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How Can I Catch Chlamydia

How Can Chlamydia Be Prevented


Latex male condoms, when used consistently and correctly, can reduce the risk of getting or giving chlamydia.53 The surest way to avoid chlamydia is to abstain from vaginal, anal, and oral sex, or to be in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and is known to be uninfected.

Its Possible To Get Chlamydia Through Oral Or Anal Sex

You may have heard that its not possible to get chlamydia through oral or anal sex, but this is just a myth. If you have unprotected vaginal, oral, or anal sex, you could get chlamydia.

While its possible to get chlamydia through any of these sex acts, the risk varies depending on the type of sex youre having. Chlamydia isnt commonly passed through cunnilingus, but its possible. The infection is commonly passed through fellatio and anal sex.

No matter what type of sex youre having, its a good idea to use protection. This may include dental dams or condoms, depending on the sex act. Other types of contraception, like birth control pills and IUDs, dont provide any protection against chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections.

Do Koalas Like Humans

Koalas are wild animals. Like most wild animals, they prefer to have no contact with humans at all. Two independent scientific studiesa 2014 University of Melbourne study and a 2009 studyfound that even captive koalas, born and raised in a zoo, experienced stress when humans approached too close to them.

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How Common Is Chlamydia

CDC estimates that there were four million chlamydial infections in 2018.3 Chlamydia is also the most frequently reported bacterial sexually transmitted infection in the United States.4 However, a large number of cases are not reported because most people with chlamydia are asymptomatic and do not seek testing. Chlamydia is most common among young people. Two-thirds of new chlamydial infections occur among youth aged 15-24 years.3 It is estimated that 1 in 20 sexually active young women aged 14-24 years has chlamydia.5

Disparities persist among racial and ethnic minority groups. In 2019, reported chlamydia rates for African Americans/Blacks were nearly six times that of Whites.4 Chlamydia is also common among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men . Among MSM screened for rectal chlamydial infection, positivity has ranged from 3.0% to 10.5%.6,7 Among MSM screened for pharyngeal chlamydial infection, positivity has ranged from 0.5% to 2.3%.7.8

Can You Get Chlamydia More Than Once

Things you must know about Chlamydia (infographics)

Its possible to have chlamydia multiple times. The bacteria will not create antibodies to protect your body from further infection. You can get re-infected by continuing sexual relations with a partner who is untested and untreated.

Its best to always use condoms with partners who may have chlamydia.

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What If I Test Positive For Chlamydia

Chlamydia can be treated with a short course of antibiotics. To cure Chlamydia completely, the antibiotic treatment usually takes seven days. During this time, the infection could still be passed during unprotected sex, even when symptoms have disappeared.

Better2Know will provide you with a prescription to treat the infection if you do test positive for Chlamydia. It is entirely your choice whether you receive treatment through your Better2Know doctor, or take your results to your own GP or local GUM clinic. Your clinician will be able to prescribe the most appropriate antibiotic for you.

If you have tested positive for Chlamydia using a home sample collection test, we can arrange a doctors consultation for you. Your doctor will receive a copy of your results, discuss your diagnosis with you and prescribe the appropriate antibiotic. Simply phone us on the number at the top of the page to book your private GP appointment.

You may want to consider having a repeat Chlamydia test at the end of your treatment to check that the infection has completely cleared. You should also contact your previous partners to notify them about your result as he/she may also need to get tested.

Chlamydia Is Really Common

Chlamydia is a SUPER common bacterial infection that you can get from sexual contact with another person. Close to 3 million Americans get it every year, most commonly among 14-24-year-olds.

Chlamydia is spread through vaginal, anal, and oral sex. The infection is carried in semen , pre-cum, and vaginal fluids. Chlamydia can infect the penis, vagina, cervix, anus, urethra, eyes, and throat. Most people with chlamydia dont have any symptoms and feel totally fine, so they might not even know theyre infected.

Chlamydia can be easily cleared up with antibiotics. But if you dont treat chlamydia, it may lead to major health problems in the future. Thats why STD testing is so important the sooner you know you have chlamydia, the faster you can cure it. You can prevent chlamydia by using condoms every time you have sex.

