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Chlamydia Test Planned Parenthood Cost

Chlamydia Is Really Common

How To Talk About STD Testing & Screening | Planned Parenthood Video

Chlamydia is a SUPER common bacterial infection that you can get from sexual contact with another person. Close to 3 million Americans get it every year, most commonly among 14-24-year-olds.

Chlamydia can be easily cleared up with antibiotics. But if you dont treat chlamydia, it may lead to major health problems in the future. Thats why STD testing is so important the sooner you know you have chlamydia, the faster you can cure it. You can prevent chlamydia by using condoms every time you have sex.

Recommended Reading: How To Treat Chlamydia In Men

How We Chose The Best At

The at-home herpes test providers chosen for this list had to meet several criteria. First and foremost, the test used to detect the virus had to be highly reliable. That means laboratories had to use one of the type-specific herpes tests considered to be the gold-standard for herpes blood tests. Test kits had to look for HSV-1 and HSV-2 because both virus types can cause genital infections, and HSV-2 testing alone can be misleading. The company had to offer counseling or access to a doctor when results were received to enable people to seek appropriate care. Finally, results from all providers had to be returned in a secure and timely manner. As most people interested in at-home herpes tests are doing so because of privacy concerns, companies had to take those concerns seriously.

More than 20 companies that offer at-home herpes tests were reviewed for this list. Tests were only eligible for inclusion if they met all of the above requirements.

Std Stats In New York City

Here we will give you basic statistics on major reportable Sexually Transmitted Diseases:

Reporting of STDs is done automatically by testing labs within 24 hours. The purpose of reporting is to allocate limited financial resources where they needed the most to stop the spread of disease by notifying and treating sexual partners.

The information below represents only the share of the true sexually transmitted infection cases in New York City that should be reported.

  • Many cases of HIV, syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea go undiagnosed.
  • Several very common STDs, such as HPV, genital herpes, mycoplasma, and trichomoniasis, are not reported at all.

The number of newly diagnosed cases of HIV in NYC decreased by 51% from 2011 to 2020. The total number of newly diagnosed HIV cases in NYC in 2020 was 1,091.


Chlamydia became a reportable STI in 2000 and has been the most common STD since then.

The highest rate is among females 15-24 years of age. The number of chlamydia cases increases by about 3% annually.


The number of gonorrhea cases increased by 9.6% in 2020 vs previous year. The rate is highest among males age 20-34 and females age 15-24.


The number of syphilis diagnoses increased by 8% in 2019 versus previous year.

The vast majority-91.9%-of diagnoses were in males, 70.2% of whom were reported to be homosexual.

Read Also: How To Cure Chlamydia Fast

People Having Actually Unprotected Sex

Its a good idea to obtain Sexually Transmitted Disease examinations prior to you start having sex with a brand-new companion if you dont prepare to use a condom. If you believe you might already have actually been subjected, right here are the length s of time after exposure when you can get a reliable test:

2 weeks for gonorrhea and also chlamydia

In between one week and 3 months for syphilis

In between six weeks and three months for liver disease C and B, or HIV

Risky groups

These consist of those with numerous sex companions, or who make love with sex employees. These groups are at high risk of HIV infection or hepatitis C, gonorrhea, chlamydia or syphilis. This consists of all kinds of sex: oral, rectal or vaginal. Planned Parenthood Cost Of Std Testing

Baby boomers. If you were birthed in between 1945 and also 1965, there is a greater threat of liver disease C that can cause serious liver disorders and cancer. Before these dates, there was no expertise of the virus and also definitely no examinations for it.

If the fear of obtaining a positive test result and diagnosis is holding you back, it can aid to remind on your own that obtaining tested is vital for your own health which of your partner.Lots of STDs are curable, as well as the sooner youre tested the sooner you can receive proper therapy.

What Is Being Tested

Planned Parenthood STD Testing Cost ($$) Vs. Other Health Providers

Chlamydia is one of the most common bacterial sexually transmitted diseases in the United States and can cause serious complications if not treated. Chlamydia testing identifies the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis as the cause of your infection.

The preferred method for chlamydia testing is the nucleic acid amplification test that detects the genetic material of Chlamydia trachomatis. It is generally more sensitive and specific than other chlamydia tests and can be performed on a vaginal swab on women or urine from both men and women, which eliminates the need for a pelvic exam in women.

Screening for, diagnosing, and treating chlamydia is very important in preventing long-term complications and spread of the infection to others. Chlamydia infections are especially common among people 15 to 24 years of age. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 2.86 million Americans are infected with chlamydia each year and notes that women are frequently re-infected if their partners dont get treatment. The actual number of cases may be higher since many people do not experience any symptoms and do not get tested and diagnosed. Still, over one million new cases are reported each year.

Chlamydia is generally spread through sexual contact with an infected partner. Risk factors include having multiple sex partners, infection with another STD at the same time or previous STD infection, and not using a condom correctly and consistently.

