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HomeTreatCan Clindamycin Treat Chlamydia And Gonorrhea

Can Clindamycin Treat Chlamydia And Gonorrhea

Getting Treated For Chlamydia And Often Gonorrhea

Clindamycin | Bacterial Targets, Mechanism of Action, Adverse Effects

If you have your own doctor, he will prescribe the antibiotics you need to treat chlamydia. If you dont have your own doctor, you can often find free or low-cost care at either a Planned Parenthood site or a community health clinic.

Listen carefully to the instructions for taking the medicine that you are given by the doctor or other healthcare provider, and follow them closely.

Ask questions if you dont understand something. Also, if you have other questions as you take your medicine, you can always call the pharmacist for help. They are often easier to reach than the doctor.

If you test positive for chlamydia, your healthcare provider is likely to also recommend that you be treated for gonorrhea. This is because the cost of treating gonorrhea is less than the cost of testing for the infection.

Why Is This Medication Prescribed

Vaginal clindamycin is used to treat bacterial vaginosis . Clindamycin is in a class of medications called lincomycin antibiotics. It works by slowing or stopping the growth of bacteria. Vaginal clindamycin cannot be used to treat vaginal irritation caused by yeast infections or by sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and trichomoniasis.

Can Amoxicillin Cure Std Super Infections

So far, weve been talking about the standard, run-of-the-mill case of STDs thats common in millions of people. Unfortunately, there is a new common threat. The World Health Organization recently reported that certain STDs, including gonorrhea, has been growing more resilient to the antibiotics weve been discussing, such as amoxicillin, which are usually used to eradicate it.

One of the likely causes of this advanced super gonorrhea is the fact that people often dont finish their antibiotics. Will Amoxicillin Cure Gonorrhea? Sure, most of the time. But you need to complete your medication, even if your symptoms seem to disappear. Stopping too early can allow bacteria to continue to grow and mutate. This can result in the infection coming back, or becoming far more dangerous.

This new super gonorrhea is much harder to stop. In some severe cases, it is incurable. Most bacteria will eventually evolve, developing resistances against specific antibiotics over time. Unfortunately, that includes amoxicillin. So while amoxicillin can currently usually treat gonorrhea, it will become less effective against strains of super gonorrhea in the future.

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What Is The Treatment For Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea can be cured with the right treatment. CDC recommends a single dose of 500 mg of intramuscular ceftriaxone. Alternative regimens are available when ceftriaxone cannot be used to treat urogenital or rectal gonorrhea. Although medication will stop the infection, it will not repair any permanent damage done by the disease. Antimicrobial resistance in gonorrhea is of increasing concern, and successful treatment of gonorrhea is becoming more difficult. A test-of-cure follow-up testing to be sure the infection was treated successfully is not needed for genital and rectal infections however, if a persons symptoms continue for more than a few days after receiving treatment, he or she should return to a health care provider to be reevaluated. A test-of-cure is needed 7-14 days after treatment for people who are treated for a throat infection. Because re-infection is common, men and women with gonorrhea should be retested three months after treatment of the initial infection, regardless of whether they believe that their sex partners were successfully treated.

What Is The Best Medication For Chlamydia

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Finding the best medication for chlamydia isnt too much of a struggle as antibiotics tend to be pretty effective. However, different patients will have different needs, allergies, and factors that determine their best medication. The correct antibiotic to treat your chlamydia may vary from the one that works for another patient. Consult a healthcare professional when selecting a medication for your chlamydia, especially if pregnancy is suspected.

Best medications for chlamydia
500 mg taken every 12 hours Stops the growth of bacteria Nausea, headache, dizziness

Dosage is determined by your doctor based on your medical condition, response to treatment, age, and weight. Other possible side effects exist. This is not a complete list.

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How Long Does Azithromycin Take To Cure Chlamydia

It usually takes approximately 7 days for azithromycin to cure chlamydia. However, it can take up to 2 weeks for the infection to go away completely.

Avoid having sex during treatment or until the infection has cleared. Youll want to make sure its completely cured, or else youll risk passing it to someone else.

Gonorrhea Protection Treatment For Chlamydia And Gonorrhea

Take these steps to shield on your own from gonorrhea:

Condoms. They help keep you from obtaining Sexually transmitted diseases. They work as a barrier and also maintain bacteria from infecting you. Spermicide wont stop you from obtaining gonorrhea.

Have your sexual partners obtain checked. Ask them whether theyve been checked for gonorrhea. If they havent, speak with them regarding obtaining examined.

Do not have sex with a person who has symptoms of gonorrhea. Has your partner complained of a burning feeling while peeing or sores in their genital location? Take a break from sex till they get their signs and symptoms examined and also you ought to obtain examined also.