Also Check: How Effective Is Azithromycin For Chlamydia

You Can Get Chlamydia More Than Once

With some diseases, having one infection makes you immune to future infections. That’s not the case with chlamydia. If you engage in sexual activity with a person who has a chlamydia infection, you can get it again, even if you’ve just completed treatment for it.

“Both partners should be treated before reinitiating sexual intercourse to prevent relapse,” Schaffir says.

You Cant Catch Chlamydia From A Toilet Seat


Many people believe they can get chlamydia from a toilet seat. This isnt true.

Theres no need to worry about catching chlamydia in a public bathroom. Even if you share a toilet seat with someone who has it, you cant get the infection. You also cant catch chlamydia from sharing items like towels.

Usually, chlamydia spreads through unprotected sex. Its also possible to get the disease if you share sex toys with someone who has the infection. Sex toys should be washed or covered with a condom. If your partner has vaginal fluid or semen on their fingers, it may be possible to spread the infection that way.

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How Is Chlamydia Diagnosed

There are a number of diagnostic tests for chlamydia, including nucleic acid amplification tests , cell culture, and others. NAATs are the most sensitive tests, and can be performed on easily obtainable specimens such as vaginal swabs or urine.43

Vaginal swabs, either patient- or clinician-collected, are the optimal specimen to screen for genital chlamydia using NAATs in women urine is the specimen of choice for men, and is an effective alternative specimen type for women.43 Self-collected vaginal swab specimens perform at least as well as other approved specimens using NAATs.44 In addition, patients may prefer self-collected vaginal swabs or urine-based screening to the more invasive endocervical or urethral swab specimens.45 Adolescent girls may be particularly good candidates for self-collected vaginal swab- or urine-based screening because pelvic exams are not indicated if they are asymptomatic.

NAATs have demonstrated improved sensitivity and specificity compared with culture for the detection of C. trachomatis at rectal and oropharyngeal sites.40 Certain NAAT test platforms have been cleared by FDA for these non-genital sites and data indicate NAAT performance on self-collected rectal swabs is comparable to clinician-collected rectal swabs. 40

When Should I See My Healthcare Provider

When it comes to chlamydia, its a good idea to be proactive. Speak with your healthcare provider about your risks of infection. Make a plan to get screened regularly for STIs based on your providers recommendations for how often you should be tested. Make an appointment with your healthcare provider if your partner tests positive for chlamydia or if you notice any signs or symptoms that you may be infected.

Recommended Reading: How To Get Rid Of Oral Chlamydia

Dont Delay Your Chlamydia Screening

At Rapid STD Testing, you will receive the answers you need concerning your body. Whether you have concerns about chlamydia, trichomoniasis, or how to test for herpes, we offer quick, confidential screenings.

If you think a recent exposure to an STD is likely, dont delay. Contact Rapid STD Testing at and explore your testing and treatment options today.

Is It Common For Herpes To Be Misdiagnosed

How Chlamydia Is Treated

Although the signs and symptoms of herpes may sometimes seem indistinguishable, there are a number of other conditions that can potentially be mistaken for the virus which makes proper testing essential for identifying and diagnosing herpes. Unfortunately, a visual examination without correct testing can result in misdiagnosis, and even if the diagnosis is correct the type of herpes simply cant be confirmed through a visual exam alone.

While HSV-2 typically causes most genital herpes, HSV-1 can also be the cause of genital herpes, with cases caused by HSV-1 typically experiencing fewer outbreaks and those caused by HSV-2 experiencing recurring or frequent outbreaks . Knowing this, and knowing the herpes virus type makes it easier to understand what to expect as well as determine the best treatment options.

See also:Whats the Difference Between HSV-1 and HSV-2? Symptoms and Causes

One of the best ways to reduce your risk of contracting an STD is with regular screening. This can be done by taking a trip to your doctors office or from the comfort of your own home with an at-home lab test.

