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How Much Azithromycin Do I Take For Chlamydia

How To Cope With Side Effects

Azithromycin for C. pneumoniae infection causing CAD – Video abstract: 31625

What to do about:

  • feeling sick – stick to simple meals and do not eat rich or spicy food while you’re taking this medicine.
  • diarrhoea or being sick – drink lots of fluids such as water or squash to avoid dehydration. Take small, frquent sips if you’re being sick. Signs of dehydration include peeing less than usual or having strong-smelling pee. Do not take any other medicines to treat diarrhoea or vomiting without speaking to a pharmacist or doctor.
  • losing your appetite – eat when you would usually expect to be hungry. If it helps, eat smaller meals more often than usual. Snack when you’re hungry. Have nutritious snacks that are high in calories and protein, such as dried fruit and nuts.
  • headaches – rest and drink plenty of water. Ask your pharmacist to recommend a painkiller if you need one. Talk to your doctor if the headaches last longer than a week or are severe.
  • feeling dizzy or tired – if you feel dizzy when you stand up, try getting up very slowly or stay sitting down until you feel better. If you begin to feel dizzy, lie down so you don’t faint, then sit until you feel better. Do not drive or use tools or machines if you feel dizzy or tired. Do not drink alcohol as it may make you feel worse.
  • changes to your sense of taste – talk with your doctor if this is bothering you.

What Are The Side Effects Of Azithromycin

With any medication, there are risks and benefits. Even if the medication is working, you may experience some unwanted side effects.

Contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following:

  • Allergic reactions

loss of taste

Other side effects not listed may also occur in some patients. If you notice any other effects, check with your healthcare professional.

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Urogenital Infection In Women

In women, chlamydial infection of the lower genital tract occurs in the endocervix. It can cause an odorless, mucoid vaginal discharge, typically with no external pruritus, although many women have minimal or no symptoms.2 An ascending infection can result in pelvic inflammatory disease .

Physical findings of urogenital chlamydial infection in women include cervicitis with a yellow or cloudy mucoid discharge from the os. The cervix tends to bleed easily when rubbed with a polyester swab or scraped with a spatula. Chlamydial infection cannot be distinguished from other urogenital infections by symptoms alone. Clinical microscopy and the amine test can be used to help differentiate chlamydial infection from other lower genital tract infections such as urinary tract infection, bacterial vaginosis, and trichomoniasis.3 In addition, chlamydial infection in the lower genital tract does not cause vaginitis thus, if vaginal findings are present, they usually indicate a different diagnosis or a coinfection.

Some women with C. trachomatis infection develop urethritis symptoms may consist of dysuria without frequency or urgency. A urethral discharge can be elicited by compressing the urethra during the pelvic examination. Urinalysis usually will show more than five white blood cells per high-powered field, but urethral cultures generally are negative.

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How Do I Recognize The Signs

Chlamydia, like most STIs, is often asymptomatic that means most people wont experience any signs of the infection. If the signs do appear, both women and men will be equally affected. Even though these signs can affect different areas in the body, both sexes will experience them in a similar way.

Here are the most typical signs for women:

  • Pain during menstruation
  • Fever with pain in the abdomen
  • Excessive vaginal discharge often with a bad odor
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Burning and itching around or in the vagina
  • Bleeding when not on a period

Even though women are more prone to chlamydia, men can still get infected.

What Is Azithromycin Chlamydia Treatment

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Azithromycin is a form of antibiotic medication, which is used to treat infections caused by bacteria. If you buy Azithromycin online, or from your local pharmacy, it will commonly be used as a form of chlamydia treatment, as Azithromycin is extremely effective at eliminating the bacteria associated with Chlamydia infection.

Azithromycin chlamydia treatment protocol has recently changed from 1 gram in one dose to a 3-day course of 1000mg followed by one 500mg daily for two days.

You can buy Azithromycin online from e-Surgery as we are a trusted prescription service and pharmacy!

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Follow Treatment Advice Make Sure Chlamydia Is Properly Treated

  • Take the antibiotic treatment given to you, as directed, and without delay.
  • Do not miss out doses.
  • Finish the course.
  • No sex on treatment not even sex with a condom. This is because the condom does not give 100% protection from STIs and it is still possible, until the full 7 days have elapsed, to transmit the infection, or become reinfected.
  • Any current sexual partners should be treated as they are contacts. This applies to all sexual partners in the past 3 months.
  • However, the sexual partner may opt to be tested for chlamydia and wait for their results. If they do this, there should be no sexual activity while waiting to be tested, until their results are available, and then for the time period to complete treatment, if they test positive.

    In many ways, including the fact no tests are 100% accurate, it is preferable for both of you to be treated, and the easiest option, is to take your antibiotics both at the same time. This is called epidemiological treatment, and is good medical practice.

    If all the tablets were taken correctly and there has been no sex on treatment, there is no need to repeat the chlamydia test .

    However a test of cure should be performed if:

    • there is chlamydia in the rectum,
    • it chlamydia is treated in pregnancy,
    • it chlamydia is treated with erythromycin,
    • if you have symptoms when diagnosed with chlamydia, and these symptoms have not resolved, or
    • if any of the rules about taking treatment were not followed.