Obtain routine testings. Get examined for gonorrhea annually if youre:

A guy who has sex with guys

A sexually active lady under age 25 Treatment For Chlamydia And Gonorrhea

A woman who has a brand-new sex companion, several companions, or a partner with a sexually transmitted disease

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What Is The Treatment For Chlamydia

Chlamydia can be easily cured with antibiotics. HIV-positive persons with chlamydia should receive the same treatment as those who are HIV-negative.

Persons with chlamydia should abstain from sexual activity for 7 days after single dose antibiotics or until completion of a 7-day course of antibiotics, to prevent spreading the infection to partners. It is important to take all of the medication prescribed to cure chlamydia. Medication for chlamydia should not be shared with anyone. Although medication will stop the infection, it will not repair any permanent damage done by the disease. If a persons symptoms continue for more than a few days after receiving treatment, he or she should return to a health care provider to be reevaluated.

Repeat infection with chlamydia is common. Women whose sex partners have not been appropriately treated are at high risk for re-infection. Having multiple chlamydial infections increases a womans risk of serious reproductive health complications, including pelvic inflammatory disease and ectopic pregnancy. Women and men with chlamydia should be retested about three months after treatment of an initial infection, regardless of whether they believe that their sex partners were successfully treated.

Infants infected with chlamydia may develop ophthalmia neonatorum and/or pneumonia. Chlamydial infection in infants can be treated with antibiotics.

How Soon Is Chlamydia Contagious

Complications: TORCH Infections, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV/AIDS – Maternity Nursing -@Level Up RN

Therefore, they do not know they have the disease. The incubation period for chlamydia is quite variable and may range from days to months after the initial exposure. The average time from exposure to the development of symptoms is usually about one to three weeks after sexual contact with an infected person.

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Just How Does Gonorrhea Affect An Expecting Female And Also Her Infant

If an expecting woman has gonorrhea, she might offer the infection to her child as the child passes through the birth canal during delivery. This can cause blindness, joint infection, or a lethal blood infection in the baby.

Treatment option of gonorrhea as soon as it is found in expecting females will certainly lower the danger of these complications. Expectant women must consult a health care provider for appropriate examination, screening, and also therapy, as essential. What Antibiotic Treats Gonorrhea And Chlamydia


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Will Clindamycin Cure Gonorrhea

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Recommended Reading: What Is Prescribed For Chlamydia

What Is The Best Home Remedy For Chlamydia

The only consistently proven cure for chlamydia is antibiotics. There are a few products and home remedies out there recommended by countless websites for curing chlamydia at home. Unfortunately, the results of these treatments can be inconsistent and never involve the use of actual antibiotics. The only guaranteed method of treating bacterial infections, like chlamydia, is antibiotics.

Is Gonorrhea 100 Percent Curable

Antibiotic Drugs

Yes, gonorrhea can be cured with the right treatment. It is important that you take all of the medication your doctor prescribes to cure your infection. Medication for gonorrhea should not be shared with anyone. Although medication will stop the infection, it will not undo any permanent damage caused by the disease.

Also Check: When To Test For Chlamydia

How To Treat Gonorrhea And Chlamydia At Home: Get Tested

Taking antibiotics is the only way to treat gonorrhea and chlamydia, and these antibiotics must be prescribed by a physician. This means you cannot treat these STDs at home. But there is something you cando at home: get tested. The results of this at-home test will determine whether or not you need to contact a medical professional to discuss treatment options.

Gonorrhea Vs Chlamydia: Whats The Difference

The two most common STDs are chlamydia and gonorrhea. Both conditions are caused by an overgrowth of bacteria. Chlamydia is caused by an overgrowth of the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis, while gonorrhea is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

In terms of symptoms, both chlamydia and gonorrhea may result in a burning sensation during urination and an abnormal discharge from the genitals.

Most people who have chlamydia or gonorrhea do not present symptoms. Even if you do have symptoms, they may not appear for weeks after sexual intercourse with an infected partner.

Because chlamydia and gonorrhea present nearly identical symptoms or none at all, it is important to frequently get tested for STDs.

In a 2015 report, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that the United States sees 20 million new cases of STDs every year. STD rates have reached a record high in recent years.

Each year almost 4 million people will contract chlamydia or gonorrhea. Continuing reading to find out more about chlamydia vs gonorrhea.

Also Check: How To Test For Chlamydia Male

What Antibiotics Treat Sexually Transmitted Diseases


Sexually Transmitted Diseases or Sexually Transmitted Infections , caused by bacteria, such as syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia, are generally easier to treat and are often curable when treated with the right antibiotics. Those caused by viruses, though manageable, are often not curable. These include Herpes and HIV/AIDS and are treated using antiviral drugs instead of antibiotics.


Antibiotic therapy is a mainstay in treating sexually transmitted diseases. Depending on the type of infection your healthcare provider may decide what antibiotics are required. These may then be administered through various means of treatment.

  • A single injection,
  • A course of pills taken over a few days
  • And as a cream/ointment locally applied to the infected area.