LetsGetCheckeds at-home Herpes Test can detect herpes simplex antibodies for either HSV-1 or HSV-2. Online results will be available within 5 days and our dedicated medical team will be there to offer a helping hand should you have any questions.

Also Check: How Soon Do You Get Herpes Symptoms

Also Check: Can Chlamydia Go Away On Its Own Without Treatment

Chlamydia Infection May Have Long

For women, the long-term effects of an untreated chlamydia infection may include:

  • Severe infection with pain and fever requiring a hospital stay
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease, an infection of the upper reproductive tract
  • Scarring in the reproductive tract that causes infertility
  • Higher risk of ectopic pregnancy

Men are less likely than women to have major health problems linked to chlamydia, although they can develop epididymitis, an inflammation of a structure within the testicles called the epididymis that can result in infertility.

A chlamydia infection can sometimes result in reactive arthritis in both men and women.

I Was Treated For Chlamydia When Can I Have Sex Again

You should not have sex again until you and your sex partner have completed treatment. If your doctor prescribes a single dose of medication, you should wait seven days after taking the medicine before having sex. If your doctor prescribes a medicine for you to take for seven days, you should wait until you have taken all of the doses before having sex.

Also Check: Medication For Gonorrhea And Chlamydia

Symptoms Of Throat Chlamydia

Where symptoms do appear in cases of throat chlamydia. People may experience:

  • A sore or swollen throat
  • Mouth pain
  • Sores around the lips and mouth
  • Mouth sores that do not heal

It is common for people living with chlamydia in the throat to believe that they are living with a common cold or flu virus.

It is possible to have oral and genital chlamydia infection at the same time, therefore it is important to look out for the symptoms of both.

Who Should Be Tested For Chlamydia

Chlamydia and fertility

Any sexually active person can be infected with chlamydia. Anyone with genital symptoms such as discharge, burning during urination, unusual sores, or rash should refrain from having sex until they are able to see a health care provider about their symptoms.

Also, anyone with an oral, anal, or vaginal sex partner who has been recently diagnosed with an STD should see a health care provider for evaluation.

Because chlamydia is usually asymptomatic, screening is necessary to identify most infections. Screening programs have been demonstrated to reduce rates of adverse sequelae in women.31,41 CDC recommends yearly chlamydia screening of all sexually active women younger than 25, as well as older women with risk factors such as new or multiple partners, or a sex partner who has a sexually transmitted infection.40 Rectal chlamydia testing can be considered for females based on sexual behaviors and exposure. 40 Pregnant women under 25 or older pregnant women at increased risk for chlamydia should be screened during their first prenatal visit and again during their third trimester.40 Women diagnosed with chlamydial infection should be retested approximately 3 months after treatment.40 Any woman who is sexually active should discuss her risk factors with a health care provider who can then determine if more frequent screening is necessary.

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What Is Chlamydia

Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease caused by infection with Chlamydia trachomatis. It can cause cervicitis in women and urethritis and proctitis in both men and women. Chlamydial infections in women can lead to serious consequences including pelvic inflammatory disease , tubal factor infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and chronic pelvic pain. Lymphogranuloma venereum , another type of STD caused by different serovars of the same bacterium, occurs commonly in the developing world, and has more recently emerged as a cause of outbreaks of proctitis among men who have sex with men worldwide.1,2

Can It Cause Long

While chlamydia is often easy to treat when caught early, it can – when left untreated – cause some complications. For women, these could include Pelvic Inflammatory Disease which can damage the cervix, uterus and ovaries, affect fertility long-term. It can be painful, and an estimated 10-15% of women with untreated chlamydia develop Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.

If you have chlamydia during pregnancy, the infection can be passed on to newborns during birth and can cause possible eye infections or pneumonia in newborns, so if you suspect you have symptoms of chlamydia, speak to your GP.

Other possible complications include inflammation of the neck of the womb , inflammation of the fallopian tubes , infection of the urethra , and conjunctivitis if passed on through the eye. All in all, if you are concerned that you may have chlamydia, better safe than sorry – get checked out.