  • Long-term pelvic pain
  • Also Check: When To Get Tested For Chlamydia

    The Value Of Routine Std Testing

    Did you recognize that humans can transfer over 25 different diseases via sex? Keeping that numerous illness, its essential to make sure that you are regularly checking for STDs. Nevertheless, around 50% of sexually active people will certainly acquire a Sexually Transmitted Disease by the age of 25, and Sexually transmitted diseases amongst older adults are on the surge as well. If you are nervous or unsure of just how to start, right heres a review of what you need to learn about Sexually Transmitted Disease testing.

    Can I Just Buy Treatment Without Testing

    We dont advise you to do this.

    Risk of unnecessary side effects chlamydia is treated by using antibiotics. Taking antibiotics can have its own drawbacks such as feeling or being sick or diarrhoea. This means that if you do not have chlamydia you are taking medicines which can cause side effects for no benefit at all.

    Problem of over-using antibiotics also, taking antibiotics unnecessarily can cause bacteria to become resistant to the medicines. This means that future infections can become more difficult to treat. This doesnt just apply to you, it applies to everyone because bacteria become resistant across the whole of the human species. Its a very serious global health problem.

    You could have a different STI it could be that you do have an STI but it isnt chlamydia. Testing negative for chlamydia could mean you need to consider other STIs, or you can tested for more than 1 STI at once, using a extended STI test kit for example.

    You might have a non-STI-related health problem the symptoms of chlamydia can be very similar to other conditions . If you have a test come back negative, you might need further investigations which can only be done by a doctor.

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    Examining For All Sexually Transmitted Diseases May Not Be Needed

    If the thought of going through a barrage of Sexually Transmitted Disease tests to ensure youre clear of each and every single STD sounds like excessive to bear, it might be assuring to recognize that not every single examination might be required. Depending on your way of living you are most likely to be a lot more vulnerable to some infections than others, and also a chat with your doctor can help determine your risks a lot more very closely.

    Once you recognize your individual danger element, you can after that be checked for that certain STD. Planned Parenthood Cost Of Std Testing

    Sexually energetic people. Everyone needs to be screened for HIV eventually, with females also testing for gonorrhea and chlamydia, as they are more likely than men to have infection without symptoms. Those in monogamous relationships that practice safe sex can be checked less often.

    Cost Of Sti And Std Testing Without Insurance

    How To Tell Someone You Have An STD | Planned Parenthood Video

    There are a variety of ways to get STD testing without insurance, from labs to at-home tests.

    The options vary in price depending on the source and the specific test.

    Below is a breakdown of common sources for STD testing and the average cost of the service.

    Test Source:
    $149 Measures Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis C, HIV, Syphilis, HSV-2 & Trichomoniasis

    Free and low-cost testing options are also available, depending on where you live. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a database of locations that you can search by your zip code at the GetTested site.

    Read Also: How To Get Tested For Gonorrhea And Chlamydia

    When Is It Good To Get Tested For Stds

    Depending on the type of STD, there can be various symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Sometimes a person may be infected and show no signs at all.

    You should get tested if you have any of the following symptoms:

    • Pain when urinating
    • Thick, cloudy, or bloody discharge
    • Heavy menstrual bleeding
    • Bleeding with intercourse
    • Testicular pain

    If you have any of these symptoms, it is best to get tested as soon as possible to determine if you have a disease.

    If you are sexually active with multiple sexual partners, routine testing is always recommended, even with no symptoms. It would help if you did testing annually or every 3 to 5 months for people who engage in riskier behaviors.

    If you do not have insurance, you should be aware that the cost of testing can be a bit high. Although, as we have already mentioned, these can be low cost or free of charge in some areas.

    Local Planned Parenthood Health Center

    Planned Parenthood health centers also offer STI testing. They receive government reimbursements and grants from public programs, such as Medicaid and Title X, which means people can get STI testing and treatment for free or at a very low cost, depending on their income, demographics, and eligibility.

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    How Much Will Std Testing Cost In Las Vegas Nevada

    The cost of an STD test will vary by location and test type. Some clinics, usually community or nonprofit clinics, offer free or low-cost testing. Labs, clinics, and at-home testing companies may accept insurance to cover or lower your cost of testing. Lab testing fees range from $8 to $150. At-home tests cost between $35 and $175 per test.

    How Much Does Std Testing Cost Without Insurance

    Why Cost of Planned Parenthood STD Testing Is Not Your Best Option ...

    Every year, millions of Americans are diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease or sexually transmitted infection .

    While some STDs and STIs may be asymptomatic, they can be serious if left untreated. Sexual active adults should consider getting regular STI testing as part of your routine health plan.

    Getting tested can be confusing and sometimes expensive, especially without health insurance. In this article, Ill go over the costs of getting an STI test from various providers without insurance.

    Ill outline some potential additional costs with STI testing, and tell you if you can be tested at home. Ill talk about symptoms of some STIs, the most common infections, and when you should get tested.

    Don’t Miss: Can I Get Chlamydia Medication For My Partner

    Are There Std Home Tests

    Nowadays, we find different STD home testing kits available in the market. Thanks to this type of test, you will be able to take the test yourself, which can be a genital swab or a finger prick to obtain a blood sample.