Resistance to antibiotics is real and a prevalent threat in the entire world. It is necessary to complete your antibiotic course for the duration that it is prescribed. Moreover, a resistant infection can be far harder to treat. Even if your symptoms have resolved it is essential that you complete the course of antibiotics as prescribed


The antibiotics prescribed depends on what infection you have. The various antibiotics prescribed for different bacterial STDs are:


What Should I Know About Storage And Disposal Of This Medication

Chlamydia Infection Symptoms and Treatment (Antibiotic)

Keep this medication in the container it came in, tightly closed, and out of reach of children. Store it at room temperature and away from excess heat and moisture . Do not freeze.

Unneeded medications should be disposed of in special ways to ensure that pets, children, and other people cannot consume them. However, you should not flush this medication down the toilet. Instead, the best way to dispose of your medication is through a medicine take-back program. Talk to your pharmacist or contact your local garbage/recycling department to learn about take-back programs in your community. See the FDA’s Safe Disposal of Medicines website for more information if you do not have access to a take-back program.

It is important to keep all medication out of sight and reach of children as many containers are not child-resistant and young children can open them easily. To protect young children from poisoning, always lock safety caps and immediately place the medication in a safe location one that is up and away and out of their sight and reach.

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How Easy Is It To Get Rid Of Chlamydia

It is relatively simple to get rid of chlamydia after receiving a diagnosis. The typical recovery time isnt much longer than two weeks for an average case. One of the largest hurdles for many patients comes with detecting chlamydia in the first place. This is why its important to regularly schedule STD screenings that include chlamydia and gonorrhea while sexually active with multiple partners.

One Of The Most Common Sexually Transmitted Disease

Gonorrhea is an extremely usual sexually transmitted infection, especially for teenagers and individuals in their 20s. Gonorrhea is sometimes called the clap or the drip. Gonorrhea is spread out via vaginal, rectal, and oral sex.

Gonorrhea is typically quickly cured with prescription antibiotics. Yet if you dont deal with gonorrhea early enough, it can cause much more severe health problems in the future. Thats why STD testing is so crucial the sooner you recognize you have gonorrhea, the faster you can get rid of it. Treatment For Chlamydia And Gonorrhea

You can assist avoid gonorrhea by using prophylactics every single time you have sex.


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Prevention And Management Considerations

Appropriate treatment is of paramount importance for existing gonococcal infections, but preventive measures must also be considered and discussed with the patient. Obtaining an accurate sexual history from the patient is vital. Although it is sometimes uncomfortable to do so, the healthcare provider and the patient must have a frank discussion about the patients sexual behavior.11 The CDC emphasizes the use of a sexually transmitted infection and HIV risk assessment in counseling high-risk patients. This may be accomplished by use of the Five Ps, which are detailed, open-ended questions designed to elicit more information about a patients sexual partners, sexual practices, pregnancy prevention, STI protection, and past history of STIs.1 The Five Ps method fosters an open conversation between the healthcare provider and patient for a better understanding of the patients risk profile. After risk assessment, individualized counseling based on responses may be undertaken.

Because males with a gonococcal infection often are asymptomatic, they may remain undiagnosed for an extended period of time, which makes prevention a key priority in high-risk male populations. Consistent use of male condoms should be recommended to all patients.1

How To Use Lotions Gels And Solutions

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Doctors prescribe clindamycin lotions, gels, and solutions to treat acne.

A person with acne can apply a thin layer of Cleocin T 1% lotion or clindamycin 1% solution to the affected area of skin twice per day.

A person can apply Clindagel 1% once daily to the affected area when acne appears.

Topical clindamycin can cause diarrhea. Anyone who has had colitis should avoid using this treatment.

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Before Using Vaginal Clindamycin

  • tell your doctor and pharmacist if you are allergic to clindamycin, lincomycin , or any other medications
  • tell your doctor and pharmacist what prescription and nonprescription medications, vitamins, nutritional supplements, and herbal products you are taking or plan to take. Be sure to mention erythromycin . Your doctor may need to change the doses of your medications or monitor you carefully for side effects.
  • tell your doctor if you have or have ever had inflammatory bowel disease or severe diarrhea caused by an antibiotic. Your doctor may tell you not to use vaginal clindamycin.
  • tell your doctor if you have or have ever had any other medical condition.
  • tell your doctor if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are breast-feeding.
  • you should know that certain ingredients in vaginal clindamycin may weaken latex or rubber contraceptive devices such as condoms and vaginal diaphragms. Do not use these devices during your treatment and for at least 72 hours after your treatment with most vaginal clindamycin products. If you are using Clindesse® brand vaginal gel, you should not use these devices for at least 5 days after your treatment.
  • if you are having surgery, including dental surgery, tell the doctor or dentist that you are using vaginal clindamycin.
  • you should know that you should not have vaginal intercourse or use vaginal products such as tampons or douches during your treatment with vaginal clindamycin.


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