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HomeTestFree Chlamydia And Gonorrhea Test Kit By Post

Free Chlamydia And Gonorrhea Test Kit By Post

More About The Initiative

“I Know” Home Test Kit for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea

The Alabama Department of Public Health Division of Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention and Control has collaborated with Binx Health to implement home delivery STD/HIV specimen collection and laboratory test kits by mail. The purpose of the initiative is to promote STD/HIV testing among individuals at home in an effort to strengthen the STD/HIV prevention and control program in Alabama. The second phase of the project focuses on offering STD/HIV home specimen collection and laboratory test kits for all Alabama residents including college/university students, and to selected individuals who are on PrEP therapy. Alabama residents will be able to request one STD/HIV home specimen collection and laboratory test kit per quarter.

What Will Happen If My Test Result Is Positive

  • if your test result is positive for chlamydia then we can offer treatment by post. If you have complicated symptoms that require examination or further testing, we will help you find a clinic for further testing and treatment
  • if your test result is positive for gonorrhoea then we will refer you to your nearest clinic as the treatment is an injection
  • if your test result is reactive for HIV then this does not necessarily mean that you have this infection, so well refer you to a sexual health service for confirmatory testing
  • if your test result is reactive for syphilis then you will be referred to a sexual health service for confirmatory testing
  • if your test result is reactive for hepatitis B or hepatitis C then you will be referred to a sexual health service for confirmatory testing and then to a liver specialist to assess the infection further.

About Our Accredited Partner Lab

Your Nurx home tests will be analyzed at our partner laboratory, Molecular Testing Labs . MTL is a state-of-the-art lab that specializes in complex molecular testing and is CAP-accredited, meaning that it meets the scientifically rigorous standards of the College of American Pathologists. MTL is also CLIA-approved, achieving the US governments standards of quality and safety under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments. Your personal information is always anonymized and your personal health information is protected according to HIPAA law.

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What Happens If Your Chlamydia And Gonorrhea Test Is Positive

If your chlamydia and gonorrhea test is positive:

  • Both chlamydia and gonorrhea are easily treated with a course of antibiotics, so its important that you make an appointment with a healthcare provider so you can start treatment right away.
  • The CDC recommends retesting 3 months after you complete your treatment to ensure it has been effective.
  • Because you can transmit your infection to partners at this time, you should abstain from sexual activity until after treatment. You should also inform all current and past sexual partners about your results so they know to get tested as well.
  • *Please note, most states have regulations that require the processing laboratory to report positive results for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea test to a local health department.

    What Happens When You Get Tested

    Free Chlamydia Test Kit from NHS

    Whether you’re at your local GP or a sexual health/GUM clinic, your STI test will go something like this:

  • You’ll be able to request to be seen by a male or female doctor/nurse, but you may have to wait slightly longer for one to become available.
  • You’ll be asked to answer some questions about yourself, your medical history and your sex life on a form. This is essentially used to determine how at-risk you are of contracting certain infections.
  • If you’re testing for chlamydia or gonorrhoea, this will involve a urine sample or a self-taken vaginal swab . Testing for HIV and syphilis needs a blood sample. Herpes isn’t usually tested for unless you show symptoms such as sores, in which case swabs of the sores will be taken.
  • Depending on which test you’ve done, results can be provided on the same day, or can take one to two weeks. It will be made clear to you on the day how long you’ll have to wait for results, and they’ll ask you how you would prefer to be contacted .
  • If you test positive for an STI, you’ll be invited back to the clinic for treatment.
  • Read Also: What Is Chlamydia And How Do You Get It

    What Is A Uti

    UTI is short for Urinary Tract Infection, also known as cystitis. UTIs are caused by bacteria, normally from your poo, travelling up your urethra and reaching your urinary tract. It can also be caused by normally harmless bacteria living on your skin getting into your urinary tract. This may happen when you wipe after you use the toilet, or when you are having sex.

    The urinary tract is your bodys system for making urine and then getting rid of it from your body. It includes your two kidneys, bladder and urethra. Your kidneys filter your blood to make urine, which is stored in the bladder until you need to urinate. When you urinate, the urine travels down your urethra and exits your body: your urethra is the tube that carries the urine out of your body. A UTI can affect any part of your urinary tract, depending on how far up the bacteria has travelled. If your bladder becomes infected it is known as cystitis if your urethra is infected you have urethritis if your kidneys become infected, it is known as a kidney infection or pyelonephritis.

    Recommended Reading: Can You Treat Chlamydia And Gonorrhea At The Same Time

    At Home Chlamydia Test

    Chlamydia home test kits are mostly preferred by the people who do not have time to spend from their everyday busy schedule, taking an appointment and visiting the testing center and who are not convenient in having an awkward conversation to answer questions about their sexual history with a medical physician in the lab.

    Its not the only way to get tested for Chlamydia infection. You can also order the chlamydia home test kit online and take the sample of your blood as mentioned in the instructions on the kit and then post it back. The results will be emailed personally to you within 2 to 5 days depending upon the receipt of the sample by the lab.

