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HomeNewsCan I Test Positive For Chlamydia And My Partner Negative

Can I Test Positive For Chlamydia And My Partner Negative

Questions For Your Doctor About Test Results

WHY I TESTED HIV NEGATIVE YET I WAS POSITIVE my wife was positive but she tested negative for HIV

It can be helpful to bring questions to your doctor to learn more about your chlamydia test results. Helpful questions may include:

  • What is my chlamydia test result?
  • Did my test check for any other STDs?
  • Do I need any treatment based on my results?
  • How can I talk to my sexual partners about chlamydia?
  • When should I be tested for STDs and how often?

Hiv Positive Or Negative Reactive For P24 Antigen And Antibody

Two weeks ago i have sex with a crossdresser and after that i am scared about HIV infection. After 15 days of that exposure i opted for HIV Duo ultra test and test report showed this result- P24 Antigen:0.01 Antibody:0.03 i less than 0.25: non reactive for P24 antigen and antibody i more than or equal to 0.25: reactive for P24 antigen and antibody.

Herpes : : Chances Of Transmitting It To Your Partner

So I’ve been “with” someone since August and I’ve only ever had one outbreak last October. I take the medication somewhat sporadically but more often if I know we are going to mess around. I was wondering if anybody with genital herpes has NOT given it to their partner when or if they have unprotected sex? It’s possible right? I mean for your partner to not catch it? The doctor told me the meds would help reduce outbreaks and the chance of me giving it someone. Is this true? Has anybody had unprotected sex with someone and they didn’t catch it?

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Am I At Risk For Chlamydia

Anyone who has sex can get chlamydia through unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex. However, sexually active young people are at a higher risk of getting chlamydia. This is due to behaviors and biological factors common among young people. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are also at risk since chlamydia can spread through oral and anal sex.

Have an honest and open talk with your health care provider. Ask whether you should be tested for chlamydia or other STDs. If you are a sexually active woman younger than 25 years, you should get a test for chlamydia every year. If you are an older woman with risk factors such as new or multiple sex partners, or a sex partner who has an STD, you should get a test for chlamydia every year. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men as well as pregnant women should also get tested for chlamydia.

Herpes : : Western Blot

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I think I may be overly paranoid . But to make a long story short, I had a positive hsv 2 herpeselect 2.55 gig . No symptoms or a reason to believe I had the virus . Just routine testing . I was encouraged to get a western blot in which I did and came back positive for hsv 1 but negative for hsv2. I’m soo happy.. The last time I had sex was two years ago unprotected , with someone who is suspect .. But I’m still paranoid after the western blot!! I know it’s a great test for confirmation, but that lingering thought of me hovering hsv 2 is in my head?

Don’t Miss: How To Get Rid Of Chlamydia And Gonorrhea

Does Chlamydia Have A Smell

The majority of chlamydial infections in women do not cause any symptoms. You can get chlamydia in the cervix , rectum, or throat. You may not notice any symptoms. But if you do have symptoms, you might notice: An unusual discharge, with a strong smell, from your vagina.

Im Pregnant How Does Chlamydia Affect My Baby

If you are pregnant and have chlamydia, you can pass the infection to your baby during delivery. This could cause an eye infection or pneumonia in your newborn. Having chlamydia may also make it more likely to deliver your baby too early.

If you are pregnant, you should get tested for chlamydia at your first prenatal visit. Testing and treatment are the best ways to prevent health problems.

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What Are Chlamydia And Gonorrhea

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease, affecting both men and women all over the world. It is a bacterial infection, transferred when having unprotected sex: anal, vaginal and oral. It affects all ages and can be easily passed from an infected person to another. The only way to prevent it is by not having sex. Other preventive measures include using a latex condom, consistently, every time you have sex limiting the number of sex partners, getting checked regularly and avoiding douching. Gonorrhea, also, is a bacterial infection considered to be a sexually transmitted disease. It is normally spread through unprotected sex with an infected person, whether its oral, vaginal, or anal.

Chlamydia symptoms, very similar to the gonorrheas, can be numerous, ranging from an abnormal vaginal discharge, and itching as well as burning sensation in the vaginal area, to having bleeding between periods and feeling pain during sex and urination. For men, symptoms are different and consist of a cloudy discharge, burning and itching at the tip of the penis, as well as feeling some pain and swelling around the area of the testicles. While the symptoms of both STDs are similar, the treatment plan is different.

Can Gonorrhea Cure Itself

I Think My Boyfriend Cheated Because I Tested Positive For An STD.

