilet Splash Cause Infection

    Cullins warns, Anything that brings bacteria in contact with the vulva and/or urethra can cause a UTI. This can happen when germs enter the urethra during sex, unwashed hands touching genitals, or even when toilet water back splashes. Yeah, you can get a UTI from the bacteria in toilet water back splash.

    The Germs On Your Kitchen Appliances Vs Your Toilet Seat


    The cutting board in a typical home has around 200 times more fecal matter on it than the average toilet seat, according to a 2014 video onthe popular YouTube page AsapSCIENCE. The dish sponge is also rife with bacteria.

    “While we’ve all seen our fair share of dirty public toilets, the truth is, if it passes the sight test and seems OK, it’s probably cleaner than most other objects in a bathroom,” the video said. “Regardless, your skin is designed as an excellent barrier to microorganisms. Even though some bacteria such as E. coli can survive on a toilet seat indefinitely, if you don’t have an open sore near it, or there isn’t something foreign or sharp on the seat, the bacteria isn’t likely to get inside your body.”

    In any case, microorganisms are already all over “everything in the bathroom” as a result of toilet flushing, the video said. “Simply flushing a toilet creates aerosolized bacteria, meaning that the toilet paper itself is likely contaminated,” the video said.

    You can watch the full AsapSCIENCE video below:

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    Can We Get Chlamydia From A Toilet Seat

    It is very mush considerable that carelessly someone can get in contact with this disease through someone else fluids, both in the toilet and in bathroom But, if you are not yet convinced, squat instead of sitting down on public toilets. But if Chlamydia wasnt treated it will definitely cause a hazardous teething trouble.

    This, therefore, includes swelling of the reproductive system of the body, which might result in destruction or unfruitfulness. So it is very compulsory that those that are sexually active must be tested. Now the good news is that you dont need to receive injections from medical doctors or a nurse before been tested but you can be tested by just making your urine sample available for the doctors to examine. You can also check Chlamydia from swab test. Result is accurate that the std blood test.

    Is This More Than Just A Yeast Infection

    Two lesions on the patients labia arouse suspicion of a second problem. An STD expert tracks down a diagnosis other clinicians might miss.

    This is the third of a three-part series on sexually transmitted infections. The previous installments appeared in the May and June issues.

    A 32-year-old woman presents with complaints of vaginal discharge, discomfort, and itch of two days duration. In the past year, she has had three yeast infections, which she self-treated, with good response. She reports no other symptoms. Her menses are regular, with the last menstrual period two weeks before. She had a normal Pap smear at her annual visit six months ago.

    When she was 20, she had chlamydia but has had no other sexually transmitted diseases . She reports five lifetime sexual partners and has been with her new partner one month. They use condoms most of the time for vaginal sex. Her partner is asymptomatic.

    Her external genitalia are shown in Figure 1. On speculum examination, the vaginal mucosa is noted to be slightly erythematous and a white cheesy discharge is found. The cervix appears normal, without lesions or discharge. A swab test of the cervix is negative, and no friability is noted. A bimanual exam is normal, with no cervical motion tenderness. The normal-sized uterus is nontender, with no masses, and normal adnexa. There is no inguinal lymphadenopathy.

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    How Much Does An Std Test Cost Near You

    The following table shows the cost of the STD test and STD home test kit at 3 of our partner laboratories network located across the U.S.

    No prior appointment is required. Compare the price, order your test online and visit the nearest lab during lab business hours or shop the STD home testing kit. Complete the procedure and get the results in your email in 2 to 3 business days.

    True Or False: Public Toilet Seats Are Riddled With Chlamydia

    Getting a STD from a Toilet Seat: Fact VS Fiction

    False. All the toilet hoverers out there will be happy to know that you can now sit in peace – youâre not going to get chlamydia from a toilet seat. Or any STI for that matter. Thatâs because STIs are only transmitted via infected fluids or in the case of herpes, skin-to-skin contact and canât live outside the human body for long without breaking down. Even if you use the toilet straight after someone with an STI, germs would have to be transferred from the toilet seat to your genital tract, or through a cut or sore. And letâs face it, for this to happen youâd have to be doing something pretty wrong.

    Recommended Reading: How Much Does It Cost To Treat Chlamydia

    What Can You Catch In Restrooms

    Bathroom Paranoia

    Perhaps Ally McBeal can ease her off-the-charts stress levels by escaping to the office restroom. But for most of us, public toilets are actually a bit scary.

    If you squirm at the thought of creepy germs lurking on toilet seats and faucet handles, you probably spend as little time as possible in the restrooms of your office building, not to mention those in restaurants, hotels and gas stations. And during those nerve-wracking moments when you dare to venture into the confines of the bathroom, you may find yourself pushing open the stall door with your elbows, crouching precariously above the toilet seat rather than letting your skin touch it, and flushing with your shoe.

    But while there’s plenty of bathroom paranoia to go around, anxiety might be a little overdone. Yes, there can be plenty of bugs lying in wait in public restrooms, including both familiar and unfamiliar suspects like streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli and shigella bacteria, hepatitis A virus, the common cold virus, and various sexually transmitted organisms. But if your immune system is healthy, and if you adopt simple hygienic measures like handwashing, you should be able to deliver a knockout punch to most of what you encounter and perhaps put your “germ-phobia” to rest.

    “To my knowledge, no one has ever acquired an STD on the toilet seat — unless they were having sex on the toilet seat!” says Abigail Salyers, PhD, president of the American Society for Microbiology .

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