    What Antibiotics Are Used To Treat Chlamydia

    Currently, NICE recommends Azithromycin or Doxycycline as the first-line drugs for uncomplicated genital chlamydia infections. According to their guidelines, Doxycycline is preferred in instances where the patient shows signs of a rectal infection. Azithromycin is used in other cases.

    • Doxycycline is given as a 100mg tablet, taken twice daily for one week.
    • Azithromycin is issued for use over three days. A 1g dose on the first day, followed by two 500mg doses.

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    Pharmacist Tips For Azithromycin

    You can take azithromycin with or without food. Stomach upset and diarrhea are possible side effects, so if it happens to you, taking azithromycin with food can help lessen it.

    If you’re using the liquid form of azithromycin , shake the bottle well before using. Be sure to use a medication dose cup, spoon, or syringe to measure out your dose. Using household teaspoons might cause you to take the wrong amount of azithromycin .

    Do not take antacids containing aluminum within 2 hours of this medication. These antacids affect how well your body absorbs azithromycin .

    You can store the liquid version of azithromycin at room temperature or in the fridge. Putting it in the fridge can help make it taste better. The liquid is good for up to 10 days after it has been mixed by your pharmacist.

    If you have diarrhea after taking azithromycin , try taking probiotic supplements to help lessen this side effect. Separate the probiotic from azithromycin by at least 1 hour to prevent azithromycin from killing the “good” bacteria from the probiotic. Be sure to continue the supplement for a few days after your last dose of azithromycin .

    Finish all of the azithromycin your healthcare provider prescribed for you, even if you start to feel better. Stopping azithromycin too soon can cause your infection to come back.

    Prices for azithromycin start at just $4.80 with a GoodRx coupon. Theyâre fast, easy-to-use and free!

    Indication: What Zithromax Is Used For

    AZITHROMYCIN 500 mg Antibiotic: What is it for, how to use, dose, warnings, side effects

    Zithromax is used to treat infections in different parts of the body caused by bacteria.

    It is commonly used to treat Chlamydia. Zithromax is also used to prevent infections by a bacterium called Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex in some people.

    Ask your doctor if you have any questions about why Zithromax has been prescribed for you. Your doctor may have prescribed it for another reason.

    Zithromax is only available with a doctors prescription.

    This medicine is not addictive.

    This medicine is not expected to affect your ability to drive a car or operate machinery.

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    Is Azithromycin Better Than Doxycycline At Curing Chlamydia

    STD guidelines still favor azithromycin over doxycycline for the treatment of chlamydia. This is because of the following reasons:

    • Cure rates of azithromycin and doxycycline are similar, 97% and 98-100% respectively, according to a meta-analysis of 12 trials.
    • Azithromycin is given as a single dose, doxycycline needs to be given for seven days, either as a once-daily or twice-daily dose.
    • The dose of azithromycin can be easily supervised if need be it is much harder to supervise seven days of once daily or twice daily doxycycline treatment
    • People are more likely to take a single dose of azithromycin than finish a seven-day course of doxycycline.

    Recently, some reports have suggested that doxycycline may be more effective than azithromycin, particularly when medication adherence can be assured. There is also some concern that azithromycin may not be as effective for anogenital chlamydial infections.

    How And When To Take It

    Azithromycin is usually taken once a day, unless you’re having it by injection. Try to take your medicine at the same time each day.

    The usual dose is 500mg a day for 3 to 10 days depending on the infection being treated.

    For some infections, you’ll be given a one-off higher dose of 1g or 2g.

    The dose may be lower for children or if you have liver or kidney problems.

    Azithromycin is sometimes prescribed long term to prevent chest infections if you keep getting them. In this case, it’s usually taken 3 times a week, often on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

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    What If My Chlamydia Test Is Positive

    If you test positive to chlamydia, heres the good news! Chlamydia can be successfully treated. This means that after proper treatment, the infection will have completely disappeared from your body.

    However, it is extremely important you get treated without delay.

    You need the right advice, the right medication, and the right support.

    What Happens To Those Who Dont Get Treated

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    Since more than 50% of the infected dont experience any signs of chlamydia, many people unknowingly pass their infection onto their partner and leave it to manifest in their system for years.

    Even though chlamydia is not a life-threatening infection, if left untreated, it can cause serious health problems. For women, untreated chlamydia can move up into the fallopian tubes and womb and cause pelvic inflammatory disease . If it travels to the uterus as well, it can lead to endometritis.

    In time, these diseases will become a serious problem and can cause:

    • Infertility
    • Increased risk of developing HIV
    • Joint pain

    Any prolonged damage to the reproductive tissues can cause irreversible damage, and once it gets to this stage, chlamydia can be a serious burden, and infertility can no longer be treated.

    In men, the infection can affect the testes and spread to the reproductive tract. When it gets to this area, the infection can cause serious inflammation, swelling, fever, and pain. However, if left untreated, it can have the same consequences as in women, and that is infertility.