Yes, gonorrhea can be cured with the right treatment. It is important that you take all of the medication your doctor prescribes to cure your infection. Medication for gonorrhea should not be shared with anyone. Although medication will stop the infection, it will not undo any permanent damage caused by the disease.

Also Check: How Soon Can Chlamydia Be Detected

I Tested Positive For Chlamydia But My Boyfriend Tested Negative In Two Different Tests Did I Have A False Positive

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Positive Chlamydia Test Negative For Partner How

Throwaway account:

So I recently went to my first OBGYN appointment. Got tested for STDs and the ringer, even though the chance was extremely low. I’ve had sex ONCE, protected, at 24 and since then have only been with my now Husband .

Test came back I was positive for Chlamydia.

We’ve had unprotected sex many times by now. Before my Husband I’ve had various tests done for my health and was always healthy. So of course, he had to have given it to me.

My Husband got tested, his test came back NEGATIVE. I got tested again and it was positive. We both took the medication regardless.

How is this even possible? I can’t magically contract Chlamydia! Does anyone else have false negatives/positives stories? I feel like I’m going insane. There is absolutely no cheating on my part. There is no way I could have gotten chlamydia unless it was from him! Can anyone shed any light on this issue?

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Can Chlamydia Be Dormant And Test Negative


. In this way, can you test negative for chlamydia and still have it?

You could still have chlamydia even if a partner has tested negative. The only way to make sure you don’t have chlamydia is to get tested yourself. You can have a test for chlamydia even if there are no symptoms.

Likewise, how long can chlamydia lie dormant? Chlamydia is a very common disease, which is primarily transmitted through sexual intercourse. It is known as the silent infection because it is often symptomless and can lie dormant for up to 20 years.

Also question is, can you pass chlamydia if it is dormant?

Because chlamydia can be dormant for years without being symptomatic, infected persons may easily transmit the disease to sexual partners without knowing. The ability to lie dormant may also be a reason why chlamydia is so good at hiding in the digestive system despite being eradicated elsewhere.

Can gonorrhea be dormant and test negative?

Another important test is RPR/VDRL, the test for syphilis. Cultures of the cervix can be used to test for chlamydia and gonorrhea, other diseases that can possibly lie dormant. Herpes is unlikely to lie dormant without your experiencing symptoms, but a test can be performed if there is a questionable lesion present.

How Do I Know If I Have Chlamydia

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Most people who have chlamydia have no symptoms. If you do have symptoms, they may not appear until several weeks after you have sex with an infected partner. Even when chlamydia causes no symptoms, it can damage your reproductive system.

Women with symptoms may notice

  • An abnormal vaginal discharge
  • A burning sensation when urinating.

Symptoms in men can include

  • A discharge from their penis
  • A burning sensation when urinating
  • Pain and swelling in one or both testicles .

Men and women can also get infected with chlamydia in their rectum. This happens either by having receptive anal sex, or by spread from another infected site . While these infections often cause no symptoms, they can cause

  • Rectal pain
  • Discharge
  • Bleeding.

You should be examined by your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms or if your partner has an STD or symptoms of an STD. STD symptoms can include an unusual sore, a smelly discharge, burning when urinating, or bleeding between periods.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Chlamydia

Most men and women with chlamydia have no signs or symptoms, which makes it very easy to spread. Some people have the infection for many months or years without knowing it.

Women who get symptoms may have:

  • vaginal discharge
  • bleeding between periods or after sex
  • burning or pain when urinating
  • abdominal or pelvic pain
  • pain during sex

Men who get symptoms may have some clear discharge from the penis or pain during urination.

In rare cases, people with chlamydia have sore joints or inflammation of the eye .

False Positive Vs False Negative Tests

A false positive result is when a test says that a person has a disease when they do not. Conversely, a false negative result is when a test says a person does not have a disease when they actually are infected.

Because STD tests aren’t perfect, people who design them often have to choose whether it’s better to have more false positive or more false negative tests. Which is better depends on the severity of the disease, and healthcare provider’s ability to treat it.

For example, imagine a non-contagious disease where treatment delay doesn’t have any long-term consequences but the treatment itself is grueling. In this case, false positives are far worse than false negatives.

The disease isn’t going to cause big problems if a case is missed. However, the treatment might be expensive or make people feel very sick. Therefore, it’s better to under-treat than over-treat.

On the other hand, if early treatment is important for good outcomes, the decision is different. False negatives will cause more significant problems. Healthcare providers don’t want to miss an opportunity to treat a condition early. That’s true even if they accidentally treat some people who don’t have the disease.