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What Complications Can Result From Chlamydial Infection

The initial damage that chlamydia causes often goes unnoticed. However, chlamydial infections can lead to serious health problems with both short- and long-term consequences.

In women, untreated chlamydia can spread into the uterus or fallopian tubes and cause pelvic inflammatory disease . Symptomatic PID occurs in about 10 to 15 percent of women with untreated chlamydia.30,31 However, chlamydia can also cause subclinical inflammation of the upper genital tract . Both acute and subclinical PID can cause permanent damage to the fallopian tubes, uterus, and surrounding tissues. The damage can lead to chronic pelvic pain, tubal factor infertility, and potentially fatal ectopic pregnancy.32,33

Some patients with chlamydial PID develop perihepatitis, or Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome, an inflammation of the liver capsule and surrounding peritoneum, which is associated with right upper quadrant pain.

In pregnant women, untreated chlamydia has been associated with pre-term delivery,34 as well as ophthalmia neonatorum and pneumonia in the newborn.

Reactive arthritis can occur in men and women following symptomatic or asymptomatic chlamydial infection, sometimes as part of a triad of symptoms formerly referred to as Reiters Syndrome.35

Getting A Chlamydia Test

Things you must know about Chlamydia (infographics)

Because you can have and transmit the infection without symptoms, a test is necessary to detect the presence of the bacteria and begin treatment. Even if you had sex once, you could still contract chlamydia.

Men should have a chlamydia screening if they experience any symptoms that could be an infection. They should also see a doctor if their partner tests positive for chlamydia regardless of their sexual orientation.

For women, testing should occur at least once a year if youre under 25 and sexually active. Younger people are more likely to contract an STD because they tend to have more unprotected sex or multiple partners. Women should also undergo an annual screening if theyre over 25 and have a new partner.

Another reason for women to have a chlamydia test is pregnancy. A mother can pass chlamydia to their baby during birth, resulting in medical issues for the newborn.

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How Are Two Stds Treated At The Same Time

Treatment varies depending on the STD or combination of STDs that you have contracted. Bacterial conditions are usually easily treated through a course of antibiotics, but many viral STDs including herpes, HIV and hepatitis cannot be completely cured.

If someone is infected by two bacterial STDs at the same time, the GP who is treating you may opt for one course of antibiotics or he may elect a combination of antibiotics. Retesting for both STDs will usually be required once the course of treatment is complete, if the infection is still present another course of antibiotics can be prescribed.

If someone is infected by both bacterial and viral STDs, the treatment usually differs greatly. The bacterial STD will be treated through antibiotics, whilst treatment for any viral infection will usually focus on managing symptoms or reducing the viral load.

Dr Bani

How Long Does It Take For A Male To Show Signs Of Chlamydia

Symptoms in the penis Symptoms of chlamydia may affect the penis within 13 weeks of the person coming into contact with the infection. In some cases, though, these symptoms can take months to appear. Symptoms of chlamydia in the penis may include: white, cloudy, or watery discharge from the tip of the penis.

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Can I Get Chlamydia From A Koala


Also, can humans get koala chlamydia?

Koalas are struck by a different strain of the disease from that which affects humans although it seems humans can catch the koala version through exposure to an infected animal’s urine. In koalas, the effects of chlamydia are devastating, including blindness, infertility and an infection known as ‘dirty tail’.

Likewise, can humans get STDs from animals? Humans can contract brucellosis through drinking contaminated milk or through direct contact with infected animals. The human and animal STDs are spread by different species of Chlamydia , so the disease can‘t be spread between humans and animals.

Additionally, what percentage of koalas have chlamydia?

In Northern Australia, more than 20 percent of koalas have chlamydia, with many more harboring the infection. Researchers have been largely unable to fight the spread of this disease, as koalas need to receive antibiotics from wildlife hospitals.

How did the first koala get chlamydia?

It’s the nasty disease with a devastating impact for one of Australia’s most iconic marsupials: chlamydia. It’s thought that the pathogen was introduced to Australia through infected livestock in the late 1780’s, where it then spread to the koala population.


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