    Thats why its crucial to get on-time treatment and regularly get tested for chlamydia even if you dont notice any signs or symptoms.

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    How Do I Know If I Have Chlamydia

    If you suspect you have chlamydia, your doctor may want to test cervical or penile discharge or urine using one of several available methods.

    In most cases of chlamydia, the cure rate is 95%. However, because many women don’t know they have the disease until it has caused serious complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease, sexually active women under age 25 and others at higher risk should be tested for chlamydia once a year during their annual pelvic exam even if they dont have symptoms.

    Pregnant women should also be tested as part of their routine lab work.

    How To Know If You Are Infected

    You will not know for certain that you have chlamydia unless you are tested. Another popular medication used for treating Chlamydia is Doxycycline. Your doctor will prescribe the proper medication for your situation.

    Any individual can be infected with chlamydia, including those who only had one sexual partner in the last year. People who are likely to have chlamydia are usually under the age of 25, have a new sexual partner, or more than one sexual partners, and have not used condoms.

    You should be tested for chlamydia if:

    • You recently had unprotected sex with a new sexual partner
    • You, or your partner, have or think you might have symptoms
    • You, or a partner, engaged in unprotected sex with other sexual partners
    • Your partner informs you that he or she had sex with an infected partners infection
    • The doctor noticed during a vaginal examination that the cervix cells have a discharge or are inflamed.

    Even if your partner has tested negative for chlamydia, you could still have the infection. You can be sure that you are not infected also only by getting tested yourself.

    If you are found to be positive for chlamydia, you will be encouraged to be tested for other sexually transmitted infections because of the possibility that you have more than sexually transmitted infection at the same time.

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    Long Term Complications Of Chlamydia In Males

    In men, chlamydia can be diagnosed from a urine test / swab, even if you have no symptoms. In 50% of men who test positive, chlamydia symptoms are absent. However if untreated, because chlamydia also causes inflammation in the male genital tract, this may result in the following.

    • Urethritis pain within the penis and on passing urine, often with discharge
    • Epididymo-orchitis painful, swollen testicles
    • Prostatitis a painful, swollen, prostate gland
    • Chlamydial infection also affects male fertility. Semen is poorer quality, and as it is packed full of inflammatory cells, sperm are less ability to swim freely.

    Usual Adult Dose For Gonococcal Infection

    At Last! Reliable Treatments For Chlamydia

    Gonococcal urethritis and cervicitis:Immediate-release: 2 g orally onceUse: Treatment of mild to moderate urethritis and cervicitis due to Neisseria gonorrhoeaeUS Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Recommendations:Immediate-release:-Recommended regimen: 1 g orally once as a single dose plus ceftriaxone-Alternative regimen: 1 g orally once as a single dose plus cefixime

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    More Common Side Effects

    The more common side effects of azithromycin oral tablet can include:

    • diarrhea
    • nausea
    • reduced appetite
  • Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis . Symptoms can include:
  • vomiting after eating
    • irritability with feeding
    • lack of weight gain

    If you have an allergic reaction, call your doctor or local poison control center right away. If your symptoms are severe, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Dont take this drug again if youve ever had an allergic reaction to it. Taking it again could cause death.

    Disclaimer: Our goal is to provide you with the most relevant and current information. However, because drugs affect each person differently, we cannot guarantee that this information includes all possible side effects. This information is not a substitute for medical advice. Always discuss possible side effects with a healthcare provider who knows your medical history.

    What Is The Treatment For Chlamydia

    Chlamydia can be easily cured with antibiotics. HIV-positive persons with chlamydia should receive the same treatment as those who are HIV-negative.

    Persons with chlamydia should abstain from sexual activity for 7 days after single dose antibiotics or until completion of a 7-day course of antibiotics, to prevent spreading the infection to partners. It is important to take all of the medication prescribed to cure chlamydia. Medication for chlamydia should not be shared with anyone. Although medication will stop the infection, it will not repair any permanent damage done by the disease. If a persons symptoms continue for more than a few days after receiving treatment, he or she should return to a health care provider to be reevaluated.

    Repeat infection with chlamydia is common. Women whose sex partners have not been appropriately treated are at high risk for re-infection. Having multiple chlamydial infections increases a womans risk of serious reproductive health complications, including pelvic inflammatory disease and ectopic pregnancy. Women and men with chlamydia should be retested about three months after treatment of an initial infection, regardless of whether they believe that their sex partners were successfully treated.

    Infants infected with chlamydia may develop ophthalmia neonatorum and/or pneumonia. Chlamydial infection in infants can be treated with antibiotics.

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    How Do You Take Azithromycin Chlamydia Treatment

    When you buy Azithromycin online or from you local pharmacy, always take the medication exactly as your doctor and pharmacist has prescribed.

    Azithromycin tablets can be taken with or without food, and it is suggested to take Azithromycin with half a glass of water.

    The normal dosage for chlamydia treatment is 1000mg all in one go, then 500mg daily for two days. The entire course is 3 days long.

    Do not have sex until you have completed all of the treatment.

    After the course of treatment is complete it is possible that you could test positive for Chlamydia for up to 8 weeks despite no longer being infectious.


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