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Can I Get Herpes From A Partner With Sore Throat

I went to see my doctor today due to painful bumps on my penis. After an examination, he concluded that I had the herpes simplex. I have only ever had sexual relations with one partner and both of us were virgins before we got involved with one another. Neither one of us had any stds.I did have oral sex with my partner while she had a sore throat . My doctor said that that is how I got it. But I don’t understand how her sore throat could have given it to me if she didn’t even have the herpes virus!! Is this possible? How can it come from nothing?

Infertility / Ivf : : Positive/negative

Treatment of Chlamydia

I’ve been ttc going on three years now. I know long time. I’m so happy I finally got really good insurance to go to a infertility doctor. This was a IVF clinic n IUI. I made my first consultation with my doc about IVF and were shooting for April. I’m so nervous this would be my first time doing this but inSuper excited!! But I was reading up on all the packets before doing IVF my doc gave me and there is a lot of instructions and j have to do some injections in pretty nervous about it but if this is what it takes to get a child I’ll do it. I’ve been waiting long enough for a baby. My question is any feed back or positive IVF ?on there first try ??? and also how was the prep and the after part of the procedure? Please let me know. What is worth it?

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Herpes : : From Last Or Most Recent Partner

Only days after being with my latest partner I have what I believe to be my first outbreak. At first I thought it was vaginal tearing from rough intercourse but it’s only seemed to have gotten worse in the last 4 days. I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow but I want to be as prepared as possible to having the “talk” if the results are positive. From what I’ve read and know about having the chickenpox the virus can stay dormant in your spine and some people never have symptoms but if you do have symptoms does that mean you got it from your last partner or could it be possible that I received it from a previous partner?

Can I Test Positive For Chlamydia And My Partner Negative

If someone tested positive for chlamydia and their sexual partner tested negative, there are a few possibilities that could make this happen. – As most people do not have symptoms it is possible the person could have had chlamydia from a previous relationship and has not passed it to their partner yet.

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What Your Chlamydia And Gonorrhea Test Results Mean

Having a negative chlamydia test result means that you do not have an active chlamydia infection, at the time of the test. However, this does not imply that you will remain negative if you had high risk sex. Having a positive chlamydia test result means that you have an active infection that has to be treated by your doctor. The treatment normally consists of an antibiotic, such as the Zithromax, that should clear the infection in one to two weeks. If the chlamydia infection is severe, women might need hospitalization and an intravenous antibiotic.

Having a negative gonorrhea test results means that you do not have an active gonorrhea infection at the time of taking the test. This test is not significant for people will get engaged in risky behaviors such as having unprotected sex with multiple partners, among others. In that case, even if your test is negative, you have to repeat it after a possible infection. Having a positive gonorrhea test indicates an active gonorrhea infection. You will have to check with your doctor to address problem and, get treated with a course of antibiotics.

Hiv Prevention : : Test Positive First Then Negative Confusing

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I’m still freaked out and stressed even had a sleepless night,yesterday I went for an hiv test,1st test came back positive,they ran another test that’s called “1st respond to hiv” it came back negative,the nurse said we should re-do the tests again,they where done both of them again and they came back negative,I’m on separation for almost 7months now and breast feeding my partner came to visit me for a night a month ago,we had an unprotected sex,he even told me not to worry about anything,what you think I should do, Stressed and confused”

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Is There Anything Else I Need To Know About A Chlamydia Test

Chlamydia testing enables diagnosis and treatment of the infection before it can cause serious health problems. If you are at risk for chlamydia due to your age and/or lifestyle, talk to your health care provider about getting tested.

You can also take steps to prevent getting infected with chlamydia The best way to prevent chlamydia or any sexually transmitted disease is to not have vaginal, anal or oral sex. If you are sexually active, you can reduce your risk of infection by:

  • Being in a long-term relationship with one partner who has tested negative for STDs
  • Using condoms correctly every time you have sex

When And How To Test Again

Gersh recommends that people get tested once a year, or after every new partner whichever comes first!

Its also good practice to get site-specific STI tests before engaging in sex acts that incorporate a new part of the body.

For example, if you and your partner have never had anal sex and now want to, its a good move to get anal STI tested first.

To get tested, find an STI clinic that tests for all the STIs youre interested in getting tested for.

If you dont know which STIs you want to get tested for and are looking for a doctor to breakdown what STIs youre most at risk for given what sex acts are part of your sex life, its best to go to a clinic that *doesnt* specify one or two or three STIs in their online marketing.

Some clinics, for example, only test for HIV or only test for gonorrhea and chlamydia.

Also Check: Is The Treatment For Chlamydia And Gonorrhea The Same


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