    Some Walgreens branches and CVS Pharmacies offer Chlamydia tests in their stores, but their services are bounded to the kit availability in their inventory and are often limited. In this article, we explain in detail about the difference between the over the counter Chlamydia test kit from Walgreens/CVS and the comprehensive at-home Chlamydia test kit readily available online from one of our testing providers.

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    When Should You Get Tested For Chlamydia Or Gonorrhea

    If you believe you have been exposed to chlamydia or gonorrheaor if you have had unprotected sexits important to know when to get tested for these STDs.

    Both chlamydia and gonorrhea will not be detectable in your system immediately after exposure. It can take up to two weeks for gonorrhea to be detectable and up to three weeks for chlamydia to be detectable. For this reason, its best to wait at least three weeks after your initial exposure to get tested.

    If you take a test within the first three weeks, it may be too early to detect either STD, which means your results may not be accurate. If you test negative within this timeframe, its best to get retested after the three week period is over to confirm your results.

    What Are The Differences Between Hiv 1 And 2

    “I Know” Home Test Kit for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea

    There are two major types of the human immunodeficiency virus. HIV-1, which was discovered first, is the most widespread type worldwide. HIV-2 is most common in people of west African origin. HIV-2 is very rare in the UK with just a few hundred people infected with this strain . Both viruses, if untreated, will result in AIDS and the infection is contracted in the same way.

    We appreciate that some people may not wish to provide a blood sample. If you do not return a blood sample, we will be unable to test for Syphilis or HIV. In some regions we offer people a choice of tests . Remember, all of your results are confidential.

    No. We currently test for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis and HIV. If you would like to test or receive treatment for BV we would recommend you visit your local clinic.

    Depending on your gender and sexual preference we will ask you to provide us with samples to test for the four most common STIs:

    Heterosexual Men

    • A urine sample to test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea.
    • A small blood sample to test for Syphilis and HIV.

    Heterosexual Women

    • A vaginal swab to test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea.
    • A small blood sample to test for Syphilis and HIV.

    Homosexual or Bi Men

    • A vaginal swab to test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea.
    • A small blood sample to test for Syphilis and HIV.


    Trans* users will receive a kit according to the genitals they have.

    Read Also: How Do You Know If Chlamydia Is Gone

    Get Tested For Hiv And Stis At Home For Free

    Rates of sexually transmitted infections are expected to rise. Know your status with TakeMeHomes free HIV and STI test kits.

    April is National STD Awareness Month, so what better time to have one of TakeMeHomes free test kits for HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis delivered to your home?

    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a decline in testing for sexually transmitted infections . Not only did COVID-19 cause many clinics to close, but many of their health care workers also had to redirect their efforts to battling the new pandemic. As a result, experts are predicting a rise in HIV and STI rates. For more about that, see How Coronavirus Shutdown Could Cause an Uptick in HIV Cases.

    Even though clinics are now reopening, many people either dont feel safe to return to them or prefer the privacy of their own home for HIV and STI testing. Thanks to, free home testing is available to more people across the country.

    NASTAD continues to partner with Building Healthy Online Communities and TakeMeHome on a free HIV and STD test kit home…

    Posted by NASTAD on Wednesday, March 24, 2021

    To get the word out about the free home test delivery program, TakeMeHome partnered with HIV and sexual health organizations, including NASTAD, which represents HIV and hepatitis health care leaders Building Healthier Online Communities the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University.

      Read More About:

    Why You Should Trust Us

    Innerbody Research recently celebrated its 20-year anniversary. Over the past two decades, we have helped tens of millions of readers make more informed decisions about staying healthy and living healthier lifestyles. Our testing team has purchased and compared over 500 health-related tests to date, and we are constantly updating our reviews based on the latest test advances.

    This guide, like all medical-related content on our website, is thoroughly vetted by one or more members of our Medical Review Board for accuracy. Additionally, we extensively analyze each health-related service we review. We evaluate the entire customer experience from signing up to the use of the product or service, and then offer unbiased, marketing-jargon-free analysis based on the latest scientific evidence and medical standards.

    Recommended Reading: Will Chlamydia Go Away After Treatment

    What Is Gonorrhea Exactly

    Gonorrhea, also known as the clap or the drip, is a bacterial sexuality transmitted infection caused by the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacterium. It can target moist areas of the body, including the genitals, rectum, throat, uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, and eyes.

    Like other STIs, gonorrhea doesnt appear *poof* out of nowhere. Instead, its transmitted when a person without gonorrhea comes into contact with the site where a person who is gonorrhea-positive has gonorrhea.

    If, for example, person A has throat gonorrhea and goes down on person B, the infection could be transmitted to person Bs genitals.

    Likewise, if partner A has genital gonorrhea and scissors with person B, the infection could be transmitted to person Bs genitals.

    Symptoms usually appear between 2 and 14 days after exposure, when they do appear which is 50 percent of the time in women and around 90 percent of the time in men. Everyone else is asymptomatic.