    With this type of kit, you can collect urine or swab your genitals and then send the tests to a laboratory for diagnosismany suppliers of this type of test, such as Mylab Box, LetsGetChecked or EverlyWell.

    A Closer Look At One Service

    We recently heard about a website called SameDaySTDTesting, which breaks down available clinics by state . The site touts itself as The Nations #1 STD Testing Company, so we decided to look into it.

    We couldnt find a lot of information about SameDaySTDTesting. Their Web page isnt very informative about who they are or where their tests are done. Like every website, they have an official address available through WhoIs, but it shows a generic DomainsByProxy address in Arizona.

    An interview with a department manager at SameDaySTDTesting said that the difference between them and Planned Parenthood is that they do a 4th generation test. The manager said this type of test is basically an updated, and more thorough, blood test and a urinalysis. SameDaySTDTesting says their tests cover all the STDs, including HIV and herpes. They also claim to be more comprehensive by taking into consideration the date that the person was exposed. This all comes at a price, though: $325.

    I tried to call a second time in order to expand on this information. I wanted to understand their exact procedure once the patient walks in the door, and to learn more about where their laboratory is located. This resulted in a hang-up when I identified myself as a journalist with ClearHealthCosts. A third phone call, in which I asked why they hung up on me, was met with this response: Were busy right now, I will transfer you to the person that will handle this.

    May I have his name? I asked.

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    Std Testing: Whats Right For You Planned Parenthood Cost Of Std Testing

    Sexually transmitted diseases are common, yet the types of STD testing you require might vary by your danger variables. Discover whats suggested for you.

    If youre sexually active, particularly with multiple companions, youve probably listened to the adhering to guidance sometimes: Use security as well as obtain tested.

    This is very important since a person can have a sexually transferred condition without understanding it. Oftentimes, there arent any type of indications or signs and symptoms. Actually, thats why numerous professionals prefer the term sexually sent infections since you can have an infection without illness signs.

    Yet what sorts of STI testing do you require? And also how frequently should you be screened? The responses depend upon your age, your sexual actions and also various other danger variables. Planned Parenthood Cost Of Std Testing

    Dont think that youre obtaining STI screening each time you have a gynecologic test or Pap test. If you think that you require STI testing, demand it from your medical professional. Speak to your doctor about your problems and what tests you would certainly such as or require.

    Can You Get An Std Test At Home

    How Title X affect Planned Parenthood

    Yes. There are a variety of home STD testing kits available on the market.

    With this type of test, the individual is responsible for taking the sample themselves, which may be by a genital swab or a finger prick for a blood sample, depending on test type.

    Using a special kit, you can collect urine or swab your genitals and then send your sample to a lab for diagnostic testing. Some common at-home STD test vendors include Everlywell, Mylab Box, and LetsGetChecked.

    Also Check: What Antibiotics Do They Give You For Chlamydia

    I Think I Have Signs And Symptoms Of A Std Should I Get Examined

    If youve had sex-related contact with an additional individual and also discover any kind of indicators of a STD, talk to a physician or nurse about obtaining evaluated. Sexually Transmitted Disease signs can come and go gradually, yet that does not imply the STD is gone. Its common for STD symptoms to be so light that they dont bother you, yet you must still see a doctor or registered nurse if you discover anything that really feels off.

    Planned Parenthood Nashville Health Center

    Planned Parenthood offers STD testing and treatment at Nashville Health Center. Testing covers a range of possible infections, including bacterial vaginosis, genital warts, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, and herpes. This center also provides transmission prevention options such as condoms and HPV vaccines and education on using these methods. Planned Parenthood accepts insurance, including Medicaid, and appointments can be scheduled online. If you do not have insurance, pricing information is available by calling 866-711-1717.

    412 Dr. D.B. Todd, Jr. Boulevard, Nashville, TN 37203,

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    County Of San Diego Public Health Services


    Part of the county healthcare network, this clinic concentrates on sexually transmitted diseases. They are designed to operate as an “express clinic” so do not expect a lot of time with a physician.

    However, this does mean shorter waiting times which is always an advantage. Testing is confidential and this includes your results. To get them back it can take between 2 – 5 days. It depends on the infection you were tested for.


    If you want to shorten wait time you can download the patient form from their website. This way you just have to hand it in and then wait for your turn. It does help to speed of the process.

    The clinic accepts everyone as patients, though teens may find the fast paced environment a little intimidating. It can be difficult to get an explanation about the testing procedures and physicians aren’t always available to talk to.

    Treatment Options

    There are limited treatment options, especially if you need care beyond a prescription. However, you can get a list of other county health clinics that can provide the care you need.

    Along with prescriptions, you can also get recommendations for support groups and counseling. Educational materials are also available that could help prevent you from another STD.


    If you are looking for a clinic that gets you in and out quickly, this county health center could be an option. There might not always be a physician available to talk to but the staff can also address any concerns.



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