    When someone *does* experience symptoms, they usually include:

    • burning or pain while urinating
    • yellow, white, or green discharge
    • itching, soreness, or skin irritation
    • abdominal, pelvic, rectal, or genital pain

    Regardless of whether or not someone has symptoms, the virus can still be transmitted.

    And not only that: The infection can progress. If untreated, gonorrhea can cause

    In short: Getting tested is imperative.

    Think youre a good candidate for an at-home gonorrhea test? Here, find the best.

    How Soon After Unprotected Sex Can I Test For Chlamydia And Gonorrhoea

    Chlamydia Test

    You should test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea 14 days after you have had unprotected sex, unless you already have symptoms.

    This is because chlamydia and gonorrhoea have an incubation period, meaning they may not show up on a test if you take it too early. To get the most accurate results you need to wait for 2 weeks after exposure to get tested.

    There is a small chance that the infection may not show up on a test, and give you a negative result. Therefore, if you receive a negative test, you should repeat the test 6 weeks later to confirm your results.

    Also Check: Do I Have Chlamydia Or A Uti

    Before You Get Tested

    If you have concerns about getting tested or other sexual health matters, consider speaking with a counselor from a community agency before you order your test: Find what you need at You can also schedule a telehealth appointment or in-person appointment with the DC Health and Wellness Center at 741-7692 to get support.If you think you have been exposed to HIV without any form of protection, breathe. We have ways to support you. PEP â or post-exposure prophylaxis â can lower your chances of getting HIV. PEP must be taken within 72 hours after you were exposed to HIV, but the sooner you start it, the better. If you think you need PEP, call the DC Health and Wellness Center at 741-7962. Weâd be happy to help you find the best solution.If you are experiencing symptoms of an STD or if you were intimate with someone who has tested positive for an STD, do not request a test kit. Instead, call the DC Health and Wellness Center at 741-7962 or a provider of your choice for treatment. For more information about your sexual health, including facts about HIV and STDs, visit, which is for everyone, or, which is especially for youth. â

    Why Is Regular Testing Important

    If you’ve ever been sexually active, you should have been tested for STIs.

    Many infections cause non-specific symptoms or no symptoms at all! Untreated STIs increase your risk of contracting other STIs and developing chronic health problems. If you have an STI, with or without symptoms, you can still transmit it to your partner. We understand it’s complicated, but the only way to know for sure is to get tested. That’s why health professionals recommend all sexually-active individuals undergo a routine STI screening test at least once per year.

    Recommended Reading: Will Chlamydia Go Away On Its Own

    Can You Catch Chlamydia By Sharing Sex Toys

    Yes, chlamydia can be passed on by sharing sex toys, like many other STIs. You can minimise this risk by covering sex toys with a new condom each time they are used and washing them between partners.

    Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection spread in infected genital fluids. It is the most commonly diagnosed STI in the UK in 2019, there were over 229000 new cases in England. It is particularly prevalent amongst sexually active teenagers and young adults but anyone can be at risk.

    If youre concerned about chlamydia and other STIs, read on. Our doctors have put together a guide to chlamydia and practising safe sex.

    Dont Miss: What Kind Of Antibiotics Cure Chlamydia

    How Does The Test Work

    National free home STI testing kit service launched

    Simply enter your postcode and date of birth to order your test kit.

    The test kit includes either a pot for a urine sample or a swab, a form, safe packaging and a freepost envelope.

    When your kit arrives, fill out the short form in capital letters. Fill in the label and stick it on the screw top bottle. Follow the instructions provided to take your sample and then post it off with your form in the freepost envelope.

    Supply of swabs is currently limited as a result of coronavirus testing so some people who would normally receive a swab kit may receive a urine sample kit instead.

    If you’re taking a urine sample, make sure you havent peed within the last one hour if you have, wait until later.

    Regular tests help reduce the risk and spread of infection so keep testing!

    Also Check: What Antibiotics Will Treat Chlamydia

    Where Can I Get An At

    This test kit will be mailed to you via USPS. You will receive a specimen collection device, as well as other test kit materials. Please review all instructions prior to performing this test. Specimens should be shipped via USPS back to the laboratory. Results take 3-4 days upon receipt of the specimen by the laboratory.

    TEST KIT REFUND POLICY- Kits can be cancelled anytime prior to sending the specimen to the lab. There is a $25 fee to cover the kit costs and shipping. So a full refund is minus $25.

    When Should I Get Tested For Chlamydia And Gonorrhoea

    You should get tested if you think there is a chance you could have been exposed to a sexually transmitted infection.

    For example, you should get tested if:

    • you have had unprotected sex with a new partner
    • you or your partner have had unprotected sex with other people
    • you or your partner have symptoms of chlamydia or gonorrhoea
    • a sexual partner present or previous tells you they have an STI
    • youre planning on getting pregnant or are already pregnant, as it is important to protect yourself and your baby